Possible clue to the mystery of why Stony Brook Reservation erupts in flames every spring
By adamg on Sun, 04/02/2017 - 5:44pm
Jake ran across this bucolic scene inside Stony Brook Reservation this afternoon. No, this probably won't cause any brush fires today, given how wet the ground is from yesterday's snow/sleet/rain, but it might show one of the reasons why, pretty much every spring, Boston firefighters have to haul hoses deep into the woods because they erupt in flames.
Also, you might think somebody who wears a MassDOT jacket would know better than to ride a motorbike into the state-owned woods, let alone start a fire there.
Free tagging:
Why are the face and license plate of the happy camper obscured? It's a public place, with no expectation of privacy. That bike appears to be a BMW, FWIW.
License plate not obscured
Jake says there wasn't one.
As for the "obscured" face of the person, well, not really, it's just the angle the photo was taken, but, to be honest, it's just as well, since she looks like a kid, not an adult who should know better (if you look at the close-up photo of the bike, linked in the original post, you'll see the adult's helmet hanging on it).
I know this spot
I know exactly where this is and have been there early in the morning to see the remnants of a fire still smoldering. there are motorbilkes all over those woods at night and i would guess this is their meet up point
I helped put out a fire in Stony Brook
...and I kid you not, it was a bunch of kids who had been eating fried chicken from a place on Washington Street, and smoking pot. They decided, while high, to set a fire.
There was trash strewn everywhere. By the time BFD arrived we'd put out the fire with what we had in our water bottles.
I get high and have never
I get high and have never started a fire. It's called being stupid...drunk, high or sober. All judgey with the labels :)
But why?
I understand she's cold but this isn't the backwoods of the Ponderosa.
Go sit in a Dunks and warm up, don't make a GD fire in a State Park.
Did they start the fire?
Or did someone stop to check on it.
I have it on good authority
That it was always burning
since the world's been turning.
Dammit you beat me to it
Dammit you beat me to it
Point in favor of dogs
Like 99% of dogs don't start forest fires.
I know, I know, citations needed.
What's more
is dogs are capable of putting out small fires.
What's even more is
Why did God give dogs paws?
To put out small fires.
Why did God invent elephants?
To stamp out flaming dogs.
Get rid of the pit
Why don't we just throw all the rocks everywhere? No reason to have a fire pit there.