Look Who's Coming To Speak at Resist Marxism: Kyle Chapman edition
Kyle Chapman, who was barred by a judge from attending protests in California, has been scheduled by organizers to speak at a protest in Boston this month. It will be his third time speaking at Boston Free Speech/Resist Marxism rallies, the other two times were May and August.
"Based Stickman,” the far-right figure who gained Internet notoriety for fighting anti-fascists in the streets of Berkeley earlier this year, may not participate in one of two Bay Area protests this weekend, a judge ruled Friday.
Kyle Chapman, 41, of Daly City was ordered to stay away from the Say No to Marxism rally at which he was scheduled to speak Sunday in Berkeley. The ruling came Friday morning, when Chapman appeared in an Oakland courtroom to answer felony weapons possession charges, according to Alameda County Assistant Dist. Atty. Teresa Drenick
Smoking Gun documents the ignominious record of Kyle Chapman; beat and maced anti-Trump protesters on the streets of Berkeley, thrice-convicted felon who has served three separate prison terms, jumped bail, twice violated parole; used cocaine, LSD, and meth; described by his own lawyer as having “severe psychological problems,” court records show.
Kyle Chapmen is a white supremacist who tells audiences there is a war on white people and that we will have to fight, bleed and die." Watch it for yourself in this video by the Intercept called How White Nationalism became Normal Online.
Here is a quick transcript of the speech.
Also scheduled to speak is Joey Gibson.
The city denied them a permit.
So this should be interesting.
permit for Sunday instead
Yes, but they are holding it on the 18th anyways.
Which is why I said it should be interesting.
the city did not deny them a permit
It didn't say it was uninteresting, I said the city did not deny them a permit.