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Steve Lynch's other challenger

When asked why JP residents in the 8th Congressional District should vote for him, Christopher Voehl explained he's against Medicare for All.

Lynch also faces Brianna Wu in the Sept. 4 Democratic primary.



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If you're against medicare for all, I want nothing to do with you.

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A study by a conservative group found that Medicare for all would save this country 2 trillion dollars. There are only three types of people who are against it: those who profit greatly off the mess that is our current health care system, those who like to see people without health insurance suffer, and those who don't know what the hell they are talking about because they get all their "news" from Fox.

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Here's an article supporting your post:


I'm sure private equity isn't 'piling into healthcare' to make it cheaper for all of us vs. making a ton of money off of our health.

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I guess Wu is projected to lose heavily given the differences in the two districts and candidates but I can't recall seeing any coverage of the Lynch race. Here on the west side of Roslindale, Lynch will win going handily of course.

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As Is Wu Will Block You.

If you offered her any critique of some her points and goals she blocks you on Twitter. Straight out of Fail Carnegie.

She done.

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Other than a few tweets, Brianna has not campaigned very much.

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Other than "no Medicare4All" his statement was incoherent.

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Both Lynch and Wu plan to heavily tax your pay and change your health care to an unproven system called Medicare4All. The program they want does not even exist. President Trump would need to sign it. Rep. Lynch already voted no on the pre-existing condition coverages made legal by ObamaCare. He had his chance to protect your family. I am the only person who will vote no on Medicare4All because we lose every guarantee including the pre-existing condition protections you love. The only guarantee with single payer is a massive new tax on working families.

This guy doesn't sound like a Democrat. Did he check the wrong box on his voter registration form?

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He was the only candidate that showed up to the forum.

That he gave a stump speech more suited for Raynham or Scituate than for Jamaica Plain, I don't know. At least he was being honest. Not very politically astute, but honest.

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So is Braintree.

You need to appeal to the district as a whole to win.

Steve Lynch is as politically astute as they come and he is honest as well.

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Which this won't be.

But still.

It is interesting to read how Wu has not been campaigning.

Speaking of which, not that this would be of interest to you personally, but 2+ weeks out from primary and I have yet to see a single candidate at Forest Hills Station. Back in 2013 there were a few City Council candidates camped out there. Not that I expect any of the Congressional candidates there, but there is a wide open DA race, and the catchment area of the station is theoretically a hotbed for State Rep races. In the end, I'm yawning.

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Wu is running a scam. All the money she’s raised has gone to buying her and her husband vacations and toys. She even flew out to California twice for an Apple conference and another time to fly herself to Virginia so she could buy a Porsche.

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Quite a bevy of last-minute charges there - got any proof or are you just doing a drive by attack without any actual facts.

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In June of 2017, she spent $2000 to go to San Francisco for a “campaign event”. There was no mention of an event through her mailing list, Facebook or twitter. In fact the entire time she was there she only tweeted about Apple’s new iOS. There also weren’t any donations related to this “event” brought in. Although the FEC documents aren’t in for this past round, she did something similar for this years Apple conference.

In November of 2017, she spent almost $1000 on a oneway trip to ft Wayne Indiana, where she gave a talk nearby (not related to her campaign, and she was also paid by the university). She tweeted later that weekend that she had just gotten a Porsche. Also, there were no donations received despite her claiming this was for a campaign event

She also has a Patreon which wracks up almost $500/month, ostensibly for video game production for her studio, yet her last game out in September 2016 after a two year delay.

According to people who have worked on her campaign, she only started doing work this past spring when the signatures were due. She has refused to return calls to local groups, claiming they are below her.

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There are campaign finance reports to file. Kind of tough to hide expenditures.

My theory is that she realized how hard it is to run for Congress and found out that people in the district like Lynch.

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Every other economically developed country provides health care for all their citizens. Voehl should study up on how they do it and come up with a proposal, instead of just playing the tax card.

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Wu just took the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name in vain on Twitter - that's all I need to know about her - won't get my vote, and don't care to know anything further about her.

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Clutch those pearls tight enough and they might turn into diamonds!

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