15 years 4 months

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My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/23/09 - 8:47 pm While I know and respect Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/23/09 - 7:01 pm wonder how long you're done for. Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/23/09 - 1:52 pm no one said you have to read Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/23/09 - 1:51 pm You brought up this Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/23/09 - 12:40 pm this post is long and I apologize, but feel it's necessary Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 5:14 pm I definitely agree with Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:57 pm I think the fiscal Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:42 pm good thing I didn't just Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:40 pm In August of 2008, we had Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:26 pm you are absolutely correct, Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:24 pm I don't see how the fact Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:23 pm Flaherty commented to two Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:05 pm Angela Cabral is the Suffolk Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 4:03 pm Actually, the info on Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:54 pm Is there any record of what Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:53 pm I'll take it as a Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:45 pm The lack of substance, first Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:40 pm White Stadium is maintained Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:25 pm 18,000 new units of housing Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:18 pm i'm actually not :) neither Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:10 pm the website's pretty easy to Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 3:07 pm i'm actually not :) neither Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 1:57 pm We have the best best Public Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 12:41 pm it's cool that you can only Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 12:23 pm Yoon is out of a job and Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 12:21 pm And Flaherty would be Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/22/09 - 12:05 pm as Angela Cabral said, Campaign notes: Paper, blog endorsements 108
10/21/09 - 4:00 pm That point would carry Menino, Flaherty split Jamaica Plain ward votes; neither wins endorsement 25
10/21/09 - 3:28 pm Thanks! But when I spoke to Menino, Flaherty split Jamaica Plain ward votes; neither wins endorsement 25
10/21/09 - 3:12 pm I think when you look at Menino, Flaherty split Jamaica Plain ward votes; neither wins endorsement 25
10/21/09 - 3:05 pm Unfortunately for the Menino, Flaherty split Jamaica Plain ward votes; neither wins endorsement 25
10/20/09 - 5:01 pm The Globe article on Flaherty gets his own clergy endorsements 27
10/20/09 - 4:57 pm Felix Arroyo Sr. personally Flaherty gets his own clergy endorsements 27
10/20/09 - 4:55 pm he also stood AGAINST health Flaherty gets his own clergy endorsements 27
10/20/09 - 4:53 pm Flaherty supported the death Flaherty gets his own clergy endorsements 27
10/20/09 - 12:56 pm thanks for the link...what Post-debate mortem 31
10/20/09 - 12:33 pm just wondering why you would Post-debate mortem 31
10/20/09 - 10:22 am Hi Frank, nice to see you Post-debate mortem 31
10/20/09 - 10:20 am Weaker than Menino giving Post-debate mortem 31
10/20/09 - 10:08 am so you'll take the elitist Post-debate mortem 31
10/19/09 - 2:21 pm that's great Menino: Some progressives like him, some cops don't 15
10/19/09 - 12:45 pm A decade of education? check Menino: Some progressives like him, some cops don't 15
10/19/09 - 12:27 pm How do you back the idea Menino: Some progressives like him, some cops don't 15
10/16/09 - 12:39 pm actually I think I'll pay Political satire hits the Hub 31
10/16/09 - 12:38 pm if you're implying that I Political satire hits the Hub 31
10/16/09 - 11:33 am AWESOME Political satire hits the Hub 31
10/14/09 - 1:25 pm EXCUSE ME? Again, Mel King: Children suffering under current administration 36
10/14/09 - 1:15 pm Thank you! From the Mel King: Children suffering under current administration 36
10/14/09 - 1:13 pm eh Mel King: Children suffering under current administration 36
10/14/09 - 12:40 pm EXACTLY! Mel King: Children suffering under current administration 36


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