Monday 04 11:07 A 12.26 ft
Tuesday 05 11:58 A 12.31 ft
Tide chart says Ye Olde Royale Tyde will be even higher today at 11:07 and tomorrow at 11:58 than it was on Sunday. Sunday's tide was 11.98 feet.
If you work near a shore line or an inlet, grab your lunch and go look! Just remember to consider your exit options (aka don't be dumb like I was and get stuck for twenty minutes).
They'll just start a ferry service to the BRA Cafe and Lawsuit Money Memorial (the kiosk that's there now is up a couple feet from the base wharf, so it stayed dry during last year's king tides, unlike the area in front of the Chart House).
King Cnut is Staying Over
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 12/04/2017 - 10:33am
Monday 04 11:07 A 12.26 ft
Tuesday 05 11:58 A 12.31 ft
Tide chart says Ye Olde Royale Tyde will be even higher today at 11:07 and tomorrow at 11:58 than it was on Sunday. Sunday's tide was 11.98 feet.
If you work near a shore line or an inlet, grab your lunch and go look! Just remember to consider your exit options (aka don't be dumb like I was and get stuck for twenty minutes).
Does this mean that we will
By Donna F
Mon, 12/04/2017 - 10:32am
Does this mean that we will have to wear hip waders to the BRA Cafe on Long Wharf?
By adamg
Mon, 12/04/2017 - 11:15am
They'll just start a ferry service to the BRA Cafe and Lawsuit Money Memorial (the kiosk that's there now is up a couple feet from the base wharf, so it stayed dry during last year's king tides, unlike the area in front of the Chart House).
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