By adamg on Tue., 7/14/2015 - 9:35 pm
Donny Trump took time out from battling Mexican drug lords today to order Boston voters to oust Marty Walsh because Walsh objects to his racist comments about Mexicans and vows to block the serial bankruptcy filer from building a hotel in Boston (which raises the question of whether Trump was even thinking of doing that).
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There are
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:10am
some reputable old ones.
Let's face it: Infowars sets a very low bar for veracity. NYPost parroting Infowars is even lower.
Reputable? MSNBC?
By relaxyapsycho
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 8:15am
LOL. Surely you jest.
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:04am
You think Infowars is reputable?
(passes the tinfoil)
MSNBC is far more reputable than that. At the very least, they pointed out that the whole thing is entirely as told by a Trump campaigner, and what was and was not credible about the story.
Go ahead and lube up your copy of the NY Post - easier to swallow it hook, line and sinker that way.
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:49am
if it wasn't for Maddow, that channel would have no reason to exist. Also, having Al Sharpton on their channel basically negates any and all complaints about Fox.
Not to come to his aid
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:16am
But they weren't nazi, someone just said they were so Twitter went nuts.
And they weren't even real Nazis.
By jmeltzer
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:23am
They were World War II re-enactors dressed up as Nazis.
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:40am
Couple of things,
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 6:31am
There are not many Mexican immigrants in this area. The majority of Hispanic immigration to this area since the 90s, whom maybe some confuse as Mexican, are Central American, especially Salvadoran. BTW you can easily tell by accents. Historically, most Hispanic immigrants to this area and the northeast in general are from the Caribbean, especially Dominicans, and of course Puerto Ricans, who are not immigrants, they are American. Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Central Americans are different people. People from the Caribbean are not the same as people from Central America, they are culturally different, different food, different music, generally look different, and speak Spanish differently (Puerto Ricans, for example, speak VERY fast, while for example Salvadorans speak Spanish at the same pace most Americans speak English. Mexicans have their own unique accents, including the stereotypical very slow drawl like Speedy Gonzales, which is a Mexican version of a rural 'hillbilly' accent.)
Actual illegal Mexican immigration to the U.S.,of Mexicans from Mexico, has slowed to a crawl, for years now. Vast majority crossing illegal across the Mexico/U.S. border ARE NOT MEXICAN, they are mostly Central American, and even people from other parts of the world. And interestingly, Mexico and other Latin American countries have VERY STRICT immigration laws. Mexico is NOTORIOUS for treating Central Americans, crossing through their country to get to the U.S., like shit.
Let them be illegal in Mexico
By Markk02474
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 10:56am
If there are so many Central Americans desperate to leave their countries, let them be illegal in Mexico, which is a shorter trip for them! Or, perhaps Mexico doesn't have sanctuary cities and welfare benefits to welcome them like foolish Americans.
Maybe Mexico didn't style itself a land of immigrants
By Michael
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:08am
Or, more accurately, a land of wave after wave of immigrants who immediately tried to slam the door behind them when they got in. Good thing there weren't immigration laws whenever your people got here, eh, Markk?
Mine came through Ellis Island
By Markk02474
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 1:53pm
so did follow the legal immigration process at the time. Another first came to Portsmouth, NH in 1632, so yeah, probably no immigration laws yet then.
Some Spaniards found their way to Mexico, at least leaving behind a language. Canada is a country of immigrants with very welcoming policies. My limited understanding is that illegal immigration isn't the widespread problem the US has, though some Canadians are less than pleased with all the legal immigrants and the benefits they suck up.
I should acknowledge how illegal immigration is a global problem, from the DR kicking out Haitians to Europe's problem with a flotilla of Africans flooding their shores. Gypsy pickpockets are few in number compared to the hoards now flowing into Italy and Greece, really testing socialist policies.
Mine were here first!
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:15pm
Some as early as 1620, some were several thousand years earlier than that!
Get off my lawn!
By Malcolm Tucker
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:37pm
Mayflower Society or GTFO
Wampanoags or cave dwellers?
By aging cynic
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:37pm
I once enjoyed informing my Pilgrim descendant in-laws of my family's connection to Jacques Cartier in late 1500's Quebec. My understanding is that we hooked up with some indigenous "First Nations" people during that time as well. Fat lot of good it ever did me.
Mine kept roaming
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:21pm
On the frontier, you marry who you find. More frontiers, more mixing it up.
Do you check Native American box
By Markk02474
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:29pm
Like Liz Warren? Did your gran tell you of your indigenous heritage?
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 9:51pm
But my ancestors come from a number of different tribes, and I was not culturally raised in any of them. My cousins do, but their grandfather was enrolled in the Federated Tribes of the Umatilla and their mother spent her summers on the reservation.
Warren represented what she knew at the time, and, as I have pointed out before, Harvard only asks those questions AFTER someone is hired.
Our industrial revolution has come and gone
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 2:05pm
we don't need the gigantic level of immigration, especially poorly educated, unskilled or even semi-skilled, and who collectively put a massive drain on civic resources, that we had in the mid-late 19th century. As for the visas for skilled workers, that is to keep labor costs down, same as the huge wave after wave I mentioned above create a tight labor market for semi and unskilled workers.
And when a political party, no matter who they are, think the only way they can win elections is through never ending, poorly regulated immigration, that's beyond being a sad comment on them. Likewise, if a politician or political party looks the other way because it keeps labor costs down, that is beyond contemptible.
Finally, the U.S. takes in more immigrants on a yearly basis vs any other country on Earth, throwing in the EU for good measure. And our neighbors to the north, Canada, a similar 'immigrant' nation as the U.S., stopped allowing birth-right citizenship years ago. The U.S. almost stands alone in giving automatic citizenship to any baby born on U.S. soil, while the rest of the world shakes it's head and laughs.
We just need more white babies?
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:22pm
Oh, if you ever collect social security, THANK AN IMMIGRANT! They have made up for the dearth of children born to baby boomers when it comes to keeping our economy from collapsing from the aging of a massive generation.
Excuse me?
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 9:32pm
Did I say or imply anything whatsoever about 'white babies', or are you putting words in my mouth? Your post is troll-like.
As for our alleged baby shortage and future, alleged demographic problem:
Since the 60s and 70s the 'progressive' mantra has been have fewer babies, better still don't have kids at all! They're bad for the environment! Our population growth is too large! 2015, 'progressives' are saying our population growth is too low, and we can't sustain social security and our welfare state. Answer: we need massive, unchecked, apparently never ending immigration. You can imagine why many are confused, scratching their heads.
Is the headline about Walsh
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:03am
Is the headline about Walsh or Trump? It's so hard to tell pompous blowhards apart.
Hey this is our damn city. If
By Fitz
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 8:22am
Hey this is our damn city. If we wanna tell the mayah to screw, we'll do it when we wanna do it. That's how it works here.
We've got way better reasons
By Marco
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 8:52am
to vote out Marty Walsh than his thoughts on the GOP's latest cartoon character presidential hopeful. Trump is just happy to be getting his name into anyone's ear that will listen, for any reason, love or hate. It's the Howard Stern approach to popularity.
Walsh is done next election. If not Bostonians are idiots and will get what they deserve.
Adam this headline is Dvdoff like..
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 9:49am
Trump is that guy who give that 45 year old white guy from the burbs a boner much like Scotty Brown and Mitt.
Since when are racist
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 10:03am
Since when are racist stereotypes acceptable?
/check your privledge
That is NRO like
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:21am
ever notice that
By aging cynic
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:41pm
people who claim to hate old/racist/suburban people tend to evolve into them eventually?
So you live in
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:11pm
the suburbs.
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 7:19pm
Not really.
à propos de rien
By Malcolm Tucker
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 10:50am
The only people I know who actually, unironically support Trump are my (literally brain-damaged) uncle and his friends - all rabid, uncomprehending Tea Party supporters.
P.S. Never forget this gem, that Donald Trump actually said, regarding Ivanka Trump appearing in Playboy magazine:
“It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine. I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.â€
Trump is trash! Pass it on!
Here's my theory on Donald
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 10:50am
Here's my theory on Donald Trump: I think that the Clintons asked him to enter the Republican primary as a mole, making a fool out of himself by conducting himself in an outrageous manner all the while making all of the other Republican nominees look even worse than they already are by refusing to denounce him as he skyrockets in the polls amongst the tea party set which would then guarantee a Clinton victory in the general election, as payback for Bill Clinton appointing Trump's sister Judge Maryanne Trump Barry to a federal judgeship back in 1999. The problem here is that if Bernie Sanders ends up beating Hillary in the primary all bets are of and we might actually be stuck with President Trump.
Hold on
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:00am
Do you really think that Trump is more appealing than Bernie?
The electorate is not made up of 65-year old men with low education levels. In fact, new voters are going to be the game changer in this one (and Trump is not their man)
The only reason Trump is getting so much GOP attention in early voting states is the huge exodus from the party is concentrating the crazy.
Bernie v Trump
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:57am
Personally, I like Bernie Sanders & plan on voting for him in the primary, but if it ends up being Sanders v Trump in the general election I wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins. I think Sanders has a better shot against Jeb Bush, Walker, or any of the other 15+ people currently in the running for the Republican nomination. Like it or not, Trump is saying what a lot of the tea party crowd wants to hear and he'll probably use his own $$$ to fund his candidacy. Have you been to the South or the Midwest lately? A lot of baby-boomers & what's left of the WW2 generation are eating up what "The Donald" is cooking.
Tea party "crowd"
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 12:27pm
That might win him Kansas.
They aren't a crowd in most states, and they are dying of old age/complications of poor health in droves.
Sure, it seems like that from
By chaosjake
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 2:59pm
Sure, it seems like that from up here in liberal New England, but that Tea Party rhetoric gets a lot of traction between Newark and Sacramento. If anything, it's shocking how opinions and positions that would formerly have existed on the far right wing have been normalized within the Republican party. Hell, if they ran on their records today, Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan might be too liberal to get the Democratic nomination.
By Malcolm Tucker
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:59am
Trump is the loudest, by far. Once the field thins a bit, and people start paying more attention to the substance of candidates' arguments instead of the volume, Trump will go back to engaging in Twitter wars with The Daily Show.
Bernie Sanders is the new Ron
By gotdatwmd
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 12:44pm
Bernie Sanders is the new Ron Paul. Kids love him because "student loan forgiveness!!!" "jobs for my gender studies degree!!!" and "socialism now!" and "make the white people apologize for slavery!!!"nonsense. He's very hashtagable
Or an advance on Howard Dean.
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 2:07pm
I'm fine with him or Hilary. The important thing is denying the executive to the GOP for another 8 years as it'll probably finish them.
Progressives and tea baggers are like heads and tails of a coin although teabags are usually more skillful at getting their goons elected.
Progressives are usually too self absorbed to bother to persuade people who aren't like minded of the merits of their outlooks. The usual attitude is that the unwashed suck for failing to recognize progressive dazzle.
The GOP clown car is already swerving wildly and now they'll have to waste energy throttling hair pie.
Here's a typically astute piece fresh from the 538 oven from Nate, himself, regarding the matter.
Nate should have been in Chatham
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 9:59pm
That piece is more astute than the previous dreck he published on the subject, which did not incorporate any new information on voter enrollment amongst a large generation, many of whom will be eligible to vote for the first time. All the same, he's still basically pulling 2008 out of his pocket to predict 2016, and he really should know better!
Nate is falling back on "conventional wisdom", and that is a far cry from the elegant bayesian modeling and interpretation that he is known for. This piece is certainly more interesting and better analyzed than the previous one where his regulars took him to task on the sloppiness, but he's mainstream now and lapsing into the familiar is to be expected.
Let's hope he continues to improve with more information, and look for the unexpected as he did when he became famous.
He called 2012 well.
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 10:53pm
A part of your argument is like typical Gen X hipster complaints. "That band was much better before it went mainstream.."
And the rest is like a fit of pique because you weren't told what you wanted to hear. Enrollment will matter if ground operations get people out. Otherwise, it's a fad gadget.
If progressives didn't have such a sucky track record at prevailing in anything, they'd have more credibility. Warren won as much for the qualities of her personality as for the value of her argument. It makes her kind of unique, because progressives are usually utter eye glaze inducing stiffs when they are not being graceless finger wagging scolds.
Purity politics really are pretty toxic to a more congenial basis for relations. This is especially galling when the pure abet losses. The vicious right wing pure are highly motivated and have now laced congress with their dim bullshit. They have an easier job appealing to innate selfishness, but it probably helps that they engage and persuade.
You lost me at "Gen X hipsters"
By adamg
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 11:10pm
Gen Xers are too old to be hipsters dude.
You're kidding, right?
By boo_urns
Fri, 07/17/2015 - 12:34am
You're kidding, right? Otherwise the word's been around for at least 60 years. I've at least seen it in some beat era literature. Besides, pretentiousness is a timeless personality characteristic.
And s/he's right about Silver calling 2012's election just about as accurately as 2008.
With both you and Swirly on 95% of things, but sometimes you gotta call them like they are.
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:18pm
Which is about 50% of your comments.
You clearly don't pay attention to much outside what the boys at the KofC rant about, do ya?
Agreed I'm sorry we should
By gotdatwmd
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 4:29pm
Agreed I'm sorry we should just sue banks for not giving loans to at risk individuals. what could possibly go wrong
You're talking about Trump,
By boo_urns
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 6:39pm
You're talking about Trump, with his bankruptcy record, right?
65 year old 'men' with low education levels?
By anon
Thu, 07/16/2015 - 7:14am
Another troll? How about substituting unmarried, single women, with low education levels? Or is that 'mean spirited'? Or how about 'dreamers' with low education levels, or is that too mean spirited and 'racist'? Actually, I think I just described the Democratic Party's targeted demographics. Yes, I agree, that was a mean spirited thing for me to say, but I'm trying to make a point about hypocrisy.
I get the impression some people will readily give a pass to some people in life, and willing attribute 'racism' and 'sexism' (patriarchy), etc. But if some 'deprived' individual is a man, or worse a 'privileged' white man, he has nobody to blame but himslf if he's '65 and un-educated', or homeless, or fill-in-the-blank undesirable situation. I always get this nagging feeling some posting on here, who claim such superior empathy and morality, aren't really totally sincere, unbiased, have rhat proverbial chip on their shoulder (Full Disclosure: I have a bit of one myself....but unlike many, I'll admit to it, and try my best to supress it and choose rational thought over emotion).
Donald Trump
By anon
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 2:55pm proof that can have everything handed to you, have every opportunity available, and still turn out to be a complete loser.
Aw, don't be so hard on Trump; he's useful,
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:24pm
in the same way that the Confederate battle flag is useful. Voicing your support for either lets us know you're a bigoted simpleton straightaway, so you can be safely be given a wide berth and then ignored.