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Disregard everything I said about the city of Boston being able to spell things properly on its signs

UPDATE: BPS tweets the typo is being corrected today, mere hours after officials learned about it.

The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative has posted a photo of a new sign welcoming visitors to BPS's Dudley Street Neighoborhood Charter School (at BPS, reading is fundomental).

Speaking of BPS, looks like it won't be entering the school year next week with a teacher contract. This just in from the Boston Teachers Union:

Lawyers for the Boston Teachers Union filed unfair labor practice charges against the School Department Friday with the Department of Labor Relations. The charges request that the Department of Labor Relations immediately force the School Department back to the mediation process in order to reach a settlement in the ongoing contract negotiations.

Citing numerous violations including regression bargaining, refusals to meet face-to-face, repeated misinformation given to the assigned mediator and refusing to acknowledge tentative agreements, the BTU and its lawyers are seeking an order to restore the mediation process and require the School Department to mediate in good faith.



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there are some pretty egregious spelling errors on Boston city signage out there. My favorite: the corner of Centre Street and "Cetre" Place near Eliot Square in Roxbury.

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pierce, you'll have to find another favorite. I just walked outside to find Centre spelled properly on both sides of each sign.

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Let's talk about our benefits and work rules....the children? Oh never mind them, they don't pay dues.

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I'm not the biggest fan of the BTU, but is there anything in the statement adam quoted above that indicates the city's public school teachers won't be teaching our children when school starts? Oh, they will? Even without a actual contract? Huh, go figure.

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...is "Thomas M. Menino, Mayor"

They get so much practice at it. Did you know his name is on all the bike lockup posts? They wasted money gluing metal discs onto them all.

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that my kids' teachers have sent home with misspellings on them...

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You can rid the 'hood of hobos but you can't take the hobo out of the Neighoborhood.

...or something like that.

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