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"What's going on at the Record?" laughed Sam, "any murder mysteries?"
"Not yet," laughed Jenny, "Just covering another council meeting of the Flag Day celebration coming up. They can't decide whether to have American flags on all the telephone and utility poles or to stretch red, white and blue banners across the store fronts in downtown Boothbay Harbor."
"That's serious front page news," teased Sam. "So that's the exciting news you have to tell me?"
"No, it's about us," said Jenny coyly.
"Well, when do I get to hear this big news?" asked Sam.
"Right now, Sam." Jenny took a deep breath, "Sam, I'm pregnant. I'm having our baby. I just found out today for sure at the doctor's. I know we didn't plan this for right now, but I'm very happy about it," said Jenny smiling brightly at Sam.
Sam turned to Jenny, his smile vanishing from his face and said, "That is news, Jenny," he said quietly.
"Sam, you don't look happy," said Jenny concerned.
"Well, Jenny, I'm just surprised, that's all. I thought we had the contraceptive thing all covered," said Sam.
"Sam, sometimes accidents happen," Jenny said nervously. "Are you upset?"
"Jen, I just feel a little blind sighted. If you wanted a baby now, we should have talked about it," said Sam.
"Blind sighted? This was an accident. No contraceptive is 100% sure," said Jenny. "I didn't plan this, you know. I'm just as surprised as you are. But, we love each other and we know we're going to spend our lives together - I thought you'd be happy," said Jenny. "I'm happy."
"Well, I just wanted to get the lobster business up and running a few years before starting a family, Jenny. I wanted some money in the bank so we'd have something to fall back on in case of hurricanes or storms," said Sam with a worried look on his face. "A baby is a huge responsibility, Jen. I just wanted us to be more financially ready that we are now. I just wished we would have discussed this first. We aren't even married yet.
"Oh, Sam. It truly is an accident. I can't discuss something with you that is an accident until it happens," said Jenny sadly. "I was hoping you'd be thrilled. We always said we wanted children in the future. The future just came along sooner rather than later. Don't you want the baby?"
"Jenny, it's not that - I'm just not prepared for this news and big event right now. I need some time to think. I feel overwhelmed," said Sam. "How far along are you?" he asked.
"Just six weeks, Sam," Jenny said quietly.
7 years 5 months