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Cambridge Day recounts the marvels of the opposum, North America's only marsupial, which may not really be the tick-fighting machines we've been told, but which do tend to suppress rat populations (also, they have unusual genitalia).
A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint this morning, asking the city to do something about the "angry opossum" on a stoop on Chelsea Street in East Boston.
Mike Ball bravely photographed this snarly, ravenous opossum at the Fairmount commuter-rail station this morning.
A concerned citizen refuses to play dead:
229 Northampton is attracting possums. Possums! They put food out for them (or maybe cats, but the possums have chased the cats off) on the front steps. I spotted a possum munching on the cat food last night at 7 pm, like a haunted buffet. This is gross. The possum gave me one of those looks like "oh, hey, what, are you gonna report me?" Yes I am.
Around 3 p.m., Shaita reported:
Caution: A huge possum was just sitting in the middle of the right lane of Mass Ave in front of the Mary Baker Eddy library.
Last night, Susan Labandibar of South Boston fired up her copy of Citizens Connect, the mobile app that lets you report problems to the city and see what other people have reported (appless version). As you might expect, it's been dominated of late by reports of potholes and homeowners refusing to shovel their sidewalks. But Labandibar also saw this South Boston report:
Possum in my trash can. Can't tell if it's dead. Barrel in back of 168 west 9th. How do I get this removed?
Labandibar reports:
11:15PM Walked over to West Ninth Street. It’s about three blocks from my house. Locate trash can behind house. Possum? Check. Living? Yep.
Turned the trash can on its side. Walked home. Good night, sweet possum.
Jef Taylor reports he spotted an opossum yesterday in Franklin Park:
Good thing I wasn't carrying any china when I went to take our trash cans out to the curb this morning. Because I really wasn't expecting to see what looked like the world's largest rat staring up at me from one of the barrels - before it slumped over "dead" (and no, I don't carry my camera while taking out the trash - I got it out of the car). Dear possums: This is Boston, New England's largest city - please move to Newton or someplace and stop freaking me out.