Some (not all) of these companies are to be carefully researched, and I mean deeply.
I did business with a similar company out of Leominster not knowing what they were about based solely on a good price. The transportation never showed so we could make connections. That was stated up front of course, i.e. the need to connect with other ticketed transportation. We called and cancelled and asked for a refund. One was promised by e-mail but when it never showed we started calling and their answering service would take messages and we would never get a call back.
As time went on the list of complaints to BBB and others started racking up on the net. After certified mail was returned as undeliverable, even though that was the same address we used to pay them by check in advance (big mistake there), we looked deeper. Their corporate address was a drop box at a UPS store and their depot where they kept their vehicles and office changed 2X in just 2 years. User complaints were similar to ours and their stories of no refunds were mirror images of ours.
So we went to small claims only to find that they had filed bankruptcy and their attorney filed in small claims to that effect. We joined the bankruptcy hoping for something since our need for transportation was a decent $3200 for a large group.
We kept digging and found a new company start up in the same town, this time in the name of the owner's wife, keeping in mind our problems were with the business under the husband's name. Through a loophole in how they handled their DPU certification, small claims allowed us to transfer the court claim to the new company, otherwise the law says these are two separate companies. Then we got a letter from the first company's bankruptcy attorney saying he was pulling out of representing them because they were not following his advise, and had not paid him yet!
After several more court appearances and no one on their end showing, we got a bench warrant but that would have cost lot more to make happen, so after 3 years we simply gave up. At this point the cost to pursue would have eaten up the lost funds and then some. as it was we had already spent close to half of what we might have gotten back. We continued to follow this schmuck on-line finding he (and she) had all kinds of investigations and complaints and were called in to town hearings where they operated. We'll guess at some point she will go out of business again and show up under a new name.
Could this be the same person? Well, look it up. So far it appears he is a new person at this. He filed his articles of incorporation last October 2015 and filed an annual report in March 2016, all done on line. He has a corporation mill handling him as his registered agent downtown Boston.
However his web site says he started the business in 2013 but the state says he did not become a corporation until Oct 2015. Something is amiss here. Did he do business under another name or without proper license before? None of the documents points to that, and any transfer of an operating certification with the DPU (assuming he even did that per law) requires a formal written request for that kind of information.
In this Uber age, you need to be careful.
Speaking of Uber... has anyone noticed the advertisements popping up all over the city for a company that is leasing cars to people who want to get in as an Uber driver but who do not own their own car or don't want to use their own car? Driving people in a car that is not your own and owned by another corporation, for which you need to pay a regular lease or rental fee is not a new idea by the way. It's called a taxi. The new service will not be regulated like taxis.
The T may not be reliable but at least I know what I am getting.
I feel bad for the people who have been taken for $$$. I seriously doubt that they will see anything returned to them.
Oh, that is absolutely priceless. And the fact that he doesn't know the difference between "capitol" and "capital" proves he is the one in need of a better education and not just his kids.
Avoid this company
By perruptor
Thu, 05/26/2016 - 6:56am
Boston Elite Transportation
When their business dries up because of negative publicity, they'll reappear under a different name. Caveat emptor.
Rises from the ashes
By In The Know
Thu, 05/26/2016 - 9:49am
Some (not all) of these companies are to be carefully researched, and I mean deeply.
I did business with a similar company out of Leominster not knowing what they were about based solely on a good price. The transportation never showed so we could make connections. That was stated up front of course, i.e. the need to connect with other ticketed transportation. We called and cancelled and asked for a refund. One was promised by e-mail but when it never showed we started calling and their answering service would take messages and we would never get a call back.
As time went on the list of complaints to BBB and others started racking up on the net. After certified mail was returned as undeliverable, even though that was the same address we used to pay them by check in advance (big mistake there), we looked deeper. Their corporate address was a drop box at a UPS store and their depot where they kept their vehicles and office changed 2X in just 2 years. User complaints were similar to ours and their stories of no refunds were mirror images of ours.
So we went to small claims only to find that they had filed bankruptcy and their attorney filed in small claims to that effect. We joined the bankruptcy hoping for something since our need for transportation was a decent $3200 for a large group.
We kept digging and found a new company start up in the same town, this time in the name of the owner's wife, keeping in mind our problems were with the business under the husband's name. Through a loophole in how they handled their DPU certification, small claims allowed us to transfer the court claim to the new company, otherwise the law says these are two separate companies. Then we got a letter from the first company's bankruptcy attorney saying he was pulling out of representing them because they were not following his advise, and had not paid him yet!
After several more court appearances and no one on their end showing, we got a bench warrant but that would have cost lot more to make happen, so after 3 years we simply gave up. At this point the cost to pursue would have eaten up the lost funds and then some. as it was we had already spent close to half of what we might have gotten back. We continued to follow this schmuck on-line finding he (and she) had all kinds of investigations and complaints and were called in to town hearings where they operated. We'll guess at some point she will go out of business again and show up under a new name.
Could this be the same person? Well, look it up. So far it appears he is a new person at this. He filed his articles of incorporation last October 2015 and filed an annual report in March 2016, all done on line. He has a corporation mill handling him as his registered agent downtown Boston.
However his web site says he started the business in 2013 but the state says he did not become a corporation until Oct 2015. Something is amiss here. Did he do business under another name or without proper license before? None of the documents points to that, and any transfer of an operating certification with the DPU (assuming he even did that per law) requires a formal written request for that kind of information.
In this Uber age, you need to be careful.
Speaking of Uber... has anyone noticed the advertisements popping up all over the city for a company that is leasing cars to people who want to get in as an Uber driver but who do not own their own car or don't want to use their own car? Driving people in a car that is not your own and owned by another corporation, for which you need to pay a regular lease or rental fee is not a new idea by the way. It's called a taxi. The new service will not be regulated like taxis.
The T may not be reliable but at least I know what I am getting.
I feel bad for the people who have been taken for $$$. I seriously doubt that they will see anything returned to them.
Brad Dunbar is just saving
By Jones
Thu, 05/26/2016 - 7:01am
Brad Dunbar is just saving the non-refunds for his kids college tuition ---
By Sources Say
Thu, 05/26/2016 - 10:11am
Oh, that is absolutely priceless. And the fact that he doesn't know the difference between "capitol" and "capital" proves he is the one in need of a better education and not just his kids.
$170 for a ride from Logan to
By anon
Thu, 05/26/2016 - 9:48am
$170 for a ride from Logan to Hudson? Ouch.
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