14 years 12 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
5/10/18 - 10:08 am Pathetic attempt at 13-year-old phone-snatch suspects couldn't out-pedal police on Summer Street 19
6/28/17 - 10:20 am There are street parking issues at Stony Brook and Jackson Board approves 250-apartment complex across from Forest Hills T stop 71
1/24/17 - 10:33 am Might want to do some more research Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 10:18 am Along those lines Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 9:38 am I'm on the side of freedom Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 9:35 am Now you're concern trolling? Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 9:11 am Not an argument Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 8:50 am There is an error in your thinking Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 8:15 am Mindless rationalizing Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 8:04 am I'm a saint Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
1/24/17 - 7:35 am Nazi? Trumpland, MA: White guy finishes Orange Line beatdown with a shoutout to the president 110
9/30/16 - 8:08 am Ban Dogs! Arboretum seeks help cracking down on morons who let their dogs loose 47
9/29/16 - 2:13 pm Triggered Councilor honking mad about all those goddamn geese 70
9/29/16 - 2:10 pm More construction = More people Arboretum goats attacked by unleashed dog 50
9/28/16 - 6:57 pm Living within your means Councilor honking mad about all those goddamn geese 70
9/28/16 - 6:47 pm I do Boston City Council urges Congress to provide federal abortion funding 17
9/28/16 - 4:59 pm PR Grab Boston City Council urges Congress to provide federal abortion funding 17
9/28/16 - 4:57 pm Acceleration Arboretum goats attacked by unleashed dog 50
9/28/16 - 1:30 pm Well I told her to her face Councilor honking mad about all those goddamn geese 70
9/28/16 - 1:29 pm Worthless council Councilor honking mad about all those goddamn geese 70
9/17/16 - 7:24 am Connection? Teen on tracks struck and killed by Worcester Line train in Newton 12
5/11/16 - 3:58 pm Where are they? City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 3:53 pm Duh City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 3:14 pm Not for free Council to consider hoverboard ban or regulations 27
5/11/16 - 3:10 pm How does that help City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 3:08 pm There's this new invention City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 3:07 pm Idiotic City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 1:35 pm Never City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 1:34 pm Most of our tenants City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 1:24 pm NO! City Council approves bid for property-tax surcharge to fund housing, parks 91
5/11/16 - 1:21 pm Worthless losers Council to consider hoverboard ban or regulations 27
2/5/16 - 11:50 am Asinine Funniest tweet of the night 51
2/5/16 - 9:07 am There also shouldn't be Funniest tweet of the night 51
2/4/16 - 3:33 pm The Estate Tax: Even Worse Than Republicans Say Ernie Boch: American voters just drunk guys with beer goggles in a bar at closing time 120
1/4/16 - 5:13 pm Says a lot When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 4:07 pm The proposed rule is the source document When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 3:20 pm Another clueless response from Dimwittia When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 12:22 pm Cite When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 12:19 pm Fact, not fantasy When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 12:13 pm Still waiting When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/4/16 - 12:11 pm Nice "counterpoint" you've got When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
1/3/16 - 8:46 am Booming economy! LOL When did Ted Cruz start writing restaurant reviews? 111
12/11/15 - 3:40 pm Camera Enforcement Boston to experiment with lowering speed limits as way to reduce pedestrian fatalities and injuries 104
11/24/15 - 7:40 pm Are you his boyfriend? Winter is coming - and with it the return of the 48-hour space-saver rule 76
11/24/15 - 7:39 pm When are we going to have a councilor that earns his pay? Winter is coming - and with it the return of the 48-hour space-saver rule 76
11/24/15 - 2:19 pm Not surprised. Winter is coming - and with it the return of the 48-hour space-saver rule 76
11/22/15 - 2:11 pm Well then Standing while black in Brookline 95
11/22/15 - 12:35 pm Oh Adam! Standing while black in Brookline 95
11/21/15 - 2:10 pm Adam, please remove this post Racist in Allston 44
11/21/15 - 2:09 pm Adam, mind your name calling JP man arrested after gunfire in Roxbury 5


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