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Rain? Are some people getting rain?

The scene on our Roslindale street around 8 a.m. You can see where the snowplow came through about a minute earlier.

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When I left Allston this morning at 6:30 it was snowing. When I got off the 66 at Brigham Circle at 7:10, it was raining. Looking out the window onto Louis Pasteur, and it's snowing again.

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It was raining/sleeting here in Allston 'till about 8 or so, then it switched to snow

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Rain overnight, turned to wet snow at 6 am.

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Wet snow and pretty nasty roads with the traffic packing it down.

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Raining here in Eastie.

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Quincy looked much like the picture above at 7:45. By the time I emerged from the T an hour later in Boston (after a looong trip on the Red Line) it was all rain, and no trace of snow on the ground.

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Nancy reports that's what she went into about 20 minutes ago on Weld Street in West Roxbury. Fortunately, both she and car are fine - driver of oncoming school bus managed to stop in time.

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That was more than forty-five minutes late?

We declared a unilateral snow day after the bus didn't come.

It's remarkable how rarely people all agree about something. The thing people all seemed to agree on today is how the city should have sent out plows but didn't.

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The roads were about as bad this morning as I can ever recall them being. I have just under a mile drive from house to kids' school, but it took 12 minutes.

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Brief snow flurry around 8:30; rain now.

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when I woke up at 7:45, but within five minutes it was all snow and Tremont Street was looing pretty slushy from my view a few minutes later. By the time I got off the T at State St at 9, it was mostly rain and when I went out for coffee at 10 it was torrential rain and 40 MPH winds...

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The large tree in my backyard (yes, we have trees in Southie) is bending all over the map with these gusts and the rain is pretty bad -- on the plus side, all hints of snow are gone baby gone.

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It's switched over to rain, but still pretty white out there.

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Had changed to rain by the time I got into North Station, with no snow on the ground either outside North Station or on the Boston Common. However, there was the obligatory three tons of sand that the City had spread on the Common's paved area between the Boylston outbound and inbound kiosks, which actually made the walking worse because it was causing the falling rain to largely collect rather than drain off.

And I walked from my house to the commuter rail this morning, so I can't comment on how the road conditions were.

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It remained snow in Brighton for longer than was forecasted. At 9 AM, I looked at a weather map and saw that there was a pocket of cold air hovering down the coast to just below Boston and then almost a 90 degree turn to the west and following just below the Pike all the way out. Snow NW of that line and rain SE of it....it was odd.

Ruined my plan of waiting for the rain to start and wash off the snow so I could scooter to work in the rain on clear roads. Instead, I opted for a 57-64 2 bus route to Cambridge...thought I missed the second bus (but I was actually a full route schedule early) and took a cab the rest of the way from Union Square. The worst part was the change over to rain around 9:45 when I actually stepped out the door...thanks a wet pantsload, Mother Nature. Now the roads are clear and I still need to find a way home.

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It's 11:30 am and our street still hasn't been plowed. Wasn't last snow either. But these snows have been mild enough that if not plowing us saves the city some money, okay. Warning to city hall though, as the winter wear on and the snow gets deeper, we do expect to be plowed.

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I ask because it seems like that area often seems left out.

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cuz its all dirt roads!! The city doesn't even have a swear system that enters The Grove . All septic.

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Maybe because we're on a hill?

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Two plows in three minutes.

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Three plows in four minutes!

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Now that's service!

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Second plow in the other direction.

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The pllow that just went by in one direction just came back in the other direction.

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Betcha didn't know the power you have to bend the city's will!

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The Plow went down Sanborn at 2:25!

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.. and send 'em over to Sanborn Ave. in West Roxbury! Thanks!

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All that plowing and they still managed to leave a strip of snow in the street. Tsk!

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Put a chair on it!

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