Who speaks for the trees? Brighton Tree Ninja arrested yet again
UPDATE: Arraigned, ordered held.
Can nothing stop the blade-wielding tree hater of Brighton Center? Apparently not, because D-14 officers arrested him again last night trying to kill a tree on Peaceable Street by hacking at it with a hatchet, just like he's been doing for more than a decade in-between his arrests and trips to Bridgewater for observation, a D-14 community service officer told the Brighton Allston Improvement Association tonight.
For those just joining us, the ninja hates trees for some reason and tries to kill them all on two streets in Brighton Center, sometimes by hacking at them with an axe, sometimes with more delicate bark slicing with a long pruning shear, which kills the trees more slowly, occasionally with a hammer.
He's been arrested numerous times, many residents and even the city have just given up planting new trees and he keeps on chopping and hacking.
H/t Roving UHub reporter PlunkettPrime.
One would think ...
By now they have enough to hold him indefinitely?
Has he really been evaluated?
Are they confident he's going to stick to trees, and not decide he also hates other living things?
honest question
If instead of trees he was slashing car tires or smashing car windows would he be allowed to roam streets like that?
Probably. Think of all of the
Probably. Think of all of the repeat domestic abusers who are allowed to remain free who reoffend.
Has he been enjoined
from carrying hammers, knives and axes in public, or from dressing up as a ninja? Surely this Joseph Rizza has earned some kind of restraining order, at least.
Tree Ninja
Man he has some deep rooted problems.
We should clora-fill his old cell in B-Water with him for a long time with no option to chop his sentence in half.
Why not have him go full
Why not have him go full Dexter and pick up a career in lumberjacking?
Aw, leaf the poor guy alone.
Aw, leaf the poor guy alone.
Why won't he...
...make like a tree and leave?
The authorities appear to be stumped as to what to do with him
Seems like
they really need to get to the root of his problems.
Perhaps what we need
...is a special branch of the Police to deal with this type of crime.
the time has come
to weed out this whack job