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Globe: House votes to restrict unions: Measure would curb bargaining on health care.

However, the Outraged Liberal says not so fast with the Walker comparisons; the real issue, he says, is that Mass. AFL-CIO honcho Robert Haynes has become a blowhard liability to the labor movement he purports to lead:

The DeLeo proposal forces labor to the bargaining table, which is where they claim to want to be all along.

After some interesting Statehouse theatrics this morning, I suspect that's exactly where Haynes is going. Hope there's a silver platter at the table for him to place the head DeLeo just handed him.



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This is a one-time savings, the cost of health insurance will go up just as the cost of everything else is going up, because the dollar is so weak.

Fine to do it, it's just not going to solve the problem.

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Health insurance costs in the US skyrocketed past those in other countries when those other countries refused to allow for-profit medicine and the US started encouraging it.

Inflation on top of this profit taking from the system is simply a cherry on a huge pile of whipped cream.

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to have the vote at 11:30 at night so as to minimize unwanted input from fellow public employees. I picture legislators holed up in a Beacon Hill tavern, watching the Bruins and knocking a few back until "the coast is clear" for them to sneak back, sniggering, into the house chamber to vote. Is this what passes for courage these days?

I wonder what the premiums, deductibles, and co-pays are like for state legislators.

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