Member for 10 years 1 month Longtime fan... My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 2/15/25 - 4:19 pm Family Dollar Store is a drag, but... Roslindale Square gets official city plan calling for more housing, possible realignment of key roads and a movie theater 16 2/14/25 - 10:31 pm An independent audit for 2018&19 said JSI in compliance. Boston public-health nonprofit lays off half its staff after Musk shuts USAID 14 2/14/25 - 10:17 am You're right CAP, Musk is no Nazi. Protesting Teslas in Boston 43 2/12/25 - 11:04 am (sigh) GBH meekly kisses the presidential ring 27 2/11/25 - 5:23 pm I take this as a sign of hope! Judge approves extradition of teen to face charges in Turkey he killed somebody as he drove daddy's Porsche at five times the speed limit around a curve 21 1/31/25 - 10:39 pm Way to show you're privileged w/o saying you're privileged Thanks, Trump 46 1/24/25 - 2:45 pm Good! The crate Faneuil Hall came in is now an official city landmark 9 1/20/25 - 3:24 pm Quantum superposition? 311 complaint of the day: Cats have nine lives, right? 3 1/14/25 - 4:03 pm Do it! Healey proposes using money from rich-people tax for dramatic increase in MBTA spending 7 1/9/25 - 1:08 pm Tough day for houses! Driver slams into house on Washington Street in Roslindale 57 1/9/25 - 1:08 pm He hates these houses! Marcella Street in Roxbury raked with gunfire; houses, cars hit, but no people 2 1/1/25 - 12:51 pm Pressure relief valve on the top of the bldg? 311 complaint of the day: Steamed over the screeching start to the new year in Chinatown 15 12/26/24 - 3:38 pm Let me tell you about the very rich. Brookline mansion goes up in flames 24 12/24/24 - 10:46 am My brain went here... Police say footprints in fresh snow led officers to loaded gun guy was walking around Fields Corner with until he spotted them 5 12/20/24 - 6:31 pm Agreed! The low-slung buildings of Chinatown 18 12/19/24 - 10:30 am Throw the book at him! Oncologist who oversaw test of Kendall Square company's cancer drug to pay more than $3 million for insider trading 2 12/8/24 - 8:53 pm Hold your fire... Oil flows into Muddy River on Boston/Brookline line, coating, endangering birds 28 11/26/24 - 2:29 pm Ok, I'll play. Man admits he threatened to kill worshippers at two synagogues and smear pig blood on their steps; still faces separate charges for harassing calls to the Israeli consulate 10 11/26/24 - 10:43 am Judge should ignore the recommendation. Man admits he threatened to kill worshippers at two synagogues and smear pig blood on their steps; still faces separate charges for harassing calls to the Israeli consulate 10 11/22/24 - 2:11 pm May be...? Passenger in car stopped for speeding through Dorchester had gun loaded with 30 bullets, police say 6 11/22/24 - 9:27 am Is history repeating itself? Man attacked transgender woman on a Blue Line train and broke her wrist, DA says 31 11/19/24 - 3:19 pm To paraphrase Nelson from the Simpsons... Boston University stops admitting PhD students in social sciences, humanities 40 11/19/24 - 11:05 am Anybody recognize the breed? Hen of the woods saved from certain chomping in Hyde Park 4 11/1/24 - 2:15 pm Might be worth a visit just to see how it works. Newbury Street to be open to just pedestrians on two Sundays in December 21 10/30/24 - 9:36 am Happens all the time! Man who stood out like a sore tomato is sought for robbing Back Bay market; police quickly IDed him because he dropped his wallet on the way out 5 10/29/24 - 10:59 am Every night at 5pm you say? 311 complaint of the day: The evening bagpiper of Adams Street 16 10/28/24 - 12:23 pm Fun fact... Tinderboxachusetts: Boston area wakes up to the smell of smoke from brush fires erupting all over 11 10/24/24 - 10:28 am People, people, people... Beantown Home Services sues Beantown Home Improvements for trademark infringement; neither concern is actually located in Beantown 20 10/21/24 - 10:44 am I have an idea for community-oriented retail. Forest Hills pizza place could be razed for six-story residential building 33 10/15/24 - 10:25 pm So its true! Man stabbed in the back on Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury; suspect arrested when he returns to the scene, police say 1 10/7/24 - 12:01 pm Oh please oh please oh please!!! Youth football game in Saugus called off after parents start fighting in the stands 10 9/25/24 - 11:33 am Hear hear! 311 complaint of the day: Screeching steam on Kneeland Street 5 9/12/24 - 3:08 pm Perhaps a PSA is in order. Jamaica Plain market gets OK to add hard liquor to its beer and wine offerings 3 9/10/24 - 5:14 pm Twofer? Man who had sex-trafficking conviction vacated because his lawyer was a flaming racist is charged with raping, beating a woman in his Mattapan apartment, DA says 7 9/8/24 - 3:27 pm Am I sensing resistance? Company charges forward with large-scale power-storage building in Brighton 44 9/8/24 - 10:24 am Tom Lehrer is at it again! 311 complaint of the day: Somebody's tying pigeons' legs together on the Common - again 22 9/8/24 - 9:35 am So...who was that (other) masked man? More than one masked man sauntering around area near BC at night, police discover when they stop an apparent skulker who was not the guy wanted for burglary and prowling 2 8/25/24 - 10:00 pm Wow! So many thoughts!!! City Council candidate hates bike lanes so much she parked in one, screw bicyclists, but it didn't end well for her 58 7/26/24 - 7:52 pm Please enlighten us! Mosquitoes infected with West Nile Virus found in Jamaica Plain, Roslindale, Roxbury and West Roxbury 10 7/16/24 - 12:46 pm ED? Or PD? Charlestown utility pole at a jaunty angle today 8 7/15/24 - 2:11 pm A nicotine fiend, no doubt off to a pettin' party. Crowbar-wielding Dorchester ciggie stealer didn't get far because passing cops heard the alarm he triggered, police say 4 7/7/24 - 12:39 pm This is a family site. Admission to the Arboretum yesterday was two bucks 7 7/3/24 - 12:01 pm Lady Glock? Chinatown dine-and-dasher leaves behind gun, sandals and Social Security card after fight with restaurant staffers, police say 24 6/23/24 - 10:42 pm Metaphor? Red Line train that kept somebody from seeing a play about the T may have been disabled by morons 21 6/17/24 - 10:29 pm A plague 'o both your houses! One Allston/Brighton landlord sues another over financial status of two condos it's trying to sell 10 6/6/24 - 10:34 pm And there it is. GOAT asks: Really, you want Boston? 9 6/4/24 - 2:50 pm The Spanish are here? Spanish tall ship comes into Boston Harbor 1 6/3/24 - 9:41 am Pride chemtrails? Dorchester Day opened with some extra color 8 5/23/24 - 2:37 pm Urban Wilds desingation goes back 40+ years Developer, church sue city over the way the BPDA keeps rejecting their proposed hillside apartment complex on the Hyde Park/Roslindale line 18 5/22/24 - 6:55 pm Geez! Who hurt you? Two people with a gun try to get into City Hall, but are turned away by a municipal guard 20 Page 1next › My articles Post date Title 8/5/19 - 2:42 pm Jonesin' for scungilli salad! 12/10/17 - 8:28 pm Fire on Poplar Street Beauty Spa