Fire sparked by dental equipment sets Mattapan house on fire; two residents, one firefighter hurt
UPDATE: One of the residents died a couple days later.
The Boston Fire Department reports somebody using dental equipment in the dentist's office at 130 Babson St. accidentally started a fire that went to four alarms after firefighters arrived around 4:05 p.m.
Two residents had to be pulled from the fire, the fire department reports. Boston Police detectives were called to the scene because of the severity of one of the resident's injuries.
The fire ripped through the attic and roof of the building, which also houses a dentist's office. Firefighters were first ordered out of the building and then off the roof (video).
Fire continued to burn an hour after firefighters arrived. Photo by BFD:
Damage was estimated at $500,000.
Another reason not to go to the dentist.
This is not a week to know me
I know someone who lives there. Not a friend, more of an acquaintance. I hope not to see his name in the paper.