I had dinner on a business trip with some close relatives of Mouton. They tentatively sought out my opinion on Tierney, and I said that he was either a complete fool or a total liar, unfit for office either way.
I just sent off my congratulations - his whole extended family was working on this for years!
Calling Tierney a "tireless champion for Massachusetts families." And leaving out that little part about his wife's family, her brothers in particular.
Any of the resident UHUB Liz Warren lickspittles want to defend that endorsement?
..about purity as much as the spittle brigade. She's pretty grown up about these things.
Did the guy do anything, himself?
If not, it is a bit of a stretch to blame a person for stuff their spouse or companion does.
And what specifically, has he done for his constituents as that is likely to be more important to what is now his 'legacy'?
You have heard of "He's my friend not my fault".. right?
If not, do make sure you apply purity standards to every and all situations always. You could even have a future as a purity auditor while sipping that disgusting sugar concoction from Maine.
That was a general election. Just an fyi, that means Republicans vs. Democrats--you can look it up.
This was a primary, Democrats only. In which she could have done nothing, and endorsed the winning Democrat, whoever it was, once the outcome was known.
Instead she chose to endorse the ethically challenged incumbent Democrat against the clean and challenging Democrat. But as we all know, she's the smartest woman in the room. Just ask her.
that endorsements don't mean squat. Ask Warren Tolman and Steve Grossman or all those GOP state Rep candidates endorsed by Geoff Deihl and Shauna O'Connell. Meaningless.
An endorsement might PROVE meaningless in the end, just ask Tolman, as you said. But an endorsement such as Elizabeth Warren's is actually very telling. She could have withheld her endorsement until after the primary on the chance that Tierney won. Instead she put her name and reputation on the line and endorsed the guy even the Boston Globe did not support. This does not say much for her character or political smarts.
That is one of my biggest faults I find with Warren, she is very intelligent but certainly does not have what it takes to be a politician. That being said, would explain to me why she idiotically endorsed such a loser.
By Sources Say
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 9:34pm
Tierney needed to go. He was an embarrassment.
Long time coming
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 9:39pm
I had dinner on a business trip with some close relatives of Mouton. They tentatively sought out my opinion on Tierney, and I said that he was either a complete fool or a total liar, unfit for office either way.
I just sent off my congratulations - his whole extended family was working on this for years!
By relaxyapsycho
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 7:59am
Thanks for contributing nothing whatsoever aside from reaffirming your self importance.
And you contributed
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:38am
And you contributed what, exactly?
But Tierney was endorsed by Elizabeth Warren!
By moxie
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 7:32am
Calling Tierney a "tireless champion for Massachusetts families." And leaving out that little part about his wife's family, her brothers in particular.
Any of the resident UHUB Liz Warren lickspittles want to defend that endorsement?
She probably doesn't care
By Chris Rich
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 7:53am
..about purity as much as the spittle brigade. She's pretty grown up about these things.
Did the guy do anything, himself?
If not, it is a bit of a stretch to blame a person for stuff their spouse or companion does.
And what specifically, has he done for his constituents as that is likely to be more important to what is now his 'legacy'?
You have heard of "He's my friend not my fault".. right?
If not, do make sure you apply purity standards to every and all situations always. You could even have a future as a purity auditor while sipping that disgusting sugar concoction from Maine.
In the Warren Brown race Scotty
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 8:22am
was endorsed by every republican with a pulse. BFD.
You do realize that this was a primary, right?
By moxie
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 8:58am
That was a general election. Just an fyi, that means Republicans vs. Democrats--you can look it up.
This was a primary, Democrats only. In which she could have done nothing, and endorsed the winning Democrat, whoever it was, once the outcome was known.
Instead she chose to endorse the ethically challenged incumbent Democrat against the clean and challenging Democrat. But as we all know, she's the smartest woman in the room. Just ask her.
You do realize
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 9:15am
that endorsements don't mean squat. Ask Warren Tolman and Steve Grossman or all those GOP state Rep candidates endorsed by Geoff Deihl and Shauna O'Connell. Meaningless.
Not so meaningless for the person giving the endorsement
By Sources Say
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:01am
An endorsement might PROVE meaningless in the end, just ask Tolman, as you said. But an endorsement such as Elizabeth Warren's is actually very telling. She could have withheld her endorsement until after the primary on the chance that Tierney won. Instead she put her name and reputation on the line and endorsed the guy even the Boston Globe did not support. This does not say much for her character or political smarts.
That is one of my biggest
By Patricia
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:14am
That is one of my biggest faults I find with Warren, she is very intelligent but certainly does not have what it takes to be a politician. That being said, would explain to me why she idiotically endorsed such a loser.
she is very intelligent but
By Scratchie
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 10:44am
And how many times have you defeated an incumbent US senator?
J.J. Foley's victory parade
By anon
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 2:31pm
Do bartenders count in that statistic or just opponents in an election?
By bosguy22
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 8:49am
A tireless champion for (his) Massachusetts family.
About time! It still blows my
By Annika
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 1:40pm
About time! It still blows my mind how he managed to keep getting re-elected for so long.
The real loser here
By Refugee
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 8:29pm
Seems like this is a bigger loss for Tisei than Tierney.