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Chelsea bar served hard drinks for men who want to get drunk fast - and beer, lots and lots of beer

The Chelsea Record reports the city licensing commission has suspended the Chelsea Walk Pub's license for ten weeks after "viewing multiple surveillance videos of patrons falling off stools, being overserved, urinating in public, getting groped, and laid out on the sidewalk by the front door after closing time."



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Second this week!

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As a resident who has walked by that place a thousand times... I am just not surprised.

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They need some good door dudes like Eddie C’s. Keep the riff raff in check

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are there not women and non-binary drunks in Chelsea??

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It's amazingly detailed.

I listed "men" in the headline because it's a reference to a scene in a particular movie. Oh, hell, OK, alright, here it is:

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I figured it out. Time for a flaming rum punch......

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When do they open tonight?

Meanwhile, police pointed out that at the other end of the bar, a woman sat with two pitchers of beer in front of her with no one else drinking from the mugs. In addition, the video showed the woman encouraging another patron to put his hand down her shirt and grope her breast.

Seriously, I've been looking for a new bar, and maybe a new neighborhood. Any nice condos in Chelsea these days?

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But they ordered mulled wine, heavy on the cinnamon and light on the cloves!

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From the article:

"the video showed the woman encouraging another patron to put his hand down her shirt and grope her breast. Police Captain Keith Houghton said both incidents violated the city alcohol serving ordinances."

I mean, it sounds consensual - who cares if someone gets to second base?

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At least, not so long as the person she asked wasn't forced to comply with her invitation.

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This bar sounds awesome

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any drinking establishment in the Commonwealth. People drink and then act like a$$holes.

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