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Hundreds (or Thousands) of Tea Party Protestors Hate Illegal Immigration


An anti-illegal immigration rally on Beacon Hill outside the State House on Saturday, July 26 was teeming with protesters.

While Bree Sison of CBS Boston estimated that the gathering drew hundreds of people, Jeff Kuhner, the host of WRKO’s The Kuhner Report, who organized the rally, put the number closer to 10,000 people.

Jeff Kuhner of WRKO organized the rally. He was born in Canada to parents who immigrated from Croatia. Jeff taught at McGill in Montreal as recently as 2000.

There are three common complaints about immigrants, illegal immigrants and child refugees. One is that they carry disease, another is that they will take our jobs and the third is that they have radical ideas. This is as true now as it was during the potato famine in Ireland.

So go ahead and ask;

  • Has Jeff Kuhner been inoculated from infectious diseases in that hell hole called Canadian socialized medicine?
  • Whose job did he take at WRKO?
  • Why would he come to the Commonwealth and spread the idea that defunding the government is the path to prosperity for the people working and living here in the Bay State?
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Why the Border Crisis Is a Myth:

EL PASO — TO hear the national news media tell the story, you would think my city, El Paso, and others along the Texas-Mexico border were being overrun by children — tens of thousands of them, some with their mothers, arriving from Central America in recent months, exploiting an immigration loophole to avoid deportation and putting a fatal strain on border state resources.

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I think I missed the part of story about WHY this whole crisis is a myth.
So everybody in Texas is lying.
And the reports of thousands of National Guardsmen sent to secure border by Governor Rick Perry is All just Hype.
Just because a Guatemalan illegal border crosser hasn't trampled through your backyard Yet?
Does not mean media reports of border stampedes are Myths.

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I wonder how stringent enforcement is then?

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National Journal:

During George W. Bush's two terms, the best estimate has it, the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. jumped by about 3 million; under Obama, there's been no increase.

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A sample of Jeff Kuhner's journ*mal*ism:

Kuhner: 'Gay Gestapo' Will Have Opponents 'Burnt at the Stake'

Kuhner: Liberalism Killing Millions; Will Destroy Family, Religion And Civilization

Kuhner: 'Homosexual Agenda Is Cultural Marxism' and A War on 'Human Nature'

Jeffrey Kuhner Says Obama is a ‘Cultural Muslim’ who will be Impeached and Removed from Office if Re-Elected

Jeffrey Kuhner: Democrats Seek to 'Break the Back of Christian America'

Kuhner: 'Homosexual Lobby' Pushes 'Fascism,' 'Moral Anarchy' and 'A Culture of Death'

Jeffrey Kuhner Calls for 'Civil Disobedience' to Combat Obama's 'Repressive State'

... it goes on and on.

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Wow!!!! Very interesting. Comparing Jeff Kuhner to Illegals from Central America flooding country. Whose job did he take at WRKO? Huh?

See if you wrap your 12 year old brain Around this:
Lets straighten out VA and take care or the people who have fought with their lives for this country. Before creating fake illegal flood.

Our own homeless and hungry.

Our own children living in war zones. Pick any US city.

Or Call me crazy? How about concentrating on Foreign Policy? As the world implodes.

And the list of IGNORED, Should be Priorities, by Obama goes on and on.

Your article only proves How disconnected and demented the Liberal mind is.

Example of How to form a Liberal argument:
Micromanage every irrelevant detail of topic. Until some bizarre comparison or argument forms in brain.
And then attack with warped idea.
And then look like a fool.
Then Start whining and name calling.
Then carry on with Nose in Air, do as I say Not as I do, shameless, hypocrisy ridden lives.
Search out new topic to use in some ego boosting, self serving way.
As its never about the cause.

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Jeff Kuhner. Just try and listen to one of his morning diatribes about how the trans-gendered should be treated with shock treatment. Or how gay marriage will be the end of the human race. Kuhner is just another in a series of scam artists and hustlers who call themselves right wing talk show hosts. Jump on a hot button issue as a way of bringing in listeners to a dying station so he and Grace don't have to move to another market with the two immigrant children of theirs. Again, an immigrant with two kids he brought into the country screaming about denying other children the right to live here.

Oh, and Kuhner took Michele (one L on Facebook!) McPhee's job at WRKO. No big loss.

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You are deplorable. One Kuhner has never suggested shock treatment for LGBT. He has never claimed homosexual marriage would be the end of the human race, and his children are adopted. One being from Utah, the other from Minnesota. How are they immigrants?

Also, Kuhner is a legal resident. Having come to the United States legally. He went through the process, that he is asking others to go through.

So we want immigrants to come to our country, so long as they agree with our views? Tolerance and Diversity yet again from the far left.

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Is that there are actually TWO people on this site who listen to Kuhner and WRKO in the morning. Call Nielsen--that's a 100 per cent jump in the audience from the last ratings book.

Don't know who this anonymous user "TRUTH" is but dvdoff, you're is a regular here, and I enjoy your posts. My god, man, stop yourself while you still can! I fear for your sanity, if not your soul,

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The point of these questions is to subject Jeff Kuhner to the same arguments made against immigrants, legal or illegal, since at least the 1850s and still today, to illustrate their prejudicial nature and how they cultivate fear.

  • Has Jeff Kuhner been inoculated from infectious diseases in that hell hole called Canadian socialized medicine?
  • Whose job did he take at WRKO?
  • Why would he come to the Commonwealth and spread the idea that defunding the government is the path to prosperity for the people working and living here in the Bay State?
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You can try and defend this moronic homophobe all day long. I have actually listened to this man's show. Try and listen to one of his diatribes on how gay marriage is the downfall of civilization, meanwhile Kuhner himself worked for the Washington Times for years, a right wing rag owned by the Moonies.

Remember them? They used to have mass weddings of people, some who had never even met before their nuptials. How's that not a slap in the face to traditional marriage but par for the course for this moronic bigot who can't even pronounce the letter H correctly?

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This issue is a big one.

Anyone remember Elian Gonzalez? He was just one kid who divided the nation. Now we have lots more kids to argue over:


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