By adamg on Fri., 11/11/2016 - 7:15 pm

Jake went to the vigil and protest on Boston Common today.
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I'm just wondering
By Roman
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 7:21pm
where all of this pent-up energy would have gone if Hillary had won.
To the trumpa lumpas
By Stevil
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 7:37pm
And in an odd way that's one of the few things that makes me glad their Willy Wonka won.
Hillary didn't run on racist xenophobic rhetoric
By anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 8:08pm
She has many, many faults but that is not one of them.
Trump won on leveraging fear of the other.
Peaceful protests against that rhetoric are as American as you can get.
He won. He governs. No majority of Americans gave him a blank check to follow thru on his outrageous in-Constitutional promises.
Like Bernie and Liz say:
If he works towards building people back up, he'll be supported.
If he continues with his hateful fearmongering he'll be fought every step.
Sorry, no. On top of calling
By anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 8:15pm
Sorry, no. On top of calling most of the country bigots and racists she ended on the low note of suggesting Trump was a Russian puppet. Truly McCarthyesque.
By adamg
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:15pm
If it were made up, which it wasn't.
Do you believe that the
By Lmo
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:21pm
Do you believe that the country is full of racists and bigots or the Russian puppet part?
It isn't about believing
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:24pm
It is about evidence that Trump has had close and ongoing ties to various Russian entities, and that the country is pretty clearly full of racists and bigots if you bother to be aware of what is going on.
As a White Male
By anon
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 1:37am
I used my White privilege to vote for an old white person running against an old white person.
I feel terrible that I voted for said old white person.
I might buy a safety-pin, I hear that fixes everything.
I was asking Adam
By Lmo
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:16am
I was asking Adam specifically about his comment, not you.
Russian Duma cheering win?
By first anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:42pm
Is that another media elite conspiracy? Good grief.
By John-W
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:21pm
Future Trump cabinet member Newt "Doughy" Gingrich proposes bringing back the House Un-American Activities Committee, but Elizabeth Warren is McCarthyesque?
None of which is xenophobic or racist
By first anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:39pm
Which is what the I've seen the Boston protests being directed at. and which my comment was directed at.
I'll add misogynistic as well, as I forgot that. So much hateful speech by the other one it's hard to keep track but you get points for remembering HRC's comment despite all the noise. Kudos.
The Russians have confirmed
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 4:44am
That they coordinated with the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.
By Doug1001
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 9:55pm
Don't recall seeing this...
Psy Ops?
By Roman
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 10:38pm
I dunno.
Lavrov made an off hand remark at a press conference on Thursday.
Multiple sources
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 5:36am
Reuters has it and the Guardian has it.
The New York Times has an article up too, but it's mostly full of weasel words.
Appreciate the comment
By Ahab
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 9:29pm
I really like the audacity and roar of Sanders albeit you Hillary fans got the likes of the crooked DNC to blame. The only good thing is that liberals can now question the myopia and fervent punch-drunk power of the DNC now for ruining what was a good candidate to face Trump.
What was the Vigil for and what was the protest against?
By anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 7:53pm
Sorry, should have included that
By adamg
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 8:09pm
It was "Love Trumps Hate."
What was the Vigil for and
By capecoddah
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 9:38pm
Remember in 2008 when the enemies of the USA told their useful idiots that Obama would frogmarch Bush out of the Whitehouse and expose 9/11 and shut down Guantanamo and fix the economy and bring the USA together and all sorts of stuff, then it all turns out that Obama was too incompetent to do any of those things?
These protests/vigils are to keep that knowledge from sinking in. It is kind of like putting fingers in one's ears and going "lalalalalalalala", but in a big group so they all assure each other they are not as pathetic as they appear to normals. The victimhood they feel is a bonus and insurance that they are ready to line up for more useful idiocy when needed.
Marry me
By Lmo
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:06pm
Marry me
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:12pm
Such a special child you are! Now run along.
SwirlyGrrl on Fri, 11/11/2016
By capecoddah
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:57pm
Sometime around 2006, Jimmy Moyer Franks was in Germany performing a concert with the Bloodhound Gang, a band from Philly, when in-between the songs "A Lap Dance is Always Better When the Stripper is Crying" and "Mope", Jimmy shouts out to the crowd that "Your chancellor (Angela Merkel) is way more of a man than our president (GW Bush)". The crowd went wild with applause and triumphant shouting. The concert was awesome. BHG never disappoints.
It wasn't until later that night, way after the concert ended that there was this one guy, probably named Fritz or Hans or something, lying in his bed warmly recounting the nights events in his head when he bolts upright in a chilling moment of disbelief. "I just paid 120 Deutsche marks for a Jewish rapper to call our female chancellor a man on our own soil!".
I do not see it the way the German concertgoer did exactly but I understand why he focused on that one aspect. I cannot say I empathize, but I do understand his myopic reaction to his own role. I sympathize that he was probably alone in his realization.
What I do not understand is why most people in his situation go on to double down instead of taking the objective high road.
20/20 vision
By anon
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:14am
By anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 11:01pm
WTF are you talking about? Nobody said any such thing b/c the vast majority of even slightly informed people know that there is a peaceful and Constitutional transfer of power.
Rational and informed people across the political spectrum also accepted the findings of the 09/11 commission of 2004. Only fringe kooks talk otherwise.
Economy and employment rates have bounced back as well.
Got us on Guantanamo and healing the nation. But jeez, the guy was President not a frigging miracle worker.
-- Nobody said any such thing
By capecoddah
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 1:50am
-- Nobody said any such thing --
Pay attention.
I don't think Obama said that
By abostonparent
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 7:46am
If there was any "frogmarch", it was about Karl Rove not Bush. Your own articles state that and the articles never say that it was an Obama objective, but the POV of the writer in the Huffpo article and actions by the Congressional House of Representatives.
Second, if you are such a conservative learning person you should LOVE these actions because these people are exercising their First Amendment right. You know, from the Bill of Rights. And then double down on that love because they are not being suppressed by the American government, local or federal, which does happen in other countries.
And thank you for confirming that we are still free to express our opinions by calling a group of people you don't know "pathetic" and reminding everyone else you are "normal".
-- Second, if you are such a
By capecoddah
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 10:39am
-- Second, if you are such a conservative learning person you should LOVE --
What I love is that there a newfound respect for the concept of too much federal power. Obama's army of EBT slaves will be getting a new leader in 70 days. Trumpphone does not have quite the same ring to it (pardon the pun) but nothing ensures loyalty more than giving away free stuff from your stash.
The trick for Trump will be to dismantle the free stuff infrastructure without the gimme crowd noticing before it is too late.
I am not necessarily picking on the welfare crowd - it is just they are so basic that it is easy to prove a point with them. Anything with federal funding is most likely too large for my tastes these days and most likely has numerous strings attached that only a savvy outsider like Trump could hope to tackle.
be truthful.
By teric
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:07pm
as a matter of fact you are picking on the welfare crowd; because it's easy and a typical meme of the right. still love you but be honest.
as for loyalty: look at the current cabinet selections; filled with sycophantic least Obama had the cojones to invite a team of rivals.
-- as a matter of fact you
By capecoddah
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:46pm
-- as a matter of fact you are picking on the welfare crowd; because it's easy --
I said that already.
Pay attention.
I stated I am not NECESSARILY picking on the welfare crowd. I use them as an easy example of a much larger group under a much larger umbrella. Would it make you feel better if I ran down a list of all the other federal dollar recipient slaves? I trust you have access to teh googles. Welfare is easy to explain. EIC is not as easy. The federal banking system is hard to explain in my opinion. Some federal dollar enslavement schemes are extremely hard to argue against.
Equal time is not my thing but if you really need help with the evils of a powerful federal government above the example of an army of slave voters, I am happy to help.
Read this:
The Wild and Free Pigs of the Okefenokee Swamp
by Steve Washam
Free Pigs...pretty predictab;e...says a lot....
By teric
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 6:25pm
...about your point of view which is respected even if delivered in a characteristically patronizing way. However, the Pigs story from a "northern Idaho" paper known for anti-vaccination, 911-truth, etc etc, is hardly the sermon on the mount which makes for good reading sometime if the liberals haven't taken your Bible yet. "Slave voters"...hmm, sounds like another northern Idaho cliche. Enjoy the half acre before radical collectives come to farm it or whatever other paranoid schemes take up space in your brain.
-- sounds like another
By capecoddah
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:16pm
-- sounds like another northern Idaho cliche --
I wouldn't worry about it until cliches turn into vigils and protests... and even then the vigils and protests are not exactly worth worrying about. Remember the Unitarian Universalists and their anti-Bush "no blood for oil" middle-east peace vigils and protests? They knocked that off when Obama got into office even though Obama continually spilled more middle-east blood than Bush.
I hope in the eight years the UU yoyos got some talking points on how the populations Obama targeted for killing were better choices for killing than the populations Bush targeted for killing. I think the majority were the same, myself.
Obama didn't wrongly start the Iraq war
By anon
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:41pm
And he didn't first send troops to Afghanistan.
That's the difference.
The blood for oil rap doesn't apply to O.
Surely you can see that.
What is the logical fallacy here?
By Daan
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:08pm
First refer to EBT slaves. What by the way does that mean? Does that mean that Barack Obama owned slaves who managed and administered the EBT program?
Then deny any sense of wanting to pick on a certain crowd but in the same sentence justify picking on the same crowd because it is so basis it is easy to prove a point with them?
This feels like blaming a woman who was raped because she wore "sexually provocative clothing" (as though certain clothing bring out the innocent beast in a man) and then saying but I don't believe wearing the clothing would cause a man to want to rape her but the example is so obvious it's a good example.
Seeing how it fits with the incoming administrations philosophical belief system (always find someone to blame) perhaps this can be called the Trump Fallacy.
Good pivot
By abostonparent
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 1:23pm
Considering I never mentioned anything about welfare, EBT, federal funding or too much federal power. And none of those are not connected to any of the counterpoints I was making to your argument about "frogmarching Obama" and his goals to change the government.
I will admit my comment was bit snarky about being in love with the First Amendment because that is kind of traditional conservative POV.
Your argument is going extremely sideways in order to avoid the counterpoints and I have more leaves to rake. Enjoy your weekend.
I was making to your argument
By capecoddah
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 3:34pm
Obama made your point better than you did for eight years straight, not that you did not do a good job, it is just that Obama consistently amplified most of Bush's policies over the years instead of frogmarching him (or Rove) out of the White House and undoing anything Bushlike of consequence. Bush has been vindicated.... well, in 70 days he will have been.
My initial post explicitly stated that it was the enemies of the USA, not Obama himself (unless you think Obama truly is an enemy instead of a dimwitted dupe), that put forth the frogmarch scenario for the useful idiots to salivate over. Someone, not you, responded that "nobody" said that. I posted a link to an op-ed titled why Bush should be frogmarched and one why Rove should be frogmarched. I know Rove was not initially mentioned by anyone but I believe he should be added to any argument from the era as most lefties believe Rove was Bush's brain. I am more into the Cheney being the brain thing, but most people who know Cheney was the brains knew the whole frogmarch thing was just another feel-good mental exercise for the useful idiots to keep their minds focused where they were supposed to be.
I myself am raking a 1/2 acre of leaves and pine needles today. I am taking this time to rest and fully enjoy the day as I do not watch sports.
Love those kind patriotic faces!
By anon
Fri, 11/11/2016 - 10:50pm
What a lovely family. They're profusely welcome in my America and I truly fear living in an America where they are not welcome.
Love Trumps Hate
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:56am
I believe President-elect Trump frequently said he supported legal immigration. Illegal immigration and cutting the line is not the American way. If the people shown are immigrants who came here legally, they should rejoice. As a conservative not enrolled in either party, I support their right to protest. As the Occupy movement showed, once the cold weather moves in shortly, the protests will fizzle out. I hope the inauguration is warm as I just got the invite. Can't wait!
Didn't you hear?
By Daan
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:10pm
Hell froze over. Yet if the inauguration is warm thank global warming.
Don't worry about fishy getting cold
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 1:38pm
He has a hood.
And a fur tunic too
By anon
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 5:19pm
Fred Flintstone-style.
I'm gonna get dinged again
By Roman
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 2:43pm
but Right On.
"American" is all in your head. It's never been an ethnicity or an nationality as it was in the old world; it's always been a state of mind and a common set of ideals. If you believe you're an American, you carry yourself like you belong here and you don't need to have to remind yourself each and every day that you really do. You just assume that you do, and it shows in the way you go about your life.
If you think Trump was talking about you when he talked about the wall...well, why do you think that? Why would you think that? Do you really have reason to think your passport is going to go poof tomorrow or is the fear there because someone on the left told you Trump was gonna come for you?
I guess if nothing else, this...introspection period...can attune us all to our common humanity. Gun sales always go up after a Democrat is elected because we all think he's gonna come for our guns...but they rarely do come to think of it.
I love being told how to feel
By anon
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 8:55pm
I love being told how to feel!
I'm a (legal) immigrant and I'm not rejoicing. Maybe under different circumstances, but as things are I'd rather not breed a divisive culture of xenophobia.
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