By adamg on Sat., 11/21/2015 - 5:06 pm
Wicked Local Brookline reports a Smythe Street resident found it suspicious that a "large black man" was just standing there, so when she went up to him to ask if he needed anything and he replied "no," she called police - who responded and found "he checked out OK."
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By MostlyHarmless
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 5:33pm
Racism isn't a thing anymore. I read about that on the internet.
Wait ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:28pm
Did you ask A White Man if it was racist? Because that seems to be the default on the internet - it isn't racist because A White Man doesn't think it is racist.
Because there is "real racism" out there. Somewhere. Not here.
By MostlyHarmless
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:28pm
If I'm a white man (check!), do I get to judge things to be racist, or am I only allowed to explain how things aren't racist? I think I missed that day at orientation.
Yes, yes you do!
By itchy
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 8:57pm
You can even make a big deal out of things that the people of color around you don't think are any big deal, because WHITE!
I'm curious
By Roman
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 10:11pm
where it is that I sign up for this secret cabal of White Men. I'm missing out on a what with my naive approach of simple hard work, personal responsibility, and the expectation of the same of everyone else. I'm a little too pale and too male to race-bait or throw around accusations of sexism, so this White Privilege thing I keep hearing about must be the ticket.
No, you're not
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 10:26pm
Otherwise, you'd do the required reading to learn and understand exactly what white male privilege is.
Unless you just have a fetish for being thought a blind fool.
Please do tell me
By Roman
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 11:17pm
more about myself. You're obviously much more qualified than I am to know what my background is and what's what inside my own head. And everyone else's.
What I know, by virtue of being neither blind nor stupid, is that "white male privilege" is, among other things, a go-to excuse for anyone both gullible enough to believe, and defective enough to want to believe, that because they don't have something, someone else must have stolen it from them. Any idea that they don't have it because they didn't earn it is, of course, just beyond the pale, because White Male Privilege.
Got a low score on your SAT's? Can't be because you didn't listen in class, didn't do your homework, and didn't give a rat's ass in school; must be because the test is racist.
Didn't get into a good college? Must be because of racism, you see, because the SAT was racist and they didn't lower the bar for you to accommodate that fact, because White Male Privilege.
Didn't get hired for the cushy job? Can't be that your C-'s in community college flag you as bad hire. Must be White Male Privilege that's keeping you down. After all, you would have that Ivy League degree in your hands and all the attendant secret handshakes, if only it wasn't for that racist SAT test that obliquely kept you out of the Old Boys Club.
Didn't qualify for a car loan? Can't be because you've got a shit income and no collateral, must be because of racism. After all, racism got you the shit job and no collateral (see above), so it's racist to keep holding it against you, because White Male Privilege.
How am I doing so far? Do I have the gist of it?
By Michael Kerpan
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 11:54pm
You don't understand the concept of white privilege at all. Not even a little.
You're so full of shit. Do
By Dot net
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 2:14am
You're so full of shit. Do some research first, Burzum II:
JUL 14 2015
CFPB and DOJ Reach Resolution with Honda to Address Discriminatory Auto Loan Pricing:
Go do ALL the research first. I've already given your ass enough privilege by sending you cursory links from Google.
When's the last time someone called the cops on you
By Ian
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 11:47am
While you were just standing out on the street?
Twice since I moved to Boston
By Jeff F
Tue, 11/24/2015 - 1:37am
And I'm unmistakenly of european decent (dark hair, fair skin, blue eyes).
People who think that every injustice in the world is predicated by racial or gender bias are as silly as those who think none of them are.
Sneeches all.
You started off OK...
By TommyJeff
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 2:33pm
Then went full breitbart on us. Don't ever go full breitbart.
And as a fairly priveledged white male myself, to not understand that you have a certain leg up by merely the color of your skin shows you're really not as smart as you let on.
Don't believe everything you think.
See that's the terminology right there
By Roman
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 5:30pm
that gets me. If we say someone "has a leg up," then that implies that the default is some kind of equality in misery that They (the rich/the white/the male/the whatever) have on Us (the "poor"/the non-white/the female).
It's telling people that they're victims by virtue of how they were born. It's fundamentally immoral to do that to anyone. If there's statutues on the books and court rulings saying "blacks can't X because they're disadvantaged," how in the world is it conscionable for activists and progressives to adopt that same idea as their battle cry?
Also, speak for yourself. Maybe you had everything handed to you on a silver spoon and you have some vague reason to feel guilty about it. That's not the case for everyone with skin lighter than a certain threshold. I didn't exactly work my way up from the bottom of the coal mines, but from day zero there was a path up and a path down. Now you'll rightly say that I had family expectations and such and such pointing out which path was which, but guess what: that had exactly nothing to do with the fact that none of them was black.
So I ask again, if there's some secret handshake I don't know about that lowers the bar I had to cross to sit in the chair I'm sitting in today, do tell.
Lemme try to 'splain it a different way
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 5:55pm
Last week I was finishing a meal at a restaurant and late for a movie. I had 7/8ths of a beer still in front of me. Being a cheap, penny-pinching SOB, I decided to sneak the bottle out of the restaurant and into the movie. Not a classy move, nor legal, nor something I felt proud of and wish to repeat, but bear with me.
So, at the movie, nobody even gave me a 2nd look to see if I was bringing in outside food or drink. Because I'm an old white guy. But if they had, and if they had spotted the beer, they would have said, "Excuse me, you can't bring that in, I can throw it out for you right here." Had I been a young black guy, they might have been quite a bit more aggressive, possibly throwing me out, or even calling the cops.
But even if they they called the cops on me, the cop would most likely have rolled his eyes and told me not to do it again, at worst written me some kind of ticket. Because I'm an old white guy. Had I been a young black guy, he might have arrested me.
But even if they had called the cops, and even if the cop had arrested me, he likely would have been respectful. Because I'm an old white guy. Had I been a young black guy, I might have been slammed to the pavement before being cuffed.
And even if I had been arrested, the judge would probably have looked at me and told me not to be an ass and let me go. Because I'm a old white guy. Had I been a young black guy, I might have a trespassing and disorderly conduct and resisting arrest rap on my record.
And that, right there, is an example of white privilege. The consequences to me for having done something kinda trashy and mildly illegal were nonexistent. Had I been a young black guy, they might have been quite a bit worse.
If you look like me, and you don't recognize all the times you're being handed a break, up and down the line, simply because of accident of birth, then you are perhaps part of the problem.
By Scumquistador
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 6:03pm
i agree with you in principle but using an entirely hypothetical situation based off of the fact you brought a beer into a movie theater doesnt really prove anything
"prove" vs "illustrate"
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 8:43pm
It wasn't meant to prove anything; it was meant to illustrate a point.
Do you think it's true or false that, whether dealing with a store clerk, a bank loan officer, or a cop, white people catch a lot of breaks that black people don't?
are you illiterate
By Scumquistador
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 9:13pm
or did you intentionally ignore the fact that i said i agree with you in principle
I'm illiterate
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 10:28pm
Did you make the assertion that my story proves nothing? Was I out of line addressing that assertion by pointing out that I didn't set out to prove anything?
If the point of your story
By Roman
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 6:24pm
is that we should enforce the laws equally or that we shouldn't have BS rules about outside food and drinks at movie theaters, I'm all with you.
If the point of your story is that Old White Guys can get away with shit they shouldn't be doing, and make a point of doing so, then you're not exactly part of the solution either.
The 'solution' wasn't the topic at hand.
By TommyJeff
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 7:11pm
You breathlessly proclaimed white male privilege didn't exist.
Bob walked you through a pretty accurate hypothetical.
Then you blame him for not being part of the solution?!?
Thanks for playing, Roman.
Nothing accurate about that...
By Doug1001
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 7:56pm
It was one of the dumbest things I ever read...figures you think it's great though.
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 8:49pm
Can you seriously, with a straight face, deny that white people catch breaks right and left simply for being white, whether it's doing something they shouldn't be doing (as I freely admit I was), doing something that is perfectly legal but looks kind of suspicious, trying to hail a taxi in the rain, applying for a job, asking to borrow a tool from AutoZone, renting an apartment, or applying for bank loan?
I'm telling you with a straight face
By Roman
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 11:29pm
that there's plenty of shady-looking white people I wouldn't hold the door to my building for, rent to, lend to, or hire. For instance, the white guy begging for change where Rt 2 lets out by Alewife isn't getting a penny out of me. Call me a racist, but it isn't happening.
Also, I've got the good sense to call the cops ahead of time if the something legitimate the I'm doing really does look suspicious, and no, I'm not arguing with you that blacks have a harder time hailing taxis. I am telling you that I refuse to refer to white people not having a hard time getting a cab as "getting a break". See above.
Now I have a question for you: Can you tell me with a straight face that you have never judged a man on the street by the way he dresses and carries himself? Never seen a guy of any race standing on a street corner in the middle of the day for no apparent reason and with no apparent purpose, and thought to yourself, this probably ain't kosher?
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 1:08am
Of course. Me too. That, of course, has no bearing on the question of whether, everything else being equal, the white guy is going to be slightly more likely to have the door held for him, or have a slightly easier time getting the apartment, loan, or job. The study has been done over and over again, with identical lease applications / loan applications / resumes but black vs white photos attached and a clear difference in outcomes.
If, as numerous studies have shown, a white guy has an easier time getting a taxi than an identically dressed and identically gesturing black guy standing on the same street corner, how could one call that anything other than the white guy "getting a break," or "experiencing an advantage," or "enjoying the benefit of race-based privilege?"
Of course I have. And I've even called the cops on such a person. What does that have to do with the existence or lack thereof of race-based privilege?
OK and
By Roman
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 2:03am
I'm pretty sure you can find negative correlations for other "disadvantaged" groups for a suitable definition of disadvantage. Jews in the early days of film and TV used to change their names to make themselves more marketable. "No Irish Need Apply" Hell, I've been accused of being a drunk just because my name comes from east of the Danube.
Everyone's got some millstone around their necks if they look hard enough. Everyone's special, which means no one really is and no one really does.
And by the way, how do we get from there to here, which is the comment at the top of this thread saying white people's opinions matter less because they're not properly disadvantaged? How precisely is that in any way justified.
Reduction of scale
By Kaz
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 10:27am
Yes, that's quite some millstone of having to change your last name to get into the entertainment industry. Does that come on a single gold monofilament with the option for silver if you want to accessorize?
Meanwhile, black Americans weren't given a millstone. They were chained to it and told to push it and then were "allowed" to take it home with them in the 60's. Sure, it's gotten smaller because they have to drag it everywhere, but fifty years later and only some of them have gotten it small enough to just barely fit in their pockets...HEY! What's that in your pocket, son? Hands where I can see them!!
Meaning that
By Roman
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 6:40pm
we're all racists for not cutting minorities slack in other places? White people, of course, don't get a vote on which minorities, how much slack, and in what places, you see, because they're insufficiently oppressed to have an opinion. WTF.
How many ways can I say this: The answer to unequal enforcement of laws and standards is not more unequal enforcement, just in a different place to "balance it out a little".
WellDeserved: A marketplace for privilege
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 5:59pm
Maybe you'll be better able to understand it in terms of money?
Probably not, since your denial and willful ignorance have been pretty epic, but here goes:
A self-indulgent parody piece that doesn't explain anything
By Jeff F
Tue, 11/24/2015 - 1:46am
mastabatory bay area fluff
You explained nothing...
By Doug1001
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 7:54pm
This nonsense you wrote is full of assumptions and generalizations... Really dumb.
Keep posting
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 9:29pm
But consider reading Proverbs 17:28, first.
By You posted
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 10:25pm
You post a story about you getting away with being kind of a jerk and claim it's evidence of structural racism?
that's exactly right
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 12:57am
That's precisely right.
Structural racism means that, for the same level of being kind of a jerk, a white guy is more likely to get away with it than a black guy.
citation needed
By Jeff F
Tue, 11/24/2015 - 1:52am
Any actual evidence that you described the results population of your hypothetical scenario accurately? Because it sounds like you simply made up a 'just-so' story. Maybe you're right, and blacks would be hassled more. Maybe though, the strongest statistical indicator would be age, or gender, or mode of dress, or reaction to authority.
What's funny or maybe not
By anon
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 8:52am
What's funny or maybe not funny is that your post itself exudes white male privilege and you don't even see it which pretty much sums up the privilege,
Looks like the definition of WMP has changed a bit
By merlinmurph
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 3:19pm
So, sneaking a beer out of a restaurant and into a movie theater is an example of white male privilege?
Looks like the bar has been lowered - a lot.
Plenty of white and black and
By maria c
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 7:28am
Plenty of white and black and hispanics who were not privileged growing up but became upstanding citizens with plenty of money and good careers when they became adults BECAUSE THEY HAD A STRONG WILL TO DO GOOD IN SCHOOL AND WORK HARD AND WHO HAD EVERPESENT LOVING ROLE MODELS IN THEIR LIVES WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG.
By lbb
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 5:04pm
...makes it twice as true, amirite?
You're missing an essential point, Maria. When people are systematically discriminated against, it isn't enough to do good in school and work hard and yadda yadda yadda. If you're systematically discriminated against, you can do all that, and you'll still catch a bunch of shit. You'll still get questioned just for standing on a street corner harming nobody. Google, for god's sake, there are way too many cases of good-school-doing, hard-working, respectable people in every conceivable way, who still got body-slammed for the crime of being black. Google "James Blake" just to use one fairly recent example -- you really will not get any more squeaky clean than that. Now explain to me what James Blake did wrong. I'm waiting to hear.
Standing While black????????
By Blu
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 5:38pm
If he were a large white guy would it had. Been a problem..
..What if he was a under cover cop ... Maybe people should mind there business ... I personally think she was Rasist.... Idk its crazy too me.. She took upo. Herself to call the police if he wSnt doing anytbing illegal..
Loitering is the act of
By GeeDuh
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:05pm
Loitering is the act of remaining in a particular public place for a protracted time without an apparent purpose. Under certain circumstances, it is illegal in various jurisdictions.
Not in Brookline
By Ari O
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 11:25pm
First of all, loitering laws usually go after groups of people, not individuals. Second of all, here is a link to Brookline's town bylaws. Nothing I can find about loitering.
Loitering can be illegal, but wasn't in this case.
There is no law against loitering in Mass.
By anon
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 11:37am
There is NO law against loitering in Massachusetts, despite what the signs on the M.B.T.A. seem to think. They cite:
Which does not criminalize loitering.
Wait just a minute
By anon
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 3:25pm
Someone should tell the Transit Police they can't kick you out of the station for loitering
What about
By roadman
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 10:42am
Trying to defend this, sadly
By BostonDog
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:03pm
It's entirely possible this woman is a bigot. I've lived in Brookline; there are many bigots.
But there is a difference between accusing someone of something due to their race and simply using their race as a descriptor. The police need to know what the person looks like in order to find that person. So using their race as a descriptor along with their gender, clothing, height, etc is descriptive and not racist on it's own.
As to why she called the police in the first place it's entirely possible it was solely to his race. But we don't know that for sure from the one sentence blurb. (I'm surprised she didn't describe him as a "renter", something Brookline fears far more then blacks.)
By MostlyHarmless
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:19pm
The universe is a wondrous place capable of an infinite number of permutations. Truly, in this life, anything is possible.
She's still probably a racist, tho.
By BostonDog
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:23pm
Brookline is probably one out
By Rubenstein
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 6:24pm
Brookline is probably one out of a few towns in Massachusetts with a very low population of African American people. I thought Brookline had no bigots as far as I can remember, It's home of JFK's birthplace, Dukakis, and many more liberal famous types. .
im guessing
By Scumquistador
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 8:07pm
you dont get west of 128 much
E: partially out of my own curiosity and also to qualify my remark i did some very basic research. roughly 25% of the commonwealth's african american population lives in boston proper (to the tune of roughly 155k or so). now if we add in the surrounding cities like somerville, cambridge, going up into lynn, et cetera, im sure that gets significantly higher i havent looked but i would assume that a large concentration of that demographic is centered very close to boston.
im not trying to win an argument (since i dont think we are having one) but i've lived in a lot of different areas in massachusetts and i have to say the farther west you go, for the most part, the less diverse looking it seems to get.
also i laughed because while i was looking it up it said massachusetts has the highest concentration by % of irish ethnicity in the country. maybe im just being silly but really all it made me think of was popped collar high school and college bros that identify as irish because they love getting wasted on 3/17 (which is a noble endeavor, so im not knocking it)
Sadly, I didn't disagree with
By Bob Murphy
Sat, 11/21/2015 - 9:32pm
Sadly, I didn't disagree with your analysis of the lack of diversity in most mass towns, then you took a completely off topic cheap shot at Mass Irish people as a bunch of drunks while otherwise bemoaning prejudice. So predictable. So pathetic. You either hate prejudice or you don't.