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Looks like the windows on one BPS bus need some cleaning

Bus with swastika

A motorist snapped this photo of the back of a BPS bus on Chelsea Street in Charlestown this morning.

UPDATE: BPS reports:

Boston Public Schools does not tolerate hateful speech and is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all. The offensive writing on school bus #WB924 was immediately removed once it was brought to our attention today.

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"[swastika] = Donald Trump for Chump"

It's anti-Trump graffiti implying that the president-elect is a Nazi, ie a racist fascist.

Obnoxious and objectionable - certainly. Inaccurate...? Putting Stephen Bannon, an unabashed white supremist, in a corner office in the West Wing certainly does imply that Trump's attitudes about race should be a matter of concern.

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I was just about to ask if anyone could make out the text.

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Did it start with a swastika on its own, which then was amended?

I know that several pictures of "Windows" logos used to neuter swastikas have been making the rounds.


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failed to conquer the world with the symbol of one who is succeeding.

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No wonder there's always accidents and pedestrians being hit by cars.

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Look really carefully at the brake lights. What might they suggest?

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And, unless the car is from the other Commonwealth, the driver didn't take the picture.

I would bet that it wasn't a passenger or a driver that took the picture - Chelsea St. is busy, has big sidewalks at one end, etc. The angle suggests this despite the headline assumption.

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But it seems to me that the bus and the auto are both stopped at a light -- in different lanes of the roadway. That explains the extreme angle, the slight upward viewpoint, and no windshield/car frame in the pic.

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I was in my car in the adjacent lane, stopped at the light. I didn't know who or if i needed to report it, hence why i sent it to my Boston, go-to for all things local, mr gaffin

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So as soon as traffic stops (or slows down), we can whip out our phones?

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It's okay, because it's dust graffiti.

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... will dust be kids.

I wonder if this happened in two parts? Not okay however it went down (and that isn't even getting into the diesel exhaust particulate toxicity).

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I hope today is they day they learn to use a protractor.

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Has this been reported to BPS and the police? I hope a swastika on the back of a wheelchair bus should be taken seriously.

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The photographer should have notified the AG Hotline like they're supposed to. Not publish the photo on the internet so it can entice more followers to commit the same stupid actions.

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Last I checked, my phone could handle both pretty well.

Maybe they were in jail and only got one phone call.

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'member when kids wrote CLEAN ME on dirty windows?

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I member

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Just added an update from BPS.

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Now we know how to get BPS to clean their busses.

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Yeah, like that guy who spray paints offensive stuff in potholes so the city will fill them.

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