... that almost all the misguided things Bloom did were in full compliance with his general (and maybe sometimes even quite specific) marching orders. If they were not, I would have expected him to be dismissed a couple of years ago at least. Maybe if he had balked at some of the unsound things he was told to do (assuming this was the case), he also would have been dumped earlier. I find it hard to believe that all the bad decision-making during the last 4 years can be attributed primarily to him. Maybe we shall get some inside scoop eventually....
to whittle the payroll to south of the luxury tax, dump the premium players, and mouth platitudes about rebuilding so that ownership could fatten their wallets while coasting on the goodwill of gullible fans. Mission accomplished!
Henry and Co. knew exactly what they were doing, and got exactly the results they wanted. Glad I ditched my season-ticket share when I did, after they let Betts walk. Greed is not good.
Same reason why private equity sees any company with notably above-average customer satisfaction as having surplus value that can be extracted via cost-cutting and ruining the quality.
By Pete Nice
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 1:36pm
Will be interesting to hear what Bloom has to say about the non signing of Betts, X, Wacha, Evoldi, etc.....
Moneyball East Is Dead
By John Costello
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 2:32pm
Let's stop pretending that we are a mid-market team.
Get Trout and Yamamoto and let Ohtani go to Seattle.
Just win baby.
UHub has the best headlines
By anon
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 2:34pm
Better headlines than all the rest of Boston media combined.
By Kaz
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 2:42pm
That is all.
My impression was always...
By Michael Kerpan
Thu, 09/14/2023 - 11:08pm
... that almost all the misguided things Bloom did were in full compliance with his general (and maybe sometimes even quite specific) marching orders. If they were not, I would have expected him to be dismissed a couple of years ago at least. Maybe if he had balked at some of the unsound things he was told to do (assuming this was the case), he also would have been dumped earlier. I find it hard to believe that all the bad decision-making during the last 4 years can be attributed primarily to him. Maybe we shall get some inside scoop eventually....
100% this. Bloom was hired and paid
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 09/15/2023 - 9:37am
to whittle the payroll to south of the luxury tax, dump the premium players, and mouth platitudes about rebuilding so that ownership could fatten their wallets while coasting on the goodwill of gullible fans. Mission accomplished!
Henry and Co. knew exactly what they were doing, and got exactly the results they wanted. Glad I ditched my season-ticket share when I did, after they let Betts walk. Greed is not good.
it's called "enshitification"
By SharpWave
Sun, 09/17/2023 - 12:03pm
Same reason why private equity sees any company with notably above-average customer satisfaction as having surplus value that can be extracted via cost-cutting and ruining the quality.