20 years 3 weeks

My comments and posts

My comments
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12/20/10 - 5:58 pm #HarvestFest2010 recap video now online http://t.co/C3JLHog via @youtube
12/20/10 - 5:58 pm #HarvestFest2010 recap video now online http://t.co/C3JLHog via @youtube
12/20/10 - 5:49 pm After/before holiday shopping perhaps? RT @foundryonelm: First snowfall AND 80's cocktail night...only good things can happen tonight
12/20/10 - 5:12 pm RT @msstinky1: I't snowing hate to leave your warm comfy home.Free delivery in Somerville. Need dog & cat food, toys, litter, and more.
12/20/10 - 1:29 pm @UberTwitter ~ Now on hour 2 of trying to fix fatal crash of #blackberry after installing latest version. GIANT FROWNY FACE TO YOU
12/18/10 - 11:48 am RT @eatboston: If you like the art we use for our events, the designer, @chrispiascik, has a show at Grand tmrw. http://on.fb.me/fCYyfO
12/18/10 - 11:48 am RT @eatboston: PLUS today at Grand is Repeat Press and @PrettyBeer. http://on.fb.me/i7yRnH Go both days.
12/18/10 - 11:48 am RT @eatboston: PLUS today at Grand is Repeat Press and @PrettyBeer. http://on.fb.me/i7yRnH Go both days.
12/17/10 - 4:01 pm RT @plrgvintage: Someone just scooped a beautiful cashmere sweater over here for $15!!! Discounts abundant & really great gift ideas...
12/17/10 - 3:12 pm @msgnet Both actions are in support of liberty in defiance of corporate tyranny, so yes, it does make perfect sense
12/17/10 - 2:13 pm #ff Local Biz Networks across the US @local1stchicago @localfirst @LocalFirstAZ @seacoastlocalnh @MonadnockLocal
12/16/10 - 12:44 pm RT @maureenhasalife: Fun times @TazaChocolate factory! And a quick stop @kickasscupcakes! Yay @svillelocal1st http://yfrog.com/h27k2rj
12/16/10 - 10:14 am When you buy local, you emulate RT @bostontweet: On this day in 1773 the Boston Tea Party occurred as colonists dumped tea into the Harbor.
12/15/10 - 4:35 pm The Economics of Local Food on our Blog from one our community bloggers. Great stuff! http://ow.ly/3pRBA
12/15/10 - 3:07 pm ahem...>WOOOOOT! RT @leahbloom: I can't wait! Somerville Winter Farmer's Market To Open At The Armory: http://t.co/eGbuZ3a
12/15/10 - 11:09 am Late nite sale RT @grandthestore: Grand is going to stay open till 9 tonight so you can shop later. Cool? Oh and everything 10% off after 7.
12/13/10 - 4:25 pm Local is on trend in food world, sustaining the energy is key going fwd http://ow.ly/3oyfq
12/13/10 - 4:25 pm Local is on trend in food world, sustaining the energy is key going fwd http://ow.ly/3oyfq
12/13/10 - 4:25 pm Local is on trend in food world, sustaining the energy is key going fwd http://ow.ly/3oyfq
12/13/10 - 4:25 pm Local is on trend in food world, sustaining the energy is key going fwd http://ow.ly/3oyfq
12/13/10 - 4:25 pm Local is on trend in food world, sustaining the energy is key going fwd http://ow.ly/3oyfq
12/10/10 - 4:43 pm We can't wait RT @weeklydig: @svillelocal1st you're gonna love next week's Dept. of Commerce story ... #slfvaluestruthtelling
12/9/10 - 9:49 am RT @albertinepress: Albertine Press holiday cards on sale at Etsy for $12 today only! Enter TWEET20 at checkout. http://ow.ly/3maXB
12/8/10 - 10:57 pm RT @tazachocolate: Taza chocolate factory store Grand opening thos weekend sat-sun 11-5pm http://s.boston.com/u/mgcE
12/8/10 - 7:34 pm @CityRoverMedia welcome!
12/8/10 - 7:08 pm RT answered! @hubcomics: "we wanna know who the worst (read:lamest, not most evil) comic villain is?" The Sinister Soul-Patch. #comicstrivia
12/8/10 - 6:54 pm @hubcomics #comicstrivia happenin right now...we wanna know who the worst (read: lamest, not most evil) comic villain is?
12/8/10 - 6:54 pm Another local shopping guide with our local indies from Davis Sq front and center http://ow.ly/3mcCL
12/8/10 - 3:17 pm @Basstown residents DJezus & Volvox spinning at #tgthr2010NYE. Get your tix before they're gone http://ow.ly/3m6go
12/4/10 - 2:18 pm Hearing reports of busy shops, happy shoppers and unsurprisingly, no tramplings @ #ShopAPalooza // @grandthestore @thebostonshaker @SnowMall
11/27/10 - 11:03 am RT @hubcomics: Our Black/Plaid Friday Weekend SALE CONTINUES! http://fb.me/P7hR5LS7 ! We're OPEN NOW (until 9:00)!
11/26/10 - 4:03 pm RT @grandthestore: Only a few more hours (7PM) left in the #PlaidFriday sale. Come plaid it up and save $$$. http://on.fb.me/hhUzTL
11/26/10 - 2:21 pm Public radio ftw! RT @plaidfriday: Listen to an interview about Plaid Friday! It will be aired on NPR today as well! http://fb.me/LXOYRXzO
11/26/10 - 1:18 pm Davis Squared loves #PlaidFriday :) http://plixi.com/p/59329253
10/31/10 - 3:00 am DSquare Fine Winesr
10/31/10 - 3:00 am DSquare Fine Winesr
10/30/10 - 3:38 pm RT @AlertNewEngland: @batesand I can vouch for Supersport in Malden. // T-shirts
10/30/10 - 10:40 am Lots of great and affordable last minute costumes @plrgvintage in Union Sq.
10/30/10 - 10:40 am Lots of great and affordable last minute costumes @plrgvintage in Union Sq.
10/30/10 - 10:40 am Lots of great and affordable last minute costumes @plrgvintage in Union Sq.
10/30/10 - 10:40 am Lots of great and affordable last minute costumes @plrgvintage in Union Sq.
10/28/10 - 12:59 pm Woman was up a creek without a paddle in West Roxbury this morning http://bit.ly/b4eIFb
10/28/10 - 10:19 am RT @tazachocolate: This Sat 11-5 is Taza Trick or Treat Day at the Factory Store! Come in costume get a free treat! http://bit.ly/c4hzta
10/28/10 - 10:19 am RT @tazachocolate: This Sat 11-5 is Taza Trick or Treat Day at the Factory Store! Come in costume get a free treat! http://bit.ly/c4hzta
10/28/10 - 10:05 am @chefmattrock We know and are trying to help. We're late, but will be running a contest with a @tazachocolate prize soon http://ow.ly/30QPb
10/28/10 - 9:46 am RT @somervilleinfo: Fans rally for Hub Comics store in #Somerville. Has anyone stopped in recently? - http://ow.ly/30JGL
10/28/10 - 9:46 am RT @somervilleinfo: Fans rally for Hub Comics store in #Somerville. Has anyone stopped in recently? - http://ow.ly/30JGL
10/28/10 - 9:18 am @Tiffany_Pres Police Escapee from a DYS facility with warrants who'd refused to go quietly. See some of the convo here: http://bit.ly/aSzlKh
10/27/10 - 10:22 am At New England local biz org conf w/ @seacoastlocalnh @sbnboston @MonadnockLocal and many more. #whataview http://plixi.com/p/53192246
10/26/10 - 1:27 pm We sure do! RT @plrgvintage: The Weekly Dig has nominated us for "Best Vintage"! Please vote if you agree! http://101.gs/n9xy7b