Member for 16 years 5 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 7/25/09 - 9:41 am Are "cowbells" at very start of Storrow? Dear truck driver: Just because it feels like September, doesn't mean it is September 18 7/25/09 - 9:36 am And you believe him? Obama calls Crowley; says Gates overreacted too 17 5/27/09 - 5:11 pm They have given warnings Alleged T pervs: One caught, one sought 7 5/18/09 - 5:46 pm Public Humiliation is a good tool. The shamed shoplifter of Cleary Square 11 5/15/09 - 7:12 pm Too much media Man killed by Red Line train at Porter Square 16 5/15/09 - 7:04 pm Is the Mass State Police exempt? Boston cop may have come up with novel way to send legislature a message 6 5/4/09 - 5:43 pm ironic isn't it? Because Revere kids are pure as the driven snow, that's why 24 5/4/09 - 4:33 pm thanks Because Revere kids are pure as the driven snow, that's why 24 5/4/09 - 4:32 pm Adam, I meant "Average folding knife" Because Revere kids are pure as the driven snow, that's why 24 5/4/09 - 4:13 pm It's not illegal to carry a knife Because Revere kids are pure as the driven snow, that's why 24 4/23/09 - 5:30 pm Freedom of the Press, freedom of the press!!!! BU tries to hide Markoff connection from prospective students 9 4/11/09 - 10:06 am closing those B-line stops is good MBTA contingency plan for service and job cuts 65 4/11/09 - 9:58 am Roadman, that's impractical too. MBTA contingency plan for service and job cuts 65 4/2/09 - 9:40 am Details obtained... Chelsea cops don't like photographers in public spaces 44 4/2/09 - 9:21 am planning stage Chelsea cops don't like photographers in public spaces 44 3/26/09 - 1:44 pm Swirly would say "where's the video?" Citizens' arrest: Alleged thief fails to shake off bystanders with his fists, knife 36 3/26/09 - 8:28 am Welcome to the real world Swirlygrrl. Citizens' arrest: Alleged thief fails to shake off bystanders with his fists, knife 36 3/25/09 - 5:24 pm Wake up Swirlygirl. Citizens' arrest: Alleged thief fails to shake off bystanders with his fists, knife 36 2/2/09 - 4:42 pm "Cheap Money?" Berating fare evaders on the Green Line 43 2/2/09 - 4:31 pm It's serious now Berating fare evaders on the Green Line 43 1/31/09 - 11:49 am they get trained, they just don't get it MBTA train crew ignores collapsed man; didn't get "safety is our number one priority" memo 43 1/31/09 - 11:15 am I'm driving an extra 40 miles to buy a meal tonight Lying tax opponents and the lies they tell 7 1/31/09 - 11:07 am Does Chuck Turner own the place? It would be a shame if somebody tripped on their ice and sued them 23 1/31/09 - 11:04 am Independent, thank your government MBTA train crew ignores collapsed man; didn't get "safety is our number one priority" memo 43 1/30/09 - 7:35 am That seems to be the case. A touching story of sibling devotion at the Washington Irving Middle School 10 1/29/09 - 7:08 pm Adamg, you don't know these kids do you? A touching story of sibling devotion at the Washington Irving Middle School 10 1/29/09 - 4:04 pm take the #1 bus on Mass Ave Idea for a series: T commutes that would have been shorter on foot 11 1/29/09 - 3:59 pm Kathode, don't send them A touching story of sibling devotion at the Washington Irving Middle School 10 12/31/08 - 6:26 pm Did you know that this is the USA? Downtown Crossing at a tipping point 65 12/31/08 - 6:20 pm What? Downtown Crossing at a tipping point 65 12/31/08 - 6:10 pm Can't do that. T offering free rides for NYE from 8 pm - 2:30 am 11 12/15/08 - 10:17 am Sanctioned, ha ha. Dot pride goeth before the fall? 7 12/14/08 - 10:42 am Remember "sticks and stones?" Dot pride goeth before the fall? 7 12/14/08 - 10:37 am Because the T couldn't afford signs. Some customers just need more service on the T 11 12/12/08 - 1:49 pm typical Dot pride goeth before the fall? 7 11/19/08 - 3:45 pm masking emergency vehicle sirens There is justice: Alleged idiot blaring car stereo arrested 8 11/19/08 - 3:13 pm Not such a good idea Just another guy carrying boxes of biohazard waste on the Orange Line 9 11/19/08 - 9:28 am Call the police Just another guy carrying boxes of biohazard waste on the Orange Line 9 10/5/08 - 6:56 am Negotiated contracts are legal/binding Imagine if somebody tried to physically keep you from your workplace 34 10/4/08 - 11:31 am Well said Pete Imagine if somebody tried to physically keep you from your workplace 34 10/4/08 - 10:35 am Do contracts matter any more? Imagine if somebody tried to physically keep you from your workplace 34 9/16/08 - 2:17 pm Why should Harvard Police try? Second Harvard student struck, robbed this week 6 9/8/08 - 5:09 pm isn't that a "prohibition?" Edge of Censorship 11 My articles