Protesters outside the Prudential Tesla showroom, including one holding a sign against Nazi cars
By adamg - 3/1/25 - 4:31 pm

Ron Newman took in what has now become a regular Saturday-morning protest outside the Tesla showroom on the Boylston Street side of the Pru: Read more.

Support for Ukraine in front of the Parkman Bandstand
By adamg - 3/1/25 - 3:32 pm

Ron Newman photographed the rally at the Parkman Bandstand today in support of a nation fending off a mass murderer and now, a raping convicted felon. Small crowd perhaps, but messages about it only started surfacing this morning.

By adamg - 2/27/25 - 10:18 pm

The Dorchester Reporter has the details on Michelle Wu's endorsement today by the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association and its allied EMS union. Read more.

By adamg - 2/27/25 - 9:39 am

Emerson College is out with a poll that shows if the election were today, Wu would win 43-29 over Kraft - with 24% of respondents undecided and 4% going for other candidates, including Wu-hating North End restaurant owner Jorge Mendoza. Read more.

By adamg - 2/24/25 - 9:57 pm

Secretary of State William Galvin announced today he'll be appointing somebody to oversee Boston elections this year and next to ensure precincts don't run out of ballots like they did last November - forcing long delays and in some cases preventing people from actually cast votes. Read more.

By adamg - 2/24/25 - 5:53 pm
A correspondent reports: Got a text poll from Emerson re the mayoral race. Questions on supporting the police not handing over immigrants, does Boston have room to settle refugees, bike lanes and the stadium. Oh it did also ask if I supported a WNBA team in town which seemed strange.
By adamg - 2/24/25 - 9:11 am

The cities of Chelsea and Somerville today filed suit against what they call an unconstitutional federal policy to cut off all aid to cities where police refuse to participate in raids to round up immigrants regardless of whether they face criminal charges. Read more.

By adamg - 2/23/25 - 12:34 pm
Mayor Wu responded to the threat by Grand Vizier Musk's Yosemite Sam to bring "hell" to Boston because Police Commissioner Michael Cox refuses to help round up immigrants not facing criminal charges: Read more.
Lynch makes a point outside West Roxbury VA
By adamg - 2/21/25 - 2:26 pm

US Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-7th) joined VA and other government workers outside the VA Medical Center in West Roxbury today to denounce the Musk administration's moves to demolish the VA system, which started last week with the immediate layoffs of 1,000 VA workers across the country. Read more.

By adamg - 2/20/25 - 8:44 pm

US Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-8th) reports he'll be at the Spring Street entrance to the West Roxbury Veterans Administration hospital at 1 p.m. on Friday to lead a protest "in support of our veterans and federal workers who have been impacted by President Trump's massive layoffs." Signs are encouraged, he says.

By adamg - 2/20/25 - 8:17 pm

Trump's Secretary of Killing Dogs decreed today that "temporary protected status" for several hundred thousand Haitian refugees - many of whom live in the Boston area -  will expire Aug. 3 instead of next February, as set by former Secretary of Homeland Security Alexander Mayorkas. His replacement blamed Mayorkas for not considering how a humanitarian policy might lead to the downfall of the American empire.

Protesters outside the O'Neill Building
By adamg - 2/19/25 - 10:57 pm
Federal workers and supporters marched outside the O'Neill Building on Causeway Street this afternoon to protest what acting President Musk and his minions are doing to wreck government agencies that protect the public. Read more.
By adamg - 2/19/25 - 9:29 am

Protest starts at 4:30 p.m. at the O'Neill Building, 10 Causeway St., conveniently located next to North Station. Sponsored by the new Federal Unionists Network.

By adamg - 2/18/25 - 8:15 pm

The JFK Library Foundation says the Dorchester library and museum will re-open to the public tomorrow. In a separate statement e-mailed to reporters, it adds: Read more.

Man holding sign that asks: He does know what happened to Napoleon, right?
By adamg - 2/17/25 - 2:04 pm

Ron Newman attended today's patriotic down-with-kings rally at the State House, which he reports was his third in two weeks and "the largest so far." Read more.

Anti-Musk protesters outside Tesla showroom in Dedham
By adamg - 2/15/25 - 1:35 pm

Roving UHub photographer Clay Gollobin shows us three of the people protesting the acting president outside his showroom in Dedham today.

By adamg - 2/15/25 - 11:01 am

A group of gun groups and a student from Brewster at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy yesterday sued the state over a regulation that prohibits people between 18 and 20 from owning and walking around with guns - and say this will be their first crack at winning repeal of a law passed last year that also tightens restrictions on automatic weaponry and "ghost" guns. Read more.

Protesters hold signs for democracy, against broligarchy
By adamg - 2/14/25 - 11:22 pm

Ron Newman attended the pro-democracy protest downtown today.

Erica Fletcher also participated in the Stop the Coup protest. Read more.

By adamg - 2/13/25 - 6:18 pm

Isabel Ravenna posts some video of people protesting the acting president's Tesla car and truck lines outside his showroom in the Prudential Center on Boylston Street today. Small group, but next time they should try more publicity in advance.

By adamg - 2/12/25 - 7:46 pm

The Dorchester Reporter alerts us that the chain, long kept out of Boston by Tom Menino, is looking to move into Dorchester and Mattapan, with the backing of Mattapan state Rep. Russell Holmes, who says he's looking for "a Chick-fil-A in Black Dorchester, or [anywhere] in Dorchester" with local franchise owners.