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Keytar Bear does the beach thing
By adamg on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 3:25pm

Among the attendees at the Savin Hill beachfest today: Keytar Bear, dressed in appropriate togs. Charlie snapped his photo.
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Tenean Family Day was a few
Tenean Family Day was a few weeks ago. This is Savin Hill.
I sincerely hope people
I sincerely hope people realize that this bear plays pre-recorded tunes, and actually does nothing other than hide his face under this ugly costume. I saw a lady disconnect his keyboard once, and he continued to play...
Oh, sure, next you'll tell us there's no Santa
He makes people smile. Isn't that enough?
I'm not so sure
Pete here sounds like the type who would stand next to a mall Santa shouting "Charlatan! Loathesome deceiver!"
You must be the Hurdy Gurdy
You must be the Hurdy Gurdy dude.
Doesn't Beyoncé do the same thing?
After 65 years I found out
After 65 years I found out last week my Mother was the tooth fairy! Now this? I have only the Easter Bunny to live for.
You don't think this harmless person with a cute gimmick suffering a hot suit of faux fur in a Boston summer is worth a little love? It's a great schtick that harms no one is and makes most people smile.
Do something useful with your righteousness--there are a lot of worthy causes that could actually use it.
Are you sure?
Because I saw David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear once, so like maybe his keytar is magic or something.
Love Keytar Bear!
Love Keytar Bear!
great entertainment
at this fest, he played for 3 hours straight, no breaks. Everyone enjoyed him. Thanks KeytarBear