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Another apparent suicide attempt on Tobin Bridge

Boston fire crews responded to the Tobin Bridge around 4:15 p.m. on reports somebody was threatening to jump from the upper level of the bridge; The Globe reports Chelsea police were able to talk the man down before he actually jumped.

State, Boston and Massport police and fire boats responded to the scene; the Boston Fire Department dive team was called in as well, just in case.

Rte. 1 southbound was shut down.

The last jump from the bridge was early on June 18. That person didn't make it.

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To the water? What, they get lost?

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Pedroia's injury isn't that bad, folks.

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Dive team called off and I'm pretty sure they said the jumper had been apprehended (the scanner started getting a little fuzzy).

Suicide is not something to joke about. I hope this person gets the help that they need.

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I don't know who is sicker; the jumper or the idiot who left car in the path of the ambulance and took his keys so he could watch.

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Somebody did that? Oy!

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hats off to the EMT's who managed to talk the guy down.

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The Globe reports Chelsea police were able to talk the man down before he actually jumped.

Of course. Boston Police would have tasered him or tried to charge him with disturbing the peace, assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon (suicide attempt), etc.

State, Boston and Massport police and fire boats responded to the scene; the Boston Fire Department dive team was called in as well, just in case.

So in other words, they "just in case" called in the only people that could actually do something to save the guy, and everyone else sat around and racked up some overtime. Seriously, what the fuck did they need three fireboats for? As soon as ONE was on the scene, the others should have left.

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You have three boats in case he jumps and you want to find him (people do sometimes live after jumping off the Tobin) or his body quickly.

But you don't give a damn. You've had bad experiences with public-safety agencies or something and so automatically assume they're all corrupt, civilian-hating sadists whose only motivation for showing up to work each day is the possibility they might get to taser somebody or maybe even push some guy off a bridge just for the hell of it.

Do Boston Police even have tasers?

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This is not a case of police brutality, overtime abuse, or Mooninite-hysteria.

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The Herald's Mark Garfinkel was there.

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Wasn't the Tobin just painted? It looks pretty rusty in that photo. At least they were working on it when I was living in Chelsea a while back.

I feel bad for that guy. As somebody else said I hope he gets the help he needs.

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