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Don't worry: Marty isn't leaving us
By adamg on Thu, 08/16/2018 - 3:29pm
Just ran into Boston mayor @marty_walsh at the Iowa State Fair.
The first thing he said? “I’m not running for president.”— Kevin Robillard (@Robillard) August 16, 2018
Free tagging:
I've always wanted to go to the Iowa State Fair
I hear that it is amazing. Minnesota and Wisconsin also seem to have good ones. I hope Marty is having a good time out there. I hope he doesn't eat too many corn dogs lest he end up on the same diet and exercise regimen his predecessor had to take up (and try to force the rest of the city to do.)
Stay closer to home
Go here: http://brocktonfair.net/index.html
They have seals. Real seals. Seals not eaten by sharks off Truro.
That's a county fair, my friend
I've been to Topsfield. I've been to the Big-E. Heck, I've even been to the Western Washington Fair. But until I go to one of those big state fairs, I have not truly lived.
Two Words
Iowa State Fair--two words: Butter Cow!!!
David Foster Wallace essay in Harpers
Illinois State Fair in the 1990s.
Hopefully Marty will remind the good folk of Iowa
that when they order lobsters from Massachusetts, the lobsters won't be red when they arrive in the mail and that, no - it doesn't mean they've spoiled, it means you have to cook them first.
This news makes me so...
blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
That's what they all say.
That's what they all say.
No one is actually going to admit to running until next year.
The Dems weak bench makes
The Dems weak bench makes anything possible.
And when they do admit to running
they should agree to run until all of the 8,345 primaries are completed.
Or we could wake up and finally accept the fact that the current system of endless primaries is a ludicrous waste of time, money, and other resources, and acknowledge that a single nationwide primary is perfectly reasonable.
As John Kerry might say, would that it were, would that it were.
As John Kerry might say, would that it were, would that it were.
I don't buy it.. he's half right
Maybe not president, but if Deval runs, how much you wanna bet Marty will he his running mate.
Allll set with that ticket...
One Would Definitely Lose Massachusetts
Maybe for obvious reasons, but less obvious is the fact that the 12th amendment bars electors from voting for both a presidential candidate and a vice-presidential candidate from the same state in which the electors reside.
Arcane Suldog
Tell that to Dick Cheney.
Tell that to Dick Cheney.
Except that President and Vice President
are NOT separate elections. The VP "candidate" is hand-picked by the Presidental candidate. The voters have NO say in the matter.
Electors Do, However
Electors cast ballots to do the actual electing. They can cast utterly different ballots for president and vice-president. There have been quite a few cases of that.
If you want to get even more pissy about the people having little say (and I am in favor of getting pissy about it, believe me) the electors don't have to vote for any of the candidates who receive a majority of the public vote. They could all theoretically go rogue and elect anyone they wish, even if the person they vote for isn't listed on any ballot.
Warren is the one running.
Warren is the one running. Marty will get her seat if it opens up.
Here's a much better idea
How about we let the VOTERS independently decide who the Vice President will be, irregardless of who's running for Ptesident.
This "good old boy" practice where the Presidental candidates get to select their running mates on a whim and force voters into a "if you like me, you have to take them also" situation is yet another example of what's so wrong with our electoral system.
I suspect that in Iowa, when
I suspect that in Iowa, when they heard Marty talk they'd think they were dealing with Boston's Forrest Gump, and be very nice to him.
Mayors don't become president
Calvin Coolidge is the only American mayor to be vice-president. His political career took him from the Mayor’s Office of Northampton, Massachusetts to the White House. After serving as vice-president for two years, Coolidge assumed the presidency in 1923 when President Warren Harding died in office. Coolidge remains only the second mayor to become president. The first was Grover Cleveland, former mayor of Buffalo, New York, in 1886. No mayor of a major American city has become president.
He was governor before he
He was governor before he became VP.
History Fan
I have a deep appreciation for history, but once we elected a crude, inexperienced reality tv star I think the historical precedents stopped being worthwhile predictors.
Are you saying
Buffalo is not a major American city? C'mon they, like, almost won the Super Bowl a couple of times.
And in 1886
It might well have been a major city, dependingbon the definition.
I heard he's going to become the Mayor of BC.
On Earth-2, Hillary is
On Earth-2, Hillary is president, Marty is Secretary of Labor, and Michelle Wu is the mayor of Boston. There are bike lanes EVERYWHERE.
sounds like a much better
sounds like a much better place to live
Not so much. The only upside is that Trump wouldn't be embarrassing us.....