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Northeastern says cops with bricks in video are theirs and they'd been removing loose sidewalk bricks that posed a safety hazard

Northeastern cops with a pickup full of bricks

From the video.

A video that has widely circulated over the past day has been presented as evidence cops in Boston were getting ready to leave bricks around to tempt protesters to throw them.

In fact, Northeastern Police say today, it shows two Northeastern officers doing something far more innocuous - unloading bricks at the campus police station for storage after they'd removed them from a loosened and unsafe sidewalk a couple blocks away.

In a series of tweets, the department says:

The video circulating on social media of two Northeastern police officers unloading bricks from their vehicle behind our headquarters is from the series of events described here. Our priority is always the safety of our campus and community.

On Monday, June 1, while on a routine patrol of campus, two of our officers came across a damaged brick sidewalk at the corner of Tremont and Coventry streets that posed a safety hazard for pedestrians due to loose, upturned and broken bricks.

To prevent injuries to pedestrians, the officers collected the bricks and returned them to NUPD headquarters, where they immediately notified the City of Boston of a need for repair to the sidewalk and to request that the city collect the broken and damaged bricks.


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Would be curious to see other photos of this vehicle.

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It has ghost graphics, so it is fully marked as a police vehicle if you really need to know who it belongs to.

Why do they need a pickup truck? There's a list of reasons. One of them is they own a box trailer to move equipment around (they do have a full bicycle unit). Pickup trucks are pretty useful.

And they used it to move donated PPE to hospitals in late March: https://www.facebook.com/northeasternpd/photos/a.287152014825154/1346253...

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And the "Punisher-ization" of the cops continue.

Our police already act like they're playing Call Of Duty and with these menacing big boy toughguy blacked out cars every week a different cop gets to play with the "Street Battle Booster Pack" and drive around with delusions of grandeur.

You get what you give.

So when they dress like Judge Dredd, expect us to act like this is Mega-City One and we see them as an out of control enemy.


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They have one Ford F150 and the rest of the fleet is SUVs and bikes. They've posted on their instagram about it, its not blacked out and if you read the comments they wrote a length reply to the comment from eorde6 about what they use it for: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-931eil6C7/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-931eil6C7/

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Cops do masonry now? Is this kindergarten again where we all pretend to have different jobs? "I'm an astronaut!"

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Sometimes a conscientious professional is really a conscientious professional.

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You can simply put up caution tape and wait for the brick pro to show.

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About cops not doing anything to solve an easy problem.

There's no way these guys can win. You're apparently predisposed to think anything they do is the opposite of what they should have done.

I do understand why people feel that way about cops, BTW. But it's hard to ask for police to do the right thing if everything they do, by definition, is the wrong thing.

That's why I see a need to judge each police action individually. Call them out when they are wrong, compliment them when they do well. (Just like every other profession.)

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But not because it's cops, because it's Northeastern University.

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Hard to ask the police to do the right thing? Really?

Not killing people would be a start; and we've been asking a LONG time.

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Laying around. I’m assuming that’s why they picked them up

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A "normal" safety hazard and a situational safety hazard. Seems like an all around responsible thing to do. Neighborly even.

But Will has his perspective on anything NU and no one is going to change his mind.

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Sorry, Cops aren't clean up crews. These are the assholes placing them around for protesters.

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No but removing bricks that could possibly be thrown by those causing trouble is probably a wise idea.

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Brick sidewalks are really cool for a few years and then they start coming loose and getting out of alignment and become a real safety hazard even for people who don't wear high heels (for whom they're always a problem).

In this case, the bricks weren't the main sidewalk, more accents along the curb, but even still, you don't want loose bricks like that.

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They get slick in the rain and icy in the winter. Not good for anyone using crutches or walkers or with balance problems, including the elderly.

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...you never see anyone, especially cops, picking them up. Funny timing...

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Funny that authorities would only pick them up right before there was a fear of violent people coming to attack police? Seems like a very appropriate time to pick them up and remove them.

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Plus fixing brick is hard. It looks like you could just pop one in but ask anyone who has ever wanted to change the block of a lego in the middle of a lego wall if its possible to just pop one out lol. You have to literally take up several bricks around it and put them all back in place for it to really take hold. That is why sometimes when a town or small city gets desperate you will see brick sidewalks with black asphalt blobs all over the place. They just did not have the time to fix all the bricks so they filled in gaps with asphalt.

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Especially with multiple stacks of bricks popping up near riot sites with no construction going on.

Sounds dangerous. Glad they took care of this. Someone could’ve gotten hurt.

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That's 2/2 for false claims against police in Boston on the Internet this week. It's not clear if this one was created nefariously or not, but the first one, that Boston Police were vandalizing their own vehicle, was clearly a purposeful lie spread by someone looking to smear the police.

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the "police SUV" that "drove into the crowd" was claimed by Channel 7 News as one of their vehicles.

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of why they would drive one of their vehicles into a crowd?

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I saw a reporter on air get pelted by water bottles. Some of the looters don't respect the media. They may have spooked the van driver by going after the van. Then innocent people who didn't see that see the van come at them.

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I saw that they claimed it as theirs. I didn't see an explanation, but can only assume people thought they were cops due to the vehicle type, maybe started throwing stuff,etc, and the driver panicked?

to be honest, I don't know what to believe anymore unless there's concrete evidence. twitter feeds claiming chaos and attacks, while local, generally reputable twitter users reporting peace and calm. People still posting the NEU cops with bricks and BPD breaking their windshield after both have been explained ad naseam. Going by historical events, it seems the rioting and looting will only drown out the real protest's message, and result in more militarized police and authority to keep order in the future.

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We'll wait.

The protest was completely peaceful until cops herded people out of the park, shut down access to public transit, and then started setting off tear gas.

They could have just let people disburse, but they were all jacked up on aggression and needed to show off their new toys.

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I mean, getting the bricks out of the area for safety certainly seems reasonable, but they still haven't explained why they sprinkled crack cocaine on them.


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This was posted on WorldStarHipHop website where it stated cops were planting bricks for protestors to throw. There is even a commentator from the person filming, so grab your popcorn. Glad Adam was able to bust that myth. People will still believe cops were planting for protestors to throw. The video does not show what happens before or after the moving of the bricks, of course. Interesting way to use the video out of context in order to fuel the flames of a rioting America.

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There are three groups who would propose the idea that cops were planting bricks to be thrown:
1.) Crazy people
2.) People who believe every conspiracy theory
3.) Russian or Chinese trolls

Right now I'm leaning towards #3. American social media is so vulnerable to outside influence right now that it's really pretty scary.

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I'm sorry. It is sad, especially for the great majority of the brave and compassionate women and men who make up the police forces in our country. But the few who have killed with no provocation or through carelessness or hate have done so with minimal consequences. The consequence is that black and brown people have reason to be afraid, and reason to be afraid that cops are willing to collect bricks to facilitate rioting--and blame it on peaceful protesters. It is sad for those who do serve and protect. It is sad for us all.

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Seriously? If you don't distrust the people in power, then you have not been paying attention and are happily living "ignorance is bliss". The truth is much more uncomfortable to sit with, but we all need to get educated and face facts.

For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

Methods used included "Illegal force: The FBI conspired with local police departments to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations.[69] The objective was to frighten or eliminate dissidents and disrupt their movements."

So yes, the idea that cops would plant bricks is not crazy, and I am not a conspiracy theorist or an international troll.

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Can anyone tell me another way to make one of those eye roll emojis?

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So the cops are planting bricks for people to throw at them? Makes sense

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some are suggesting that protesters are rioting to get tear gassed for clout on ig. a lot of people saying a lot of things.

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I don't doubt this is true, but I've got to ask: why wouldn't the Boston DPW or the Northeastern grounds crew do this work during the day in preparation for large crowds and a potential volatile situation? Why are we paying people $60/hr to do this?*

* wages, OT, training, benefits, pension, OPEBs, administration, etc. And no, I don't *know* that it's $60, but doubling the police officer's ~$30/hr of base pay is a pretty good bet.

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With the campus largely closed, cops have a bit more time on their hands during their patrols and stopped to do something about a hazard.

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Don't ever say anything to sensible like that.

I spent about an hour linking this story to a few dozen people last night who were tinfoling about the actions of these Boston cops and trying to alert the FBI and I guess Sauron to what was happening.

Most appreciated the correction but there were some who were still like Nope, A Pig is A Pig. I really don't feel for them.

Excellent work on killing this rumor AG.

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Why do so many people have such a deep distrust of Police?

And, no.

Soros is not an accepted answer.

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Anonymous internet commenters asking why "we" are paying Northeastern police officers for the performance of their duties.

I paid their salaries for four years and have no regrets about it, how about you?

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It's my understanding that those officers are Suffolk County officers. Are they not paid for with state funds?

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Paid for by Northeastern but “deputized” by Suffolk County Sherrifs.

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They are employees of the University.

They are sworn as state special police officers, which gives them police authority on the employer's properties, and are also appointed as Suffolk County deputy sheriffs, to grant them police powers on public property contiguous to the campus.

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They're just trained and certified by them.

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