By adamg on Wed., 2/22/2017 - 8:12 pm

Transit Police report arresting Xavier Galatis, 24, of Medford for attacking a family at Community College on the Orange Line yesterday.
Police praised social-media users who thought the picture police posted looked familiar and urged them to check into Galatis's whereabouts.
Galatis's arrest comes three weeks after he was arrested at Chinatown station for fare evading and threatening a T worker and eight months after he was arrested at Harvard Square station for fare evasion, threatening T workers and punching a T cop.
Innocent, etc.
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I feel bad for his parents.
By anon
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 8:15pm
I feel bad for his parents. He's only 24 and already this much of an ass.
Get him help
By Snuggles
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 9:22pm
If the allegations are true, it seems like he has some kind of mental problem or substance problem, and would need help with that.
Deja vous
By Waquiot
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 10:21pm
I was looking at an earlier UHub story about this guy, and a very similar comment was made.
The thing is, I agree with you. This kind of shit definitely has some underlying issue or issues that needs to be handled.
Alternative fact: he could
By anon
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 12:50am
Alternative fact: he could just be a complete asshole?
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:26am
His parent's could be asswho*les just like him. They raised him (or not).
No, they aren't
By anon
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 10:05am
They aren't. That isn't the problem. He's been deteriorating.
They are no longer responsible for his behavior, and wouldn't know how to take control of the situation if they were able to.
Stop blaming parents for mental illness. That's Freudian nonsense.
I feel bad for the parents of the nine year old.
By anon
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 10:53am
What an animal.
I guess between this dude and Rick Perry, we can retire the myth
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 8:22pm
that "personality" eyeglass frames make you smart.
Ehhh, maybe I shouldn't mock. Seems pretty clear that this guy has mental health issues, no laughing matter.
Mental Hospitals were meant for guys just like him
By anon
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 8:39pm
Xavier needs to be locked away and forced to take his meds.
A view in to the mind of a jackass..
By Rick Z
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 9:54pm
There are some decidedly NSFW
By Muerl
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 10:47pm
There are some decidedly NSFW pictures to be found that. Not the debatably or unseemly kind either.
By John-W
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 11:02pm Seems like he has a sort of aesthetic eye, if he created some of the graphics/images here. Really didn't need to see (presumably) his bung hole though. Yes...he should probably get some anger management help and/or an agent.
The weird thing was this image:
which is labelled Harvard Sq 16 Sept 2015, is very reminiscent of this recent Richard Shindell cd art:
which was released in Sept. 2016. It's from a series of paintings of street performers dressed as superheroes by William Wray. No connection to the photo.
weird world. we seem to be running out of ideas.
He took a picture of his anus?
By Will LaTulippe
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:39am
Reminds me of the Simpsons in Australia: "I'm just impressed you were able to write so legibly on your own butt."
I'm no proctologist
By bshep
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 1:58pm
I'm no proctologist, but having seen the photo in question before it was removed last night, I would have guessed the subject was female.
Also, what was he doing updating his tumblr with multiple posts late last night? Either he's out already or people are allowed to use their phone while locked up?
I agree with all commenters both that the dude has an aesthetic eye and that I hope someone's keeping a close eye on him.
He took a picture of his anus?
By Will LaTulippe
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:39am
Reminds me of the Simpsons in Australia: "I'm just impressed you were able to write so legibly on your own butt."
Let's send him someplace nice
By Ari O
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 9:59pm
Somewhere that's really Trumpland where his refusal to pay for services rendered and assault of women will be appreciated. I'll chip in on a one-way ticket to Alabama or North Dakota or somewhere equally nice. (I mean, we could send him to Saugus, but he'd just barge on to a 400-something bus and come home.)
North Dakota
By Ishmael Jones
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:29am
My wife and I attend the college hockey championships each year, and have conversed with North Dakota fans who, in our experience are very nice people. Some of these people may not have voted for Trump.
This is Massachusetts where these incidents occur. Do you judge Massachusetts by the actions of one idiot?
This labeling of the states where the majority of people voted for Trump as "Trumpland" is as bad as the labels Trump himself puts on people. There are many people in these states that didn't vote for Trump.
Thank you, Ishmael!
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:34am
My feelings exactly. I have family members in Montana (which went for Trump). They are not evil incarnate.
Ari probably considers himself a true liberal (in the classic sense of the word). Well, a true liberal keeps an open mind and does not make broad generalizations about groups of people.
Also, those who voted for Trump exercised their right to vote for whom they desired. Just like you, me and Ari. It was up to the Democrats to convince potential Trump voters, and/or or those on the fence, to vote for the other candidate. They failed. I place the onus more on them than those who voted for Trump.
The Personal Responsibility Party
By SamWack
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 4:09pm
So when a lying, cheating, late-night-tweeting, race-baiting, pussy-grabbing huckster, swindler, con man, blowhard, crook, and traitor is elected president, the responsibility lies not with those who actually voted for him, but with those who told them that he was all of these things, but failed to persuade them ? Wow. Personal responsibility forever !
People did not vote for Trunp because they didn't know what he was. It isn't up to others to convince you not to be an asshole; that's your job. Trump won because he appealed to people's inner asshole, and it's a force that is strong in many.
This is not helpful.
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 9:30am
Can we please stop with lumping all Trump supporters as assaulters of women and/or general degenerates? I am sure I have close family members that vote for the T man and they do not fit those categories. Comments, such as these, do not help the situation and probably do more to create more Trump supporters. (Note: I did not vote for him nor her)
I don't think anyone is saying
By Marco
Thu, 02/23/2017 - 10:00am
that all Trump supporters ARE degenerates and sexual predators, just that they SUPPORT those things. I have family members who voted for Trump, which is fine. I just will no longer help those people or share anything with them, as these are concepts they don't believe in. Every man for themselves right? Bootstraps etc. right? The best we can do is leave these people/counties/states to their own devices. Eventually they will learn from their errors, or just dig in and commit to stupidity. Either way, NOT MY PROBLEM. There is nothing stopping all these nice people you claim exist from moving to a place that practices humanity. Likewise, knuckle dragging mouth breathers are free to move to Alabama, or else put up with high taxes for social services and gender-neutral bathrooms. The lines are drawn. This election, more than any other before it since perhaps the civil war, has illustrated that fact. If you don't like your living situation move to a place better suited to you.
My sympathy well has run dry for these a-holes.
He'll be back
By anon
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 9:59pm
The T's version of the Terminator will start his revenge tour as soon as he gets out of court.
This guy is a ticking time
By tcf098
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 11:05pm
This guy is a ticking time bomb and needs immediate help/treatment/incarceration.
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