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By adamg - 8/13/10 - 10:28 am

Large rodentRodent of unusual size

By adamg - 5/22/08 - 9:16 am

Alyssa Boehm photographs Hoggy the Groundhog, who thinks her backyard garden is a take-out joint:

He's kind of cute, but he's also a bit destructive. I opted not to plant any tomatoes this year (one if his favorites to take a single bite from) and focus on my peppers. Undaunted, he's been burrowing around in my veggie patch.

And I think he's been snacking on my hostas. ...

By adamg - 8/22/07 - 10:21 am

Alyssa Boehm thought she could live and let live with the groundhog in her yard. Until she went outside and discovered Hoggy likes her tomatoes:

... And so it begins. Let loose the dogs (or cats) of war. I gotta find some mothballs... and maybe Bill Murray.

Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion.

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