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Man sought for punching woman in the face at Park Street

Park Street suspect

Update: Transit Police report they've IDed the guy.

Transit Police report they are looking for a guy they say started harassing a woman on the Green Line at Kenmore and finished by punching her in the left side of her face at Park Street, shortly before 10 p.m. on April 17.

Police say Ugly Hat Guy and some of his pals actually had been trying to instigate a fight with the woman as the trolley made its way between the two stations, but that only he up and punched her.

If he looks familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050.

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What's the over/under on which stop on the Commuter Line did this kid come from? Rockland? Methuen? Lunenberg?

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My money is on Braintree or Weymouth…

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There’s no methuen stop. It curves east after Lawrence and goes around the Merrimack river north to Bradford

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Several years back it seemed like whenever there was crap like this happening on the T there were decent odds that when the perp was snagged they were from there.

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Harassing a woman?
Could be a good Xtian Gordon College student that got on at Beverly Farms.

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Just ONCE, I want to see somebody who commits one of these heinous actions who ISN'T wearing a hoodie. It seems to be a requirement that all idiots wear them. Isn't it time to close the door on hoodies once and for all? Even the name sounds ridiculous. They have outstayed their welcome.

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Hoodies are perfectly functional and useful. Don't hate.

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… when I’m off on one of my crime sprees.

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Hoodies sound completely normal in the land which introduced "Hoodsies" to the American vernacular. Both types!

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Better ban those.

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I hope we're not turning into NYC with women getting randomly punched on the street.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading a story similar to this in the future where the victim turns out to be a trained MMA fighter.

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This is becoming a thing in New York City subways, basically men who are pissed that “women have taken over everything.”

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basically men who are pissed that “women have taken over everything.”

tbh, if you think that's a "New York City subways" thing, you've got a lot of unpleasant surprises awaiting you.

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Maybe they used adultist rhetoric?

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