An alleged "straight pride" parade through the Back Bay and the South End planned for Aug. 31 made Buzzfeed yesterday, so you know people were talking about it.
The group that's allegedly planning the parade, whose alleged leaders include one of the "Resist Marxism" guys who like to march on the Common or just stand on the Parkman Bandstand, won a big victory. So now they just have to wait until, oh, Aug. 1, when they can claim they have to cancel the event because of threats from antifa, or Marty Walsh, or antifa and Marty Walsh, and get even more publicity.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
People are showing you the receipts
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 3:46pm
And you are still hung up solely on the name.
Your usual car-apologia shtick is cute, whatever, just didn't think I'd see you carrying water for these clowns.
You really need to be led by the hand, don't you?
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 3:58pm
People have been telling you about the organizers of this event, and you're all "Where, where, I don't see anything". You're either lazy or dishonest, or both.
Here's a thought
By Waquiot
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 5:04pm
Go back to my response to Eric G. Read it. Read it again. Then read it once again.
I guess I am doubling down, but since I don't give a rat's ass about this guy, there we are. People say he's a white supremacist, and I cannot deny that. Doesn't change that this silly thing has nothing at all to do with white supremacy. You should check out a guy called Geert Wilders. Not exactly a homophobe that guy was. Race and sexuality are not things that get conflated.
There you go sticking your head in the sand
By spin_o_rama
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 12:31pm
And then somehow still managing to loudly exclaim your willful ignorance.
I wonder how these people are sure they're
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 11:41am
straight when most of them appear to never have had sex with anyone but themselves.
Well no wonder they're proud
By Michael
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 11:50am
Their hookups have a 100% satisfaction rate, whereas if a woman was involved, that number would immediately plummet to 50%
Instead of just yelling about Nazis ...
By adamg
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 12:11pm
Extremely bi and incredibly nomes has started a list of "Boston-area organizations serving the LGBTQIA+ community that people can donate to."
It ain't all about them!
By RozzieRT
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 12:15pm
They hate to see someone else (in this case, the LGBTQ community) get to be the topic of conversation. Someone else gets attention for five minutes they cry foul. What babies.
Also screams volumes that they continue to absorb all the negative attention and come back for more. They need to work on themselves big time.
The best approach:
By ChrisInEastie
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 12:35pm
Just let them have it.
Don’t show up and protest. Don’t argue with them online. Don’t give them media coverage. Literally just let them have their parade, start to finish, without any attention whatsoever.
Because this isn’t about “straight pride†or some misguided sense of equality. It’s about creating conflict and screaming for attention. They win by getting us to talk about it and engage with them.
Think about it. Imagine they have this big parade, marching along from A to B spewing whatever it is they spew, with nobody giving a shit except themselves. Then they get to the end, and still nobody gives a shit.
They wouldn’t know what to do if they got what they claim they want without any pushback or conflict, because pushback and conflict are what they actually want.
By Old Groucho
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 3:10pm
An angry mob of undersexed racist and homophobic men roaming the streets is not something to ignore.
Let 'em have their parade.
And show them just how pathetic and woefully outnumbered they are.
Sounds good, but it doesn't work that way
By lbb
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 3:44pm
It would be nice if things worked that way, but they don't. Bad things don't disappear when we close our eyes.
By Lecil
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 12:53pm
...Wait, you mean this *isn't* satire?
We need to properly ID the people who want to do this.
By section77
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 1:10pm
Straight doesn't cut it. The vast majority of straight people want no part of this nonsense.
The Poor Standardized Testers?
The Short Bus Travelers?
Crazed Paranoids who are Susceptible to Fake News?
Or just the old standby:
Angry White Males.
All of these are much better descriptions of the participants and frankly need Pride more than straights do.
Trolling and Virtue-Signaling - that's all.
By Roztonian
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 2:04pm
Please stop giving this loser and his handful of loser friends a platform. He is obviously a master troll because he got every virtue-signaling, woke-AF progressive to come out and spread the news of his idiotic "parade" across the media. And in doing so, he wins, and makes Boston look like shit in the process.
There will be no "parade". If anything, it will be a small group of zeros walking down the street to get a rise out of people. It will cost the city a ton of money for Police details, and there will be no shortage of woke folks flocking down to "fight the white supremacist patriarchy" so they can instagram it and show how they "stand with (insert cause here)". That is is a waste of time and money.
Want to fight these guys? Ignore them, then show up to the PRIDE parade and support the hell out of our LGBTQ friends, family, and neighbors. The best way to fight a negative is with a positive.
The reality is that these losers don't represent Boston - and most-likely aren't even from here. The reality is that these fringe lunatics are just that - they do not represent "all white men" or "all straight men" - and when the wok folk stary looping every white, straight, male, Bostonian in with these nuts, it goes off the rails. Every progressive is not in Antifa, and every white conservative is not this guy. get it?
The idea of a "straight pride" parade is nonsense - and should be treated as such.
It doesn't work that way
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:36am
He has one already. The question is whether he'll be allowed to use it unchallenged.
No, he really doesn't. Have you heard the expression "Only hit dogs holler"? Why are you hollering?
Probably. But what you don't understand (and really seem determined not to understand) is that these aren't random street crazies trying to tell people about fluoride in the water. These people are part of a movement to oppress other human beings.
It doesn't work that way. Bad things don't vanish when you look the other way.
I get that you don't think it's worth opposing these people. That's your choice. But don't try and dictate anyone else's response, particularly those who are targeted by these bigots.
I give you exhibit A - see above
By Roztonian
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 1:10pm
I give you exhibit A - see above.
Part of a movement? That's rich. His earlier "free speech" rally brought in like 20 fringe losers - and they had to come in from other states.
By getting so triggered - you are contributing to the hysteria - and furthering this nut's cause.
If this scumbag wants to have his parade - let him have it. There is nothing you (or any amount of so-woke virtue-signaling) can do about it.
The entire reason this made it to buzzfeed is because thin-skinned SJWs lost their ever-lovin minds when they read about this guy - as if thousands "straight pride" marchers would be descending on Boston.
And thanks for taking a page right out of the "progressive" playbook. When someone disagrees with you, it's not that they have a differing opinion, it's that they "don't understand". Classic Liberal outlook.
Stay woke.
Act your age
By lbb
Fri, 06/07/2019 - 10:15am
Yes, that time. Are you aware of this thing called "context"? His low turnout AND the response both owed a great deal to the timing of the event, shortly after Charlottesville. If you don't see that, you're willfully blind.
Nah, it doesn't work that way. But thanks for your obviously sincere, deeply held concern.
I can do plenty, but as you lack knowledge, experience and perspective on any of this, and as you obviously have an ax to grind, it's not anything you'd notice or acknowledge.
Puh-Lease[sic]. Stop projecting.
And thanks for taking a page right out of the MAGAt playbook. Don't understand it? Can't admit that you feel threatened? Can't take your own advice and just turn your head and mind your own business? It must be the "Liberals"! They're making you pay attention!
I think I just figured it out. It's the word "woke" that triggers you, isn't it? You start spraying spit and that big vein in your forehead starts throbbing. Dude, you should stop using that word. It's only been used here by you and others like you, clearly trying to raise your own blood pressure. That can't be healthy. Go outside. Smell the flowers. Leave yourself alone. But above all...
...stay stupid.
By Doug1001
Sun, 06/09/2019 - 6:14pm
So woke, dude. I’m proud of you.
By B
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 3:54pm
*facepalm* This is up there with "We need a white history month if there's a black history month." These are the same people who talk about how inclusive we have become and are getting "soft." Jokes on them cuz this is gna look gayer than the gay parade on Molly
so silly
By Lisfnord
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 4:49pm
I think the best response is to just ignore it. Just let them have their silly parade and don't respond, don't react, just ignore ignore ignore.
How do you put out a fire?
By Waquiot
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 6:05pm
Deprive it of oxygen. Ignoring this would be depriving them of oxygen.
That said, my gut is that people will be showing up with (figurative) cans of gasoline.
It doesn't work that way
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:37am
Not in real life. But by all means, you choose your activism to respond to those who want to oppress you.
Let me put it to you this way
By Waquiot
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 1:12pm
4 years ago a guy decided to run for President. He was given a lot of attention, both positive and negative, and as we know there is no such thing as bad publicity. My gut is that if he didn't get the attention that he got (and let's face it, that's probably most of why he ran in the first place) people would be griping about what a crappy job President Cruz or President Bush is doing right now.
What is the end game of this group? It's the publicity first and foremost. Secondly, by provoking an over the top reaction, they hope to get more followers by pointing to the over the top reaction as proof that their cause, whatever "straight pride" is, is justified.
That's a nice theory from the ivory tower
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 4:04pm
This is a pop psychology interpretation from someone with no skin in this game, of how people you really know nothing about think and act in a situation with which you have no experience or engagement.
I shall give it all the weight that it deserves.
Sorry I'm late y'all
By Roman
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 6:35pm
Let's make this short and sweet. Who ISN'T a Nazi? More to the point who WOULDN'T be accused of being a Nazi?
Being non-white doesn't inoculate you. Being a Jew won't inoculate you. Being gay won't inoculate you.
Infact, being so woke it hurts won't inoculate you if you happen to drink a Peet's Coffee or drive a Volkswagen without stopping every once in a while to acknowledge how problematic it is for you to do that.
God help you if you'll be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing next month, seeing as NASA in the 60s was literally being run by a Nazi and using rocket technology literally developed in Nazi slave labor camps.
You've got no chance if you're a heterosexual male and aren't even a little bit ashamed of your sexual preferences.
I said this was going to be short. Well, it won't be.
The angry left is Danaerys Targaryen. You've won the culture war: support for gay marriage is overwhelming, it's legal in all 50 states, the President of the United States is advocating for global decriminalization of homosexuality.
But no. Unless everyoneto a man is bending the knee to you at all times, you must burn them all. Smear them, mock them, get them fired, assault them. Because woke. And angry.
An angry sounding person if ever
By Daan
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 7:23pm
"Unless everyoneto [sic] a man is bending the knee to you at all times, you must burn them all. Smear them, mock them, get them fired, assault them. Because woke. And angry."
So angry, so unhappy.
If there were time machines I would invite you to live in the late 60s and walk down the street hand in hand with a male friend. More important is that I hope you would be gay. You would learn what is was to be gay in the 60s - something I can testify to.
Your claim of winning the culture war is pretty is a pretty queer (pun intended) claim given that gay people continue to be beaten to death just for being gay. These examples are a few years old but they are telling. There was the man put into a car trunk by his murderers who believed he was gay. The trunk also had snapping turtles. You might not no the name but there is boy who was tortured and murdered in Wyoming. His name was Matthew Sheppard.
You probably are not familiar with the witch hunts of the 50s and 60s against Gays, of the lies by Anita Bryant which are continued through today by Pat Robertson, Falwell II and the other fornicating Evangelicals who use Gays to as an enemy of both the God and the state.
Roman: You know NOTHING about being a Gay man or woman. Instead of continuing to reveal your willful, sin laden and disgusting ignorance do yourself a favor; where Gay people are concerned say nothing. You know nothing. You make the pride of your ignorance obvious. If you believe that there is a Heaven and Hell get your asbestos suit ready. Heaven is not a place for people who support willful ignorance and hatred.
You won't be alone though. The Traitor will be inside the dirt, head down, right next to you.
Thank you very much for telling me what I am and am not allowed
By Roman
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 7:30pm
to say. I'm glad you feel so empowered that you think nothing of commanding your fellow citizens to express themselves only in ways you deem appropriate.
I'm also glad you believe that only gays can speak about gays. I'm sure you also agree that only blacks can speak about blacks and only women can speak about women, and only Jews can speak about Jews, and only South Koreans can speak about South Koreans (so much for defectors from the North speaking ill about their old home, for once they set foot on South Korean soil, they are granted Southern citizenship).
Next time you have an opinion, you should check to see if anyone you might be disagreeing with belongs to a historically, or presently, marginalized identity that you do not share. If so, then you'll know to keep quiet.
Oh, you're allowed
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:42am
Oh, you're allowed. You have a pie-hole and you use it incessantly. You're just full of shit, that's all.
That ain't it, cupcake, but your intellectually dishonest self knew that before you wrote it. If you have an opinion ABOUT a marginalized identity that you don't share, then yes indeed you should know to keep quiet. Any decent person does.
I'll run some opinions by you. Which ones are OK and which ones
By Roman
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 10:33pm
are naughty?
Mentally ill people (marginalized group) should not be allowed to shit in the streets.
Drug addicts (definitely marginalized) should not be allowed to set up shop in the middle of name-your-favorite-part-of-town and attract street crime.
Ghetto boys (if ever there was one) should refrain from shooting each other over sneakers.
Atheists should refrain from suing school districts over the pledge of allegiance.
Muslims should refrain from subscribing to the 'at the tip of a sword' version of their religion.
Men should not pretend to be women so that they can "win" an MMA fight, a bicycle race, or a track meet.
Swing and a miss
By lbb
Fri, 06/07/2019 - 10:17am
Act your age, Roman. There are opinions and there are facts. In your dog-whistling examples, you clearly show that you can't distinguish between the two. Now here's an "opinion" -- tell me if you agree or disagree: Roman really should stop beating his wife.
See how it works?
Roman should *refrain* from beating his wife. Amen brother.
By Roman
Fri, 06/07/2019 - 9:24pm
Can't disagree with you there. You should also refrain from beating yours.
Not quite the same, is it?
By anon
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 9:13pm
I wish we could get rid of this ridiculous term "woke". It's so grammatically incorrect. Though I suppose I will be slammed for being politically incorrect just for suggesting such a thing. "Awoken" would be better. Has a nice poetic ring to it too. Or maybe we could use "conscious".
You go right ahead...
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:38am
...and police that grammar.
By anon
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 11:32am
I am a gay male, but I feel the same way about the way the word "pride" is used now. Saying "Happy Pride", for example, just doesn't sound right. Pride is a feeling, it's like saying "Happy envy" or "Happy euphoria" or something.
Agreed, but that's for family
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 4:15pm
As it happens, I agree with you there ("Happy Pride!" is just...dumb). But I disagree with a lot of things about Pride's modern manifestation as a Mardi Gras parade.
If you are actually that oblivious to the rising tide of
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:28am
violent right-wing extremism in this country, all you need to do is wander around the darker corners of YouTube for about 20 minutes. To miss it, you either have to be a hopeless idiot, or someone who is actively trying to convince people that there is no monster under the bed, in which case you're one of them at worst, a sympathizer at best.
My guess is Roman is too much of a coward to go full brownshirt; he settles for quietly fantasizing about it and feebly trolling on sites like this where absolutely no one buys his bullshit. Sad!
Forget it, Jake.
By erik g
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 12:21pm
RomanChinatown.Romantown, where mealy-mouthed sophists
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 1:11pm
lamely defend a fascist shit-heel whose whole reason for being is to incite street fights and riots against liberal counter-protesters. Sahady has a long history of it, and of sweeping up fellow neo-Nazis, skinheads and white supremacists in his wake.
Nice friends you got there, asshole. Don't think for a second that we don't see you for what you are.
The ACLU stood up for the rights
By Roman
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 6:15pm
of abhorrent people to speak.
That was simultaneously brave, unpopular, and correct.
Do you know why? Because if the neo-Nazis don't have rights, then none of us do.
No apologies implied or necessary.
Again, transparent intellectual dishonesty,
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:12pm
as ever. No one is suggesting these continually violent fascist assholes not be allowed to air their bloody-minded hate speech in a public forum. But suggesting anything but that these gross losers are itching to bash heads? That’s all your thin, obvious game.
You’re a disingenuous enabler, fortunately a pathetically ineffectual one. If projecting the sins of thugs like these profoundly shitty human beings onto liberal counter-protesters is your best trick, maybe find another game. It’s witless and hopeless.
Dude. Learn to count.
By Roman
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 10:35pm
Three of them, hundreds of you, and you've got the weapons. Sorry, milkshakes.
Every. Single. Time.
For years now.
The numbers are not on your side if you want to claim you're the peaceful one.
You don’t have the facts on your side.
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 06/07/2019 - 9:14am
What, you finally figured out that projection isn’t working for you?
Sahady and his associates have a well-documented, long history of inciting violent street brawls and riots. That’s what they do.
I don’t believe you’re delusional. You’re just a bald-faced liar. That's not going to work here, either.
You’re not fooling anyone.
Once again....
By Doug1001
Sun, 06/09/2019 - 6:21pm
It’s astounding that you can’t see the rise of unhinged leftist violence. It’s truly astounding. We’ve covered your ignorance many a time, but it’s still astounding. Keep burying your head in the sand.
“Ignorance is bliss†- MCSlimJB
Another feeble both-sidesing argument. Is this really
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 06/12/2019 - 11:04am
the best that these bootlickers of fascists can come up with?
By Doug1001
Thu, 06/13/2019 - 11:26pm
You constantly complain about what the right does, and then conveniently it’s always “nothing to see here†when the left has done the same, or worse.
Your whole shtick is laughable.
We can only hope that V.A. Shiva will attend
By Friartuck
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 6:43pm
His (the scumbag's) last appearance there was all fluff and nonsense.
Wait. So no straight people
By anon
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 7:08pm
Wait. So no straight people of color will be there as part of the group? Are they being rejected, too? I'm confused.
You could always show up
By lbb
Thu, 06/06/2019 - 9:39am
...and see what happens.
As an alternative, you could take the 30 seconds to find out something about the organizer.
I'll go
By Daan
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 7:25pm
to laugh at them. To let the world know that as a Gay man I support their 1st Amendment right to speak spew their hate and to let the world know that the US is stronger than these creeps who want to kill Gays.
By Roman
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 8:49pm
I'm almost completely sure no one wants to kill you.
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