9 years 9 months

Intern at Universal Hub!

Twittah: @ShelaghDolan (for stories and general social commentary)

My comments and posts

My comments
My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
8/27/15 - 2:38 pm Only 2 council races have preliminaries this year; meet the challengers in one of them
8/13/15 - 11:30 pm Council votes to ban synthetic marijuana sales
8/13/15 - 9:14 am Councilor: Give T vouchers to poor parents to get to school events
8/12/15 - 6:30 pm Boston councilor proposes city tax break for residential solar panels
8/12/15 - 5:07 pm City councilor would supplement 3Rs with recognizin' hypodermic needles
8/9/15 - 2:24 pm Quiet September preliminary in Boston features just two elections
7/29/15 - 7:38 pm New public market opens next to Haymarket tomorrow; will offer New England's bounty
7/22/15 - 3:17 pm Linehan blocks quick action on possible Boston 2024 subpoena
7/21/15 - 12:24 pm Imagine a Boston with just a fifth as many cars
7/15/15 - 11:34 pm Councilor proposes fines on stores caught selling synthetic marijuana
7/15/15 - 8:59 pm Councilors want action to fix leaky gas mains
7/10/15 - 2:59 pm Giant bunnies only latest in Boston's burgeoning untraditional art scene
7/1/15 - 8:07 am New-format Olympics meetings: Fostering dialogue or minimizing dissent?
6/26/15 - 1:45 pm No financial updates at today’s Boston 2024 financial hearing
6/24/15 - 9:19 pm Council approves $2.86-billion city budget
6/24/15 - 5:18 pm Boston City Council speaks as one: It's time for BPD to patrol the streets of the Seaport
6/17/15 - 3:31 pm Council backs state bill to pay billboard companies to remove signs near parks
6/17/15 - 3:04 pm Council puts off vote on letting BRA sell old garage until it can actually read proposed agreement
6/13/15 - 7:26 pm Cambridge Pride brunch marks milestone
6/10/15 - 4:53 pm City officials have started their annual effort to wrest exclusive policing control of the seaport from State Police
6/10/15 - 4:18 pm City Council approves pension boost for school police
6/10/15 - 3:42 pm West Roxbury team a hit with City Council
6/2/15 - 12:35 pm Board doesn't squawk; approves West Roxbury chicken coop
6/2/15 - 11:08 am Board delays hearing on what would be Boston's first marijuana dispensary
5/18/15 - 3:21 pm Boston Olympics, Ver. 2.0, to be announced next month
5/14/15 - 2:16 pm Just in time for summer: New ice-cream place in Fields Corner wins approval