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Citizen complaint of the day: Something stinks in South Boston

An aggrieved citizen files a 311 complaint about the skunks waddling rampant in South Boston:

Wide spread skunks. There has been widespread skunks all around the neighborhood. My neighbor was sprayed getting out of her car and now our house is overcome with the smell. Is there a way to do some neighborhood wide extermination? It is a really bad problem they're everywhere.

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Kill them all and let God seperate the good from the bad!

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Man must learn to live with nature now that land and forest are disappearing and turning into big square legos. Just don't do what the wild animal hating government in Framingham did to the cute fuzzy beavers. I bet they don't even like dogs. I'd rather live with skunks out my window than the humans dropping used needles in Franklin Park among other "shitty" things. Or the perverts on the train. Or the package stealers. Or the litterers. Or the loud airplanes overhead all morning early on the weekends.

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sales of tomato soup have skyrocketed.

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If you get rid of the skunks you will have rats.

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It doesn't help that we have a significant litter and garbage problem in Southie. On any given day, the sidewalks are lined up with discarded takeout, dog waste, and other debris. It is such an eyesore and makes the neighborhood look less than inviting! No wonder there is a skunk problem when people in the neighborhood can't be bothered to pick up after themselves. Skunks and other rodents seek out what is discarded and we can hardly blame them for a problem caused by humans. Instead of exterminating the skunks, why don't we confront the main issue at hand?

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It wasn’t like that when families lived in the houses and they cleaned their sidewalks and gutters. Now the yuppies leave trails of red solo cups and dog shit all over the place.

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Citations needed

I remember how much Boston used to stink. Not buying it.

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Since weed became legal, many MBTA buses, areas around T stops, outside south station etc smell like it. I don't really care if you smoke it, but it is so skunky it's gross - maybe a bunch of kids hanging out at Broadway?

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The Transit Police would never let someone smoke a joint on a bus or in a station.

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and nearly stepped on a skunk. A miracle I didn't get doused. I just kept walking and it left me alone.

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My neighbor was sprayed getting out of her car

There's your problem. Try riding a bicycle instead.

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I've tripped over the damn things and gotten indignant looks, but no foul spray.

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Required an indoor parking garage for your condo development you would have the problem of getting sprayed.

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The skunks are just like the long-time residents. They’re being displaced by BRA/city hall sponsored construction. At least the skunks found a way to fight back.

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