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Not the sort of thing you want to see when you look out your window

Tim issues an SOS:

Help! The aggro turkeys from Brookline expanded territory into Belmont, occupying my parents' porch!

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No really, what is the problem here? Mixed messages, natural is good only if it's at whole foods wrapped in plastic? Clean up the feathers and keep a low profile so the entitled young turks and turkettes don't need to go to therapy over some terrible violence that was commonplace "in the country" not long ago.

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When you open the curtains first thing in the morning, you just don't expect to see this giant thing with feathers giving you side eye. Even in a leafy suburb like Belmont. That's all. No deeper meanings about man's relationship with nature.

I have nothing against opossums but I still get startled when I open our side door to toss some trash and there's one in the trash can looking up at me.

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If one scurries across the floor when the light comes on.

I don't jump up on a chair or anything, but still ...

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MY JP Cajun neighbor never forgave me for releasing an opossum from my garbage can. "A waste of a good meal", he said!

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How do you kill the damn thing?

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by the time you get back from getting all the required permits to hunt said turkey, he'll be long gone.

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I'm the original twitter-er.

What's the point, you ask? The point is there is a turkey sitting on the porch railing. No other point. That, and trying to tie this to the Turkey Liberation Front of Brookline. He did appear to be a lone actor though.

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I'd love to see a Wild Turkey out my window

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I see it regularly. It just comes in a bottle for me.

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Usually means that the dads got together for an evening of guy time.

Although I think they have now moved on to Bully Boy.

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This isn't really anything new. There have been turkeys in Belmont for years, at least around my parents' house near Fresh Pond. I always wondered why everyone in Brookline was freaking out so much if Belmont could handle them wandering around in groups of four. I saw them at work in Kendall Square over a decade ago and people were mostly excited to see them there. Then again, it is Brookline, I suppose.

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The first time I saw turkeys in Brookline was only a few years ago, and I grew up in Brookline. You just didn't see them around, and when they seemingly popped onto the scene it wasn't one or two, or even four of them; it was whole flocks. A dozen of really large birds wandering down Washington St as if they own the place is bound to be startling.

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Does that turkey have a hair extension hanging off its front?

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male turkeys grow these crazy hair-like feathers on their chest, called a beard. interestingly, about 10% of female turkeys also grow them.

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Does that mean that he's a turkey hipster?

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Obviously not a member of the Turkey Liberation front as we haven't recieved the usual communiqué from them.

Adam, I find it interesting that the TLF only sends their messages thru you. Like Son of Sam writing to the New york Post. What's up with that? Are you a secret cell member?

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Cooked for a few hours at 325 degrees with stuffing, fresh whipped potatoes and gravy, of course.

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at their house in the I-495 burbs coming out for bird seed. A couple bear sightings last year, more deer visits.

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on UHub but Turkeys hate bicycles.


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I was out with my boys and one of the local turkeys decided to chase them on their bikes. I hung back and had a good laugh while the boys sprinted away.

They will chase dogs, deer, and anything that will run.

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