Member for 17 years 11 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 1/26/22 - 11:58 am Ffff Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/26/22 - 11:49 am Sorry, I'll try to raise the Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/26/22 - 10:59 am Confronting mortality Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/26/22 - 9:25 am 4chan is leaking again Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/26/22 - 8:18 am Jesus fucking Christ dude Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/26/22 - 5:27 am I'm against mandates but I'm 1000% OK with this Brigham and Women's won't give man a heart transplant because he won't get Covid-19 shots 66 1/23/22 - 9:16 pm Regardless, the sudden Boston delays punishment yet another week for unvaccinated employees, union says 43 1/23/22 - 8:36 pm At least you're finally Boston delays punishment yet another week for unvaccinated employees, union says 43 12/23/21 - 11:59 am You don't think people with Here's hoping omicron really is less severe because daily numbers keep going up 19 12/23/21 - 9:36 am Are you wondering whether the Here's hoping omicron really is less severe because daily numbers keep going up 19 12/22/21 - 6:14 am Gotcha, I guess Man theoretically faces 92 years for selling forged 2017 Super Bowl rings inscribed with 'Brady' 8 12/21/21 - 1:04 pm Oh, and here I thought *I* State study: Covid-19 vaccination works; vaccinated people who get infected are far, far less likely to get really sick or die than vax deniers 38 12/21/21 - 11:33 am I've been called a lot of Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/21/21 - 11:29 am Yeah no this is bullshit, State study: Covid-19 vaccination works; vaccinated people who get infected are far, far less likely to get really sick or die than vax deniers 38 12/21/21 - 11:19 am Damn right, Swirly. Big pharma is a den of scumbags Man theoretically faces 92 years for selling forged 2017 Super Bowl rings inscribed with 'Brady' 8 12/21/21 - 10:36 am Imagine serving 92 years for Man theoretically faces 92 years for selling forged 2017 Super Bowl rings inscribed with 'Brady' 8 12/21/21 - 9:46 am Strap in State now urging everybody to wear a mask in public indoor spaces 35 12/21/21 - 4:27 am Look at this wingnut, thinks Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 3:47 pm Awww Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 2:01 pm ADE Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 1:35 pm Counselor to the President, Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 12:47 pm Yeah, if you print a card Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 11:31 am Ok Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 10:57 am Wrong Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/19/21 - 9:49 pm Cory Booker, too Warren contracts Covid-19; says symptoms mild 42 12/18/21 - 7:30 pm Maybe it was actually an NFT Bruins matches called off through Dec. 26 due to all their Covid-19 cases 6 12/8/21 - 9:11 am Why you say this Everett junkyard goes up in flames; smoke seen across Boston area 14 11/9/21 - 12:51 pm You'll have to take that up Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 11:53 am I never said there was? I'm not Terrapin. Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 11:16 am I never said there was? I'm not Terrapin. Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 10:21 am Oh noooo!! Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 9:26 am Universal Hub: :Let's not Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 9:10 am It's you, Magoo. Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/9/21 - 7:13 am Not wanting to Looks like Roslindale's anti-Asian Easter bunny is also an anti-Semite 39 11/7/21 - 12:40 pm That guy is 90 Capt. Kirk beams down to East Boston 6 11/7/21 - 12:28 pm Sorry; do you live in a Down with social constructs 79 11/7/21 - 8:56 am Close, sort of Down with social constructs 79 11/7/21 - 8:33 am Cue hysterical cries of "but Down with social constructs 79 10/26/21 - 12:57 pm Was he yelling "Heil Hitler" or just making Hitler gestures? White supremacist heiling Hitler on a rainy Brookline street 16 9/23/21 - 9:11 pm Guess again, but read first. Garden to require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test for everybody over 12 48 9/23/21 - 12:41 pm This is the same argument Garden to require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test for everybody over 12 48 9/23/21 - 10:12 am OK then Garden to require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test for everybody over 12 48 9/23/21 - 9:48 am Bleaching the crowd Garden to require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test for everybody over 12 48 9/21/21 - 8:02 am Is that a rhetorical question, or Fourth inmate death in three months reported at Nashua Street jail 6 9/18/21 - 11:33 am Our state motto could be fitting: Massachusetts looking at possible 'vax ID' 36 9/17/21 - 9:59 pm Double post Massachusetts looking at possible 'vax ID' 36 9/17/21 - 9:50 pm So he is a republican, after all Massachusetts looking at possible 'vax ID' 36 9/14/21 - 5:08 pm I'm genuinely sorry but I have a condition where I must..... Court: Boston cops didn't have enough evidence to make a teen in a barbershop stand up, which led to his arrest on gun charges 18 9/14/21 - 4:05 pm You're very right, minus the "snitch" bit Court: Boston cops didn't have enough evidence to make a teen in a barbershop stand up, which led to his arrest on gun charges 18 9/8/21 - 5:27 pm Thanks Eeka Unvaccinated people without a recent negative Covid-19 test soon won't be able to visit the Harvard Art Museums 57 Pages12345678next ›last » My articles