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Did you notice it briefly got lighter for a bit a little after 1? Alisa Bokulich looked out from her office at BU and captured the rainbow that sprang up over Cambridge before it got dark and stormy again.
David Fisher spotted it, too, from his aerie in the Seaport: Read more.
Mary Ellen captured a relatively rare morning rainbow, over Millennium Park in West Roxbury.
Maria Daniels, in Harvard Square, was one of many people who looked up after the rain stopped this evening.
In Jamaica Plain, Handmaid saw the rainbows, too, but also a still angry cloud: Read more.
Ksenia Dunn got a good view of yesterday's rainbow over (and into!) the Charles River, along with some UFOs (OK, she says they were really just reflections from the office lights on her window).
Amy Weingarten Salvucci took in the post-storm rainbow over the South End this evening. Brooks Payne captured it as well.
Romeo Trauma watched the rainbow over Dudley Street in Dorchester: Read more.
Linda Rodi couldn't help but notice the rainbow over Belmont from her back porch this afternoon.
Marc Hurwitz spotted a rainbow over Dedham Center: Read more.
Roving UHub photographer Melissa Hirshson captured a rainbow late this afternoon outside the Waltham BJ's. Read more.
Roman S. caught the rainbow over Allston/Brighton late this afternoon.
Joe Sangiorgi spotted it over Rte. 107 in Revere: Read more.
Early riser Joe Kidston captured the rainbow over the water in Hull this morning.
KB had a great view of a double rainbow from the Back Bay this evening.
Over in Cambridge, Melissa Sullivan reports it was the most beautiful rainbow she's ever seen, so amazing she ran out of a business dinner to snap some shots of it: Read more.
Thebostonlol looked inbound on Comm. Ave. after the storm had passed this afternoon.
What tha? Big blow brings down trees and wires, floods streets, but at least gives us a nice rainbow
It didn't last long, but a wind-heavy storm brought down trees and power lines in Hyde Park and Roslindale and turned Truman Parkway by the Hyde Park Stop & Shop into a lake.
But after it was all done, Pleasure Bay in South Boston got a double rainbow, as photographed by David Geller. Read more.
Christopher Haley looked up at a rainbow from Boston Common late this afternoon. Read more.
Aegon Targaryen VI watched the post-storm rainbow over Boston Harbor from Christopher Columbus Park. Read more.
Sara Mak took in an afternoon rainbow over Kendall Square, the Charles and the Longfellow, after the morning rainbow (note: click on the link for bonus dog in boots on a dock).
As the storm ended this morning, David Palomares couldn't help but notice the rainbow over Uphams Corner.
Ryan had a good view in the Fenway: Read more.
Ng took in a double rainbow over the Charles and Boston this afternoon. Read more.
Never mind a double rainbow, Cat Queen saw a triple rainbow over the water from Revere this afternoon.
More rainbow shots: Read more.
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