Mayor Walsh today announced the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund to help immigrants who suddenly find themselves threatened by actions in Washington and locally.
Among the groups that have agreed to participate, and which have kicked in a total of $1 million in initial funding: The Boston Foundation, the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corp., Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, the Barr Foundation, the Hyams Foundation, the Fish Family Foundation, the Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation, the Klarman Family Foundation and the law firms of Foley Hoag and Mintz Levin.
In a statement, Walsh said:
Boston would not be the thriving city it is without its immigrant community, past and present. Through this initiative, funding will be made available for legal service providers in order to increase legal representation for those facing deportation and who cannot afford the cost of a lawyer. Additionally, funds will be distributed to organizations with strong community engagement programs in order to connect legal representation with community education and outreach.
City Councilor Tito Jackson (Roxbury) first proposed an immigrant legal defense fund in February.
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I guess the schools don't need that money
By EM Painter
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 4:42pm
or the 8000 other causes that I hear about every giving season.
ocho mil o Veintidós para ahorrar dinero ????
By OriginalPatPayaso
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 4:48pm
Si yo fuera un polÃtico honesto en Boston:
1. Siempre defenderÃa un SISTEMA DE SALUD CON COBERTURA UNIVERSAL. PreguntarÃa a cada representante electo de Boston a nivel municipal, estatal y federal su posición en este tema publicando su respuesta (SÃ/No) en el sitio Web de la ciudad de Boston. De esta forma, cualquier ciudadano podrÃa saber cuál es la posición de sus representantes en el problema más importante que tenemos en América hoy en dÃa.
2. VisitarÃa todas las escuelas públicas en un perÃodo de dieciocho meses. Me reunirÃa con padres, profesores, estudiantes, personal no docente y otras partes interesadas y presentarÃa un plan para eliminar el traslado en autobús de alumnos de barrios marginales, asegurar la igualdad e introducir un proyecto integral para la ciudad a más tardar para el 1ro de julio de 2019. Esto conllevarÃa un ahorro aproximado de cien millones de dólares al año que podrÃamos invertir en escuelas, incluyendo también una nueva escuela estatal dedicada a las Ciencias, TecnologÃa, IngenierÃa y Matemáticas (STEM) de última generación. Esta escuela se construirÃa en conjunto con el MIT y otras grandes universidades cientÃficas locales. Hasta que se construya esta escuela no votaré por ninguna subida de sueldo a ningún funcionario público.
3. RealizarÃa una auditorÃa profesional a las escuelas públicas de Boston.
4. RealizarÃa una auditorÃa profesional a la Agencia de Planificación y Desarrollo de Boston (BPDA). IniciarÃa acciones encaminadas a eliminar el BPDA y crear agencias de Planificación y Desarrollo separadas y controladas por los ciudadanos de Boston.
5. RecopilarÃa todos y cada uno de los acuerdos que la ciudad de Boston, la Agencia de Planificación y Desarrollo de Boston o cualquier otra agencia haya realizado con cualquier espacio público, propiedad o entidad privada, pública o de negocios en lo que respecta a impuestos, usos o beneficios y publicarlo PERMANENTEMENTE en el sitio Web de la ciudad de Boston para que cualquier ciudadano tenga acceso a la información y pueda dar seguimiento a dichos acuerdos. También publicarÃa en la Web todos los documentos públicos existentes o que se aprueben. Ambas informaciones tendrÃan una base de datos con buscador para facilitar su localización a través de palabras clave o filtros.
6. ProhibirÃa el uso de fondos públicos para poner nombres de polÃticos en carteles, uniformes, edificios y otros artÃculos que no sean temporales.
7. CambiarÃa las fechas del ciclo electoral para que las elecciones para alcalde o alcaldesa coincidan con las elecciones presidenciales. Esto aumentarÃa la participación, disminuirÃa el poder de los alcaldes de turno sobre los empleados y ahorrarÃa millones de dólares.
8. EliminarÃa el derroche de fondos de los contribuyentes en el Greenway Conservancy y trasladarÃa el Greenway al sistema de parques de Boston.
9. No permitirÃa que ningún edificio violara la Ley Estatal proyectando sombras sobre el Boston Common, sin importar cuánto dinero hubiera recibido en contribuciones de campaña o promesas de futuros pagos a la ciudad de Boston. No darÃa ninguna ayuda o exención fiscal a los promotores de edificios que violaran las leyes.
10. No concederÃa ningún tipo de prerrogativa fiscal a los poderosos. Las desgravaciones fiscales a ricas corporaciones y adinerados promotores sólo aumentarÃan la desigualdad en la ciudad de Boston y en los Estados Unidos de América.
11. InvestigarÃa a fondo y harÃa cumplir que todos los proyectos públicos de la ciudad reporten sobre sus polÃticas y ofertas de empleo para que se incorporen a una base de datos de búsqueda de empleo en la página Web de la ciudad de Boston.
12. Me asegurarÃa de eliminar los empleos fantasmas, empleos redundantes o duplicados, contrataciones polÃticas, etc. No toleraremos el pago a tiempo completo por menos que el trabajo a tiempo completo.
13. Me asegurarÃa de que las propiedades públicas vayan al mejor postor en procesos de licitación abiertos y transparentes para que los ciudadanos obtengan el valor adecuado para sus activos.
14. Me comprometerÃa a unir las escuelas de negocios locales de Northeastern, la Universidad de Boston, Harvard, MIT y Babson para utilizar sus capacidades y experiencia en el examen de cada uno de los diferentes departamentos de la ciudad de Boston. Les pediremos que hagan estudios de casos de cada departamento para que podamos eliminar ineficiencias y empleos redundantes. PlanificarÃamos y elaborarÃamos planes para el futuro, disfrutando asà de un gobierno local que refleje este sector privado de vanguardia que tenemos en Boston.
15. TomarÃa el T (metro) u otro transporte público por lo menos una vez a la semana para ir a trabajar (y la bicicleta cuando el buen tiempo acompañe), abogando asà por un sistema de transporte público verdaderamente moderno equivalente a los excelentes sistemas que existen en Asia y Europa.
16. Yo pagarÃa personalmente de mi bolsillo a Howie Carr y su esposa para que disfrutaran un largo fin de semana visitando la Ciudad de México y comparando el metro de Ciudad de México con el metro de Boston. Todo lo que pido es que Howie Carr escriba un artÃculo objetivo comparando las dos ciudades y que asà pueda aprender parte de la gran historia y cultura de nuestros hermanos del sur.
17. Trabajaré para crear una nueva zonificación para que podamos construir micro viviendas económicas donde albergar a nuestros desamparados sin techo, que es la vergüenza de nuestra ciudad y de nuestro paÃs.
18. Quizá no tenga respuesta para resolver la crisis de los opioides, pero sé que necesitamos vivienda y servicios de salud mental, y que el puente y el refugio de Long Island deberÃan ser arreglados para intentar ayudar a paliar el problema, no venderlo a promotores inmobiliarios o utilizarlo para eventos olÃmpicos.
19. No apoyarÃa ningún uso del dinero de nuestros impuestos para organizar eventos como las Olimpiadas, Grandes Premios (Grand Prix’s), ni usarÃa incentivos fiscales o donaciones de carreteras o terrenos públicos para promover o beneficiar a equipos deportivos privados.
20. Estoy dispuesto a recibir ideas y consejos sobre el desperdicio, fraude, abuso y corrupción en la ciudad de Boston, y no me temblará la mano para investigar todos estos casos, no importando las conexiones o ramificaciones polÃticas que pudieran tener los interesados. DefenderÃa que se duplicara, como mÃnimo, el presupuesto de la Comisión Financiera. Además, estarÃa dispuesto a recibir ideas de ciudadanos sobre cómo ahorrar dinero. Por ejemplo: poner luces LED en los laterales de los camiones de la basura Big Belly’s para que los trabajadores de la empresa Big Belly’s no tengan necesidad de parar y salir de sus camiones para ver si las luces LED están rojas o verdes. Esto ahorrarÃa tiempo, dinero, y reducirÃa la emisión de gases y el efecto invernadero.
21. AmarÃa, adorarÃa, respetarÃa y protegerÃa a todos los ciudadanos de la ciudad, sin importar su raza, género u orientación. No tendrÃa miedo de señalar y denunciar las injusticias, la corrupción y la intolerancia, aunque desafÃe el status quo de alguna clase polÃtica o social en la ciudad.
22. DefenderÃa una segunda vuelta electoral y lÃmites a la duración de los mandatos del alcalde y de los concejales.
By Bugs Bunny
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 6:39pm
Write your manifesto in English, por favor.
Let me Google-translate that for you
By Felicity
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 8:49pm
De Nada
1. Always defend a system of health with coverage universal. Ask to each representative elected of boston to level municipal, state and federal its position in this topic publishing its answer (yes / not) in the website of the city of boston. Of this form, any citizen could know which is the position of its representatives in the problem more important that we have in america today in day.
2. Visit all the schools public in a period of eighteen months. Me meet with parents, teachers, students, personal not teaching and other parties interested and would present a plan for eliminate the transfer in bus of students of neighborhoods marginal, assure the equality and introduce a project integral for the city to more by for the 1ro of july of 2019. this would involve a saving approximate of hundred million of dollars to the year that we could invest in schools, including also a new school state dedicated to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) of last generation. This school is would build in set with the mit and other large universities scientific local. Until is build this school not i will vote for no climb of salary to no official public.
3. Would perform a audit professional to the schools public of boston.
4. Would perform a audit professional to the agency of planning and development of boston (bpda). Begin actions encaminadas to eliminate the bpda and create agencies of planning and development separate and controlled for the citizens of boston.
5. RecopilarÃa all and apiece of the agreements that the city of boston, the agency of planning and development of boston or any other agency has made with any space public, property or entity private, public or of business in the that respect to taxes, uses or benefits and publish permanently in the website of the city of boston for that any citizen have access to the information and can give monitoring to said agreements. Also published in the web all the documents public existing or that is approval. Both information would have a base of data with search for facilitate its location thru of keywords or filters. 6. Would prohibit the use of funds public for put names of political in posters, uniform, buildings and other articles that not are temporary.
7. Change the dates of cycle electoral for that the elections for mayor or mayoress match with the elections presidential. This increase the participation, decrease the can of the mayors of turn on the staff and would save million of dollars.
8. Remove the waste of funds of the contributors in the greenway conservancy and would move the greenway to the system of parks of boston.
9. Not allow that no building violate the law state projecting shadows on the boston common, without import how much money had received in contributions of campaign or promises of future payments to the city of boston. Not would give no help or exemption fiscal to the promoters of buildings that violated the laws.
10. Not would give no type of prerogative fiscal to the powerful. The desgravaciones tax to rich corporations and wealthy promoters only increase the inequality in the city of boston and in the states united of america.
11. Investigate thoroughly and would do comply that all the projects public of the city report on its policies and offers of employment for that is incorporen to a base of data of search of employment in the page web of the city of boston.
12. Me ensure of eliminate the jobs ghosts, jobs redundant or duplicate, recruitment policies, etc. not tolerate the payment to time complete for less that the work to time complete.
13. Me ensure of that the properties public go to the better bidder in processes of tender open and transparent for that the citizens obtain the value adequate for its assets.
14. Me would compromise to to unite the schools of business local of northeastern, the university of boston, harvard, mit and babson for use its capabilities and experience in the test of apiece of the different departments of the city of boston. Them ask that do studies of cases of each department for that we can eliminate ineficiencias and jobs redundant. PlanificarÃamos and elaborarÃamos plans for the future, enjoying so of a government local that reflect this sector private of vanguard that we have in boston.
15. Take the t (meter) or other transportation public for the less once to the week for go to work (and the bicycle when the good time accompany), calling so for a system of transportation public really modern equivalent to the excellent systems that there are in asia and europe.
16. I pay personally of my pocket to howie carr and its wife for that enjoy a long end of week visiting the city of mexico and comparing the meter of city of mexico with the meter of boston. All the that i ask is that howie carr type a article objective comparing the two cities and that so can learn part of the great history and culture of our brothers southern.
17. I will work for create a new zoning for that we can build micro housing economic where house to our homeless homeless, that is the shame of our city and of our country.
18. Perhaps not have answer for solve the crisis of the opioides, but i know that need dwelling and services of health mental, and that the bridge and the refuge of long island should be arranged for try help to alleviate the problem, not sell it to promoters real estate or use for events olympic.
19. Not support no use of money of our taxes for organize events as the olympics, large awards (grand prix's), nor would use incentives tax or donations of roads or land public for promote or benefit to teams sports private.
20. I am prepared to receive ideas and advice on the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in the city of boston, and not me will tremble the hand for investigate all these cases, not importing the connections or ramifications policies that could have the interested. Defend that is will double, as minimum, the budget of the commission financial. Besides, would be prepared to receive ideas of citizens on how save money. For example: put lights led in the lateral of the trucks of the rubbish big belly's for that the workers of the company big belly's not have need of stop and go out of its trucks for see if the lights led are red or green. This would save time, money, and reduce the emission of gases and the effect greenhouse.
21. Would love, worship, respected and protect to all the citizens of the city, without import its race, gender or orientation. Not would have fear of point and to denounce the injustice, the corruption and the intolerance, although challenge the status quo of some class policy or social in the city.
22. Defend a second return electoral and limits to the duration of the mandates of mayor and of the councillors.
Let me Bing translate that for you
By Refugee
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 9:16pm
into the original Klingon.
Si quisieras ser un polÃtico en Boston
By Roman
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 6:56pm
tendrÃas que hablar en inglés. No es posible ganar la eleccion si sólo los ilegales te entienden.
By OriginalPatPayaso
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 7:04pm
¿Quién dijo nada sobre ganar?
No estoy de acuerdo, hay muchos ciudadanos que hablan español en mi casa
Me gusta tu post! :)
Hijo de puta!
By adamg
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 8:11pm
You do realize a lot of citizens speak Spanish, right, amigo?
By Roman
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 9:18pm
You realize society turns to shit if we can't communicate with one other, товарищ?
Yet you obviously know what he was saying
By adamg
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 10:28pm
In the meantime, if you don't like his comments, you do know you don't have to read them, right? There's no quiz at the end of the month.
By OriginalPatPayaso
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 10:39pm
Huh, Spanish speakers can be autistic too
By EM Painter
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 9:36am
And if they announce a
By Vicki
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 5:16pm
And if they announce a donation for the schools, you can say "I guess we don't need to repair the roads." When road repairs are being funded, "I guess the hospitals don't need the money." When someone donates to a medical school, couldn't the fire department use the money?
Will my contribution be tax deductible?
By EM Painter
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 8:24pm
Why don't you...
By lbb
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 7:59am
...exercise the minimal initiative to click the link and find out?
(answer: most likely, because you have no intention of donating in any case and thus have no interest in the answer, you simply want to throw sand in the gears)
Crack me up
By Stevil
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 11:23pm
Boston foundation, Klarman foundation - what wonderful people supporting such a wonderful.cause! Except the same people that now think these foundations are angels are the same people that said they were devils when they donated to the pro charter movement or did research supporting charters.
Such terrible people must have a nefarious purpose like promoting a continuous supply of cheap labor that their businesses rely on just as their support of charters was somehow motivated by profit only nobody knows how.
All those of progressive sensibilities should rise in opposition to this devious plan. Next thing you know they'll be signing a non-aggression pact with the TLF!
By OriginalPatPayaso
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 11:51pm
And people can't understand the words that I write?
T'es malin(e)
By be not logged in
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 12:05am
Mais pas aussi malin(e) que ca, coco(tte).
By OriginalPatPayaso
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 10:49am
pourquoi pas?
when he works extra hard to construct an argument
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 12:08am
Stevil says if you don't like BostonFdn for pushing charters you shouldn't for funding legal aid to undocumented immigrants.
Legal aid is as fundamental as human rights and if we've learned anything it's ICE has no regard for rights. See detainer requests. They are unwarranted as in no warrant for detention.
Not exactly
By Stevil
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 6:58am
Commenters frequently criticize these same people behind these organizations as evil for throwing money at a policy that doesn't fit their worldview and portray them as inherently evil rather than good people supporting a policy they disagree with. Until they do something you do agree with.
It's the irony of the hypocrisy thst amazes me.
You need a dictionary
By lbb
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 8:01am
Clearly, you don't know what either irony or hypocrisy is. But I guess if your argument is made entirely of straw, as in this case, they could be forced to fit.
When you can't see the reflection in the mirror
By Stevil
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 8:07am
The mirror has probably been cracked by the reverberations of the echo chamber
SteviL, mi amigo
By OriginalPatPayaso
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 10:50am
You crack me up :)
Doumo arigato
By Stevil
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 11:31am
Mistah robotoh! Pattopayaso! Doumo, doumo
ã¾ãŸ 今度 よã‚ã—ã ãŠé¡˜ã„ã—ã¾ã™
By OriginalPatPayaso
Thu, 09/14/2017 - 11:49am
Omutsu San !
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