15 years 7 months

Bostonian transplanted to Florida (I got tired of winter, okay???), Red Sox Fan, Technology Onboarding Manager (yeah, I don't really know either), SF/Doctor Who nut, cat mom. Geeky enough fer ya?

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
2/6/25 - 2:45 pm Read again, my friend Today's profiles in courage: Charlie Baker, Harvard and UMass Boston 62
2/3/25 - 2:18 pm They came back for me Welcome to the new UHub 80
2/3/25 - 11:03 am New comments counter doesn't update Welcome to the new UHub 80
2/3/25 - 8:23 am Capitalism, my friend. Thanks, Trump: Look for heating oil and gas prices to start rising this week 67
1/24/25 - 8:37 am Thumbs up ICE swarms Chelsea, East Boston 32
1/21/25 - 8:23 am What does the Mexican constitution say on the matter? Massachusetts AG picks her first fight: Birthright citizenship 46
1/16/25 - 8:49 am test Man charged for cash register/ATM robbery spree across Dorchester 4
12/12/24 - 11:42 am Yeah, that would be my fault Imagine if all that rain had been snow 8
12/1/24 - 10:35 am Covid gave us one thing at least Two RNs at Boston hospital for burned children sue over their firing for refusing what they call experimental Covid-19 shots 18
9/23/24 - 10:48 am Incorrect 311 complaint of the day: I don't care if it's frozen in place because of the rain, the driver should never have parked it there 33
9/19/24 - 9:51 am Once upon a time... Say, anybody missing a snake? 6
9/9/24 - 12:33 pm Awww.. Thank goodness: Boston women's hockey team won't be called the Wicked 34
8/27/24 - 12:52 pm Just curious... Second Amendment gives you the right to walk around in public with a switchblade, court rules 34
7/16/24 - 2:43 pm I don't think they seized all they encountered In latest neighborhood scooter sweep, police seize nine mopeds in Downtown Crossing 32
7/11/24 - 8:53 am What's your scale? Man stabbed outside Boylston Street firehouse; suspect arrested 4
6/28/24 - 2:07 pm Maybe a little unusual Brookline urges pertussis shots after 15 cases of whooping cough diagnosed in local public-school students 18
6/28/24 - 10:02 am Why wait? Brookline urges pertussis shots after 15 cases of whooping cough diagnosed in local public-school students 18
6/27/24 - 1:49 pm Speaking of vanishing office workers Boston University buys Allston lot approved for 17-story residential building; Suffolk to become Beantown Pub's landlord downtown 13
6/25/24 - 8:44 am Nope, not a "slow down" State to pump $15 million into office-to-housing conversion in Boston 29
5/1/24 - 8:54 am Pick up too, maybe? Boomerangs thrift stores to close in June 49
4/18/24 - 10:20 am Nothing shows your level of conviction... Okie in a Volvo charged with driving 1,600 miles to try to blow up the Satanic Temple in Salem 36
4/1/24 - 11:54 am Trespassing? Citizen complaint of the day: A bit of Charlestown's industrial past comes back to trip somebody up 21
4/1/24 - 9:05 am Did Adam update the posting? Like lemons into lemonade: Allston group wants to beautify neighborhood rat traps 10
3/28/24 - 11:47 am Like shooting fish in a barrel... Allston's Sil has three-day suspension hanging over head for six months after five young'uns caught drinking there 4
3/21/24 - 9:01 am Probably the point Hyde Park man admits he threatened to carve up interracial couple for the crime of existing 32
3/20/24 - 9:25 am Have you ever even BEEN to Boston? South Boston councilor says it might be time to move the parade somewhere else, rather than letting drunken out-of-town hellraisers destroy the neighborhood every March 66
3/13/24 - 4:00 pm Does this actually help? Governor wants to pardon everybody with misdemeanor marijuana convictions 6
3/9/24 - 8:19 pm Comicopia in Kenmore Sq Coolidge Corner comic-book store to end its run this month 19
3/7/24 - 10:26 am Yep Coolidge Corner comic-book store to end its run this month 19
3/7/24 - 8:10 am *Peers at her collection* Coolidge Corner comic-book store to end its run this month 19
2/29/24 - 8:29 am What is the citation? Driver of flatbed truck hauling an excavator learns why Storrow Drive is 'Cars Only' 6
1/29/24 - 10:42 am About those voters... No school in Newton on Monday, but not because of any snow 12
1/25/24 - 1:59 pm Over selling it a bit there... MGH nurse who says she got side effects from Covid-19 shots sues because she was fired for refusing a booster shot 3
1/17/24 - 8:44 am "absent willful blindness" 3 1/2 years for a guy who got his jollies cyberstalking and blackmailing women online is a fair sentence, appeals court rules 6
1/17/24 - 8:26 am In the event of an EMERGENCY, not limited to attacks No more "Use Yah Blinkah?" 28
1/5/24 - 10:43 am Thoughts and Prayers It begins 26
12/12/23 - 10:49 am Actually Roxbury shooting suspect in an SUV hits BPD cruiser in South Boston during high-speed pursuit by state troopers 25
12/12/23 - 10:44 am Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! Citizen complaint of the day: Nearly going ass over teakettle in East Boston 12
10/27/23 - 3:23 pm I want... Man loses bid to stop Covid-19 shots in Massachusetts in his fight to get back into law school 9
10/23/23 - 8:10 am Life without Dunks... Rough patch coming for Hyde Park Dunk's fans 11
10/18/23 - 10:13 am Largely incorrect Boston City Council to wade into Middle East crisis 29
10/10/23 - 8:44 am Um, what? Bostonians stand with Israel on the Common 19
10/9/23 - 9:55 am Seriously? Rally in support of Israel on Boston Common 15
9/22/23 - 3:17 pm Why, oh why? Developer proposes artist-centric affordable condos in Uphams Corner, around corner from artist studios on Humphreys Street 21
9/19/23 - 11:32 am Really? I mean, really? No burying the hatchet in Lizzie Borden trademark dispute 23
9/15/23 - 8:33 am Agreed Court orders woman to return $70,000 engagement ring to man who bailed out before their wedding 19
9/11/23 - 8:26 am Tell us something you grieve Remembering all the 9/11 victims downtown 14
9/8/23 - 9:28 am Not so fast First, hopefully only, impact from Lee could come with dangerous surf starting Sunday 33
9/7/23 - 9:17 am Has nothing to do with ability Woburn Ride passenger injured after her driver got out and another guy jumped in and sped down 93 to the O'Neill Tunnel, where he crashed, police say 23
8/9/23 - 8:19 am Of the four corners Hallowed Allston music venue could become a Taco Bell 29
My articles