I agree with Judy. No one ever said they were going "downtown" or even "into Boston" - it was always "I'm going intown" or "I was in town today at Filene's." Anyone who would specify "Boston" is not from around here. Also, I have never heard the term "Beantown" used until there was a TV show about Boston with it in the title. Along the same lines, no one I knew ever said they were from "Boston", you said your neighborhood eg Field's Corner or your parish. In fact, coming thru customs @ Logan years ago, I was asked by the customs officer "what parish?" when I said I was from Dorchester.
re: Inbound
By Lorrie
Sun, 01/21/2007 - 9:08pm
im from boston and everything going inbound means going to government center and anything outbound goes away from govrnment center
re: Inbound
By dot rat
Thu, 11/22/2007 - 10:22am
Gov't Center for thre Blue Line maybe, but not the Green. Anything inbound goes to Park st.
re: Inbound
By Judy
Thu, 06/19/2008 - 4:15pm
I grew up in Dorchester and anytime we went shopping or bill paying in downtown Boston, we said we were going "intown".
By pjyd
Wed, 01/21/2009 - 4:46pm
I agree with Judy. No one ever said they were going "downtown" or even "into Boston" - it was always "I'm going intown" or "I was in town today at Filene's." Anyone who would specify "Boston" is not from around here. Also, I have never heard the term "Beantown" used until there was a TV show about Boston with it in the title. Along the same lines, no one I knew ever said they were from "Boston", you said your neighborhood eg Field's Corner or your parish. In fact, coming thru customs @ Logan years ago, I was asked by the customs officer "what parish?" when I said I was from Dorchester.
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