Probably best not to ask how that couch wound up on Storrow Drive just before Tess got there, shortly before 2 p.m. You don't know where that thing has been.
Allez hop! La nana
Quel panard, quelle vibration de s'envoyer sur le paillasson
Limée, ruinée, vidée, comblée
"You are the king of the divan!"
Qu'elle me dit en passant (hou-hou-oou-oou!)
I am the king of the divan
Ça plan pour moi (excerpt)
Allez hop! La nana
Quel panard, quelle vibration de s'envoyer sur le paillasson
Limée, ruinée, vidée, comblée
"You are the king of the divan!"
Qu'elle me dit en passant (hou-hou-oou-oou!)
I am the king of the divan
Jet Boy Jet Girl
I like "Jet Boy Jet Girl " better.
Well.. it is 4/30.. the end of the month. Maybe someone moving & using a truck to move?
I can just imagine what The
I can just imagine what The Fab 5 would be saying about that petri dish couch!
Oooh, I could use that for my apartment.
Is it still there???
Someone already scooped it up
Someone already scooped it up. I'm sure.
Probably an Intern at a hospital.
Ah, they've finally installed
Ah, they've finally installed seating for watching Storrowings.
Ticket sales coming next?
Ticket sales coming next?