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Children's Hospital medical staffers show other hospitals how to craft respirators out of other stuff they may have lying around

Making Your Own Reusable Elastomeric Respirator For Use During Covid-19 Viral Pandemic N95 Shortage

Because this is where we are as a country these days (reminder: Massachusetts bid on three shipments of "personal protective gear" and was outbid by the federal government, which the Denier-in-Chief found hysterical).

H/t Katie Bell.


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Your partisanship in the midst of a global crisis is despicable Adam.

Calling one governor a snake, laughing at another, yelling at a reporter who asked a softball question, publicly hoping a ship full of victims stays offshore to keep official numbers down, refusing to do anything about intelligence reports about the virus for more than two months, denying he dismantled a pandemic response team when he's on video admitting it, trying to scapegoat Chinese people (I guess I should be glad he's not accusing Jews of poisoning wells), that's just fine.

If more people die than should have, it's entirely on him.

Amen say it again.

Officers in ICE seem to have plenty of masks right now. Priorities....

You need to check yourself.

Whether they are Republicans (Baker, DeWine) or Democrats (Cuomo, Newsom).

None of them are perfect, but they are all infinitely better than what we have at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue at the moment.

Mayors are doing their part, too.

Your failure to recognize that Trump's daily coronavirus briefings are thinly disguised campaign rallies is what I find despicable.

Today Trump attacked Obama, Democrats, Joe Biden, China, the Washington Post, among others.

Now tell me again, who is partisan?

In what world is criticizing a Republican president for his treatment of a Republican governor a partisan attack? MAGAt "logic" is a wondrous thing to behold.

Anyone who doesn't worship at Trump's feet must be a traditor or at least a partisan hack.

At least Obama's supporters didn't mind calling him out when he did something dumb. For those who have not forgotten, he took a lot of heat from his own party often, most of it deserved. (I haven't forgotten the drone strikes.)

Of course, he never fired all the experts and claimed he was smarter. And he also left the economy in better shape than he found it.

You should get that checked out. You're delirious and babbling and making no sense.

(and you really are crazy if you think, in the middle of a pandemic, that you can chide people who are getting pissed on and refusing to call it lemonade)

Or are the Brookline turkeys suddenly partisans?

Left and Right wing are part of the same bird. Without muscular wings we could not take flight or fight for the liberation of our noble species. The rafter collectively has an ample, healthy, diverse and delicious body politic which must inspire jealousy in such small closed minded creatures as yourself bud.

Swap out the ample local supply of kool-aid for some rich intellectual gravy. Sit down with a few books by Thomas Piketty and Amity Shlaes, and maybe you'd be the better for it.

Is right.

Personally I prefer turkey Reubens to whole roasted bird. To each his own deliciosity.

Too easy. Did you do that on purpose?

(Said with hands on hips in baby voice)

The rafter's mission besides the reconquista of our native lands, devouring of literature and kosher baked goods, is to delight Uhubers by the dozens with lighthearted diatribes detailing our delightful escapades of daring do.

With a side of cranberry chutney please.

The orange in chief told states to get their own supplies and then outbid YOUR, our governor, ensuring that we, you don't get these supplies. If you get this disease, if you have complications, and you don't get treated promptly because of lack of supplies, the fault is 100% with the federal govt, regardless of political affiliation.

So fuck off.

That had to be a fowl attempt at a joke.

Was on CNN this afternoon (press conference and presentation - not a CNN interview - they were just rebroadcasting). He said a mask that normally costs 80 cents now costs $4. That is insane - and should be illegal (perhaps it is). Hey, they should get the 80 cents - maybe $1 because of overtime and other issues of 24/7 processing, but this is price gouging and in a national emergency should be a crime.

Well, it shouldn't take 1500 Google engineers to dig back through some archived web pages and record what all these things were selling for on December 21, 2019.
Then, if the law has any teeth in this area, HELL YEAH go after gougers.

So would Maura Healey, and I'd cheer for both of them.

drove up the price.

1) Kudos for linking Wonkette, a wonderful and insightful website.

2) Today the liar in chief says when the feds are competing with the states, they drop out of the bidding. See around the 1:10 mark. He lies about everything.


I had a hard time understanding Baker.

This is a regular thing? American fed, state, and local governments competing with each other for supplies and equipment? Or do such auctions happen only in emergencies?

I don't have time for this shit now, so if your response is to use racial slurs, bye, have fun at whatever Qanon site you have next in your bookmarks.

Local blogger yells at orange man.

At 11.

I agree with the Democrats, or at least Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) who has repeatedly said "the fear doesn't justify the facts." Two deaths, yes, ONLY TWO DEATHS from the virus in MA so far. Thank God for President Trump's prescient China travel ban that the Dems labeled "xenophobic." How many opioid deaths in the last 24 hours in Massachusetts? It's been very refreshing to see Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Newsom (D-CA) praising President Trump while learning from the massive failures of Schiff, Schumer, Warren, Sanders, Hillary and soon Biden. The Dem establishment's hatred for Trump has badly backfired. As an American, I'm grateful for President Trump and Governors Cuomo and Newsom. As a Republican, I'm bolstered knowing both Cuomo and Newsom are far too reasonable to get the Dem nomination even though both would be much stronger candidates than frail Joe.

As for the President's reaction to the "softball question" from the nice CNN reporter, why then have so many outlets chosen to carefully edit the portion of the question where the CNN reporter accuses President Trump of being misleading and essentially lying? Does the media forget that many people were home watching the press conference live, only to later watch coverage that is intentionally misleading, not reflective of what they had just witnessed earlier? The horse has left the barn on media credibility while President Trump's approval soars. Out of touch, much?

Check back next week.

As for the President's reaction to the "softball question" from the nice CNN reporter, why then have so many outlets chosen to carefully edit the portion of the question where the CNN reporter accuses President Trump of being misleading and essentially lying?

I'll bite. Show me the "carefully edited" part. And remember, truth is a defense against libel.

(not that I'm gonna get a response from Mr. Hit-and-run literally die hard Trumpalumpa)

(edit: and of course what Cuomo actually said is "The facts don't justify the fear")

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function."

Q.E.D right here