Jew-hating Trump lover Dianna Ploss today sued the Winthrop Police Department for failing to protect her in 2020 from a man she says followed her from one Trump rally to another, carrying a "Doms for Dianna" sign, wearing "a sadomasochist outfit" exposing his underwear and telling her, in alleged earshot of several Winthrop officers, that he had her address so he would be stopping by her house later in the evening.
In her civil-rights suit, filed in US District Court in Boston against the entire police department and one specific officer, Ploss says she suffered so greatly from being followed by a man saying vile things to her that she developed PTSD - including "nightmares, hypervigilance, hyper startle reflex and flashbacks." Also, she now has a fear about visiting Winthrop.
Ploss's complaint acknowledges that Winthrop Police Chief Terrence Delehanty came out of the police station and ordered the man - whom Ploss said had earlier followed her across New England and even to Washington DC - to leave her alone, but said that police should have done more and that five officers, including the one she named specifically, did nothing to protect her.
She said that earlier in the day, in Swampscott, the man had loudly offered her $10 to perform a sexual act with a dildo on him.
The Trump rally in Winthrop was on Oct. 20, a little more than three months after Ploss showed up at a Black Lives Matter vigil at the Holy Name rotary in West Roxbury with a monopod-mounted iPhone and went up to parents who had brought their children, then got in their faces and yelled at them. As one mother recounted:
She got right up in my face in front of my kids and screamed at me that I was a disgusting person for bringing my children to this. I calmly told her she was entitled to her opinion and turned my back. She kept screaming. It did start an interesting conversation with my kids on the bus ride home, ten year old asked, "why didn't any of the cops standing right there protect us from her or ask her to stop?" ...
She called me "disgusting" at least five times and told my kids "your mother is a disgusting person." She also said BLM is a "terrorist organization." It took all the self restraint I had to not tell her I found her 80's blue eye shadow "disgusting" but I didn't think that would make me a very good role model for my kids.
Last year, Ploss briefly tried to run for governor on a platform calling for a crusade against Jews, with a Nazi running mate from Framingham, but they failed to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot. Ploss, who hates Muslims, immigrants and Covid-19 vaccines and face masks almost as much as Jews, had earlier served as press secretary for gay-hating gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively.
Ploss is represented by attorney Richard Chambers of Lynnfield, for whom she once worked.
Since 2020, Chambers has specialized in suits involving alleged religious discrimination against workers fired for not getting Covid-19 shots and people who objected to showing proof of vaccination to get into certain indoor venues in Boston.
He also represented four North End restaurant owners who alleged that Mayor Wu imposed fees for North End restaurants wanting to open patios on public sidewalks and streets - an outgrowth of Covid-19 dining issues - because she hated white Italian men.
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Half the country still
By M. Sanchez
Thu, 10/12/2023 - 10:29pm
Half the country still will vote for a pathetic traitor who insults our military. Dark Days.
I think...
By perruptor
Thu, 10/12/2023 - 11:56pm
I hope you're overestimating the cult numbers.
By Fenway Crank
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 12:38am
thats about right
look at the polls
The polls are broken
By Don't Panic
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 1:32am
Trumpism flipped the script on polls. You just cannot rely on them anymore.
I think Crank's right
By cybah
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 1:09am
I think Crank is right.
Everyone loves to downplay the numbers of people who believe this nonsense.. but its true. The polls.. no matter which one you look at... suggest that 50% of this country believes this nonsense.
It's a sickness, I swear. mental illness or at least some form of brainwashing. Outside of whether they say is true or not, you just don't walk up to people and start screaming nonsense at them. This is just crazy people shit. This is what people with severe mental illness do.
I've watched people I've admired and respected in the past totally go off the beam, full on maga like they got rabies or something.
Its easy to brush it off and say "well they were always like this but orange fuckface brought it out". That's an easy way to brush all of this off, but **read** stories about families who have been torn apart because of maga-itis. Kids of parents who went on maga, who know their parents were never like this, but all of a sudden in the past several years just went off the cliff with sanity. They don't believe it 'was always there', they believe it was conservative media who caused it. Listening to it day in and day out with no escape. (remember folks, there are pockets of this country where there is no liberal media)
Brainwashing. Brainwashing to turn people rabid against others.
But I am afraid to admit that there's no 'cure' or 'treatment' for this, and its here to stay. I fear what this will morph into in coming years. Orange fuckface isn't going to be around forever, but his magats will. They are just going to get worse, and more crazy acting. Especially if he loses and/or goes to jail. It's already happening.
Then they will turn their hate toward other things. IMHO we're heading toward civil war. All of this is going to come to a head eventually, and that head is war. And why war? because this, whether its believable or not, is a political issue. And we know where this country went to the last time a very polarizing political era came to a head.....
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 9:34am
Horsefeathers. Show me the poll. Show me the methodology.
Lousy Busy Body drolls again
By John Costello
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 9:44am
Give it a rest. Go make cider donuts for the tourists.
Chris has a better finger pulse on things than you do.
Act your age
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 10:51am
Spoken like the bonehead you are. Not all of us flunked sixth grade math, John, don't die mad about it.
By BostonDog
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 10:12am
Look at the 2020 election results. Look at the presidential polling. Look at how poorly anyone who isn't orange toned is doing in the GOP primary.
One can argue crazytown support is ~45% and not 50% but either way, about half the country is buying into a political party with only two policy goals: Cripple the federal government and antagonize anyone who disagrees.
Sorry, but...
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 11:39am
The 2020 election results are based on the people who voted, which is less than half of the people who could have voted, which is a subset of "the country".
Again, what polls? What methodology? Was this another landline poll, or what?
The GOP primaries and caucuses are six months away, but I get your point, you're talking about the primary polling. It's pretty clear that anybody but Trump is in the single digits in whatever polls are being made, and I don't believe there's any silent majority of mythical "rational Republicans" who are suddenly going to make their presence known. But the poll methodology matters. Who's being polled matters. If it's the usual vaguely stated "likely Republican primary voters", that's an even smaller fraction of a fraction of a fraction. Only 31 states allow voters to indicate party affiliation on their voter registration, so there's only data on about 120 million registered voters, of whom 36 million are registered as Republicans. Are the polls being done on that 36 million? Or are they just asking random people who they prefer of a given group of candidates?
I don't disagree about their intentions. I'm not so sure about the numbers.
You really
By cybah
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 11:49am
You really like just fighting with people, don't you?
Things must be pretty boring in Western Mass.
You really
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:23pm
You really like just don't care about facts, do you?
Things must be pretty stupid in your insular little cabbage patch.
Speaking of facts ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:38pm
2/3 of the electorate voted in the 2020 presidential election:
i feel you're fixating on semantics here
By berkleealum
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 10:53am
half the country are not Trump true believers, but the popular vote will continue to look like ~51% to the winner, ~47% to the loser.
Not quite
By Kaz
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 9:11am
It's around 20% (and dropping...too slowly).
In 2020, he got just under 75M votes (when given the choice between him or Biden) and that's a bit more than 20% of the total country population. The sad part is that this came close to winning the election because only about 45% of the country votes in the presidential election.
So it seems like half, but it's less than half of half. And while they may be an indicator of how some other percentage of the country *would* have voted if they'd voted, who cares. They didn't vote.
yeah, but
By berkleealum
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 10:49am
the corollary is not only obvious but equally true. i.e. who cares if true believers are just 20% of the population if half of the electorate will vote for him?
That's not "half the electorate"
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 11:41am
That's not half the electorate. That's half the people who voted.
By berkleealum
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 11:50am
i concede that the literal definition of "electorate" refers to people who are eligible to vote. can you likewise concede that unfortunate choice of words aside, the spirit of my point is clear?
If you mean...
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:24pm
...that half the people that vote will vote for him, that's tbd, but it's certainly possible. But aren't you at all concerned about self-fulfilling prophecies?
it’s difficult to take our presidential elections seriously
By berkleealum
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 7:20pm
so no i don’t really think about self fulfilling prophecies regarding 2024. it’s going to be an old white guy who likes bombing stuff.
p.s. yes, that is extremely reductive. yes, there is a massive difference between Trump and Biden as president. many things can be true.
Update your "Truth"
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 3:58pm
66.8% of eligible voters over 18 voted in the 2020 Presidential Election - that is two thirds, not half:
Repeating the 50% figure from decades past doesn't make it currently factual.
I care
By Kaz
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 2:18pm
Because the issue then becomes getting more people who aren't numbnuts to vote as opposed to changing the hearts and minds of morons. It's a more tractable problem.
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:29pm
THIS is where you can move the needle in meaningful ways. The gains are to be made among non-voters. The turnout in US elections is always distressingly low, but it was very heartening for me to see the first-time voters at polling places in 2020 (I worked as an election observer) who were there because they understood how important the election was. Someone talked to them and convinced them to show up and vote, and I would say they were uniformly glad that they did it and would become regular voters.
So much to unpack here
By cybah
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 1:13am
Good for this mother. Although I wouldnt have had much restraint and would have used this as a teaching moment for my kids (if I had any).
It's OK to get in someone's face after they've gotten into yours. And yes, it's OK to grasp at straws, including poking fun at someone's appearance. Especially if the person is rabid and clearly is in need of some mental help.. and some fashion sense with good makeup tips.
I especially liked the
By Don't Panic
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 1:30am
I especially liked the conversation that the mom who Dianna Ploss (DP did the exact same things that "Doms for Dianna" man did to her) screamed at and got in her face at the Black LIve Matter rally had with her children afterwards:
It did start an interesting conversation with my kids on the bus ride home, ten year old asked, "why didn't any of the cops standing right there protect us from her or ask her to stop?" I replied, "because she was not threatening us physically, she was not armed, and she was not using hate speech, and she was exercising her right to speak freely, which we should not take for granted." That made a big impression.
Dianna Ploss is a hypocrite as well as a Nazi.
Had a state fair experience like that
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:32pm
Woman had her kid handing out religious tracts to other kids.
My sons tried to discuss the tract with the kid handing out the tracts - listening to what their peer believed, sharing their views on it. They saw it as a sharing time.
Jacky Chick Tract lady hit the roof and started screaming at me and my boys because her kid's activity exposed her to conversation about how others see the world.
I asked where her permit was (state law thing at the state fair) while my husband got security to clarify the rules/laws that she was breaking.
Still feel sorry for her kid. Her mother is a nutjob and I hope she was able to escape.
I kinda love her troll
By handmaid
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 3:37am
While he definitely shouldn't imply he knows where she lives and he'll be over later, his D/M submissive act is likely the best response to her hate. Ridicule works!
By Luke Warmer
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 6:45am
Of attraction obviously
By John z
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 8:48am
These maga people are always hypocrites.
I hope she loses big
By lbb
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 9:37am
I hope she loses big. The Winthrop Police will have plenty of evidence to bring in the form of Ploss's own garbage human behavior. All a defense attorney should need to do is raise such an example and then ask her how the Winthrop Police should have "protected" her victims from her.
Winthrop police police are an embarrassment
By Joe Rizoli
Sat, 10/14/2023 - 5:32pm
What the Winthrop police did here was their own conspiracy to NOT protect Miss Plosses free speech…They all need to be fired..These BLM losers attacked Dianna Ploss, PHYSICALLY AND THE POLICE LET IT HAPPEN…These videos of this event plainly shows this happening…You may not like Dianna Ploss but that doesn’t mean she loses her civil rights to have her opinion and she certainly has her right not to be attacked and physically grouped by these sick Marxist morons….Again, every policeman in those videos behind her watching this should be fired…just disgusting …
Last point, who was this running mate the writer of this blog says was a “Naziâ€
Do you have proof with pictures showing this person going to any “Nazi†meetings?
You don’t…Shame on you…You just make up wild accusations of slander and defamation and get away with it..
You want Nazis, here, you got Nazis
By adamg
Sat, 10/14/2023 - 5:59pm
This is from their own video, as reported here. Look familiar to you, Joe? You know Jim Rizoli, doncha?
Ol' Hater Ploss and your bro spent July, 2022 bitching about Jews. She even made a big funny by calling it Jew-lie and ranted about Massa-Jew-setts. Don't believe me. Look at her Twitter account, which, given who now owns that site, well of course it's still up.
You and Jim really should stop being cowards and admit your Nazism. After all, Jim is Holocaust denier, (oh, is that you with the distinguished beard in that video?), in addition to being an immigrant hater.
How's the Winthrop Police Department...
By necturus
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 12:13pm
...supposed to stop somebody from following you to Washington, DC? Or anywhere else in the country that isn't Winthrop?
True, but ...
By adamg
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 2:56pm
And I say this not to defend either her or her lawyer, but I think the complaint raises that not to blame Winthrop PD directly for his actions in Washington, but to a) show that this guy was a menace and b) to show that Winthrop cops should have known that and did something more than just have the chief yell at him to knock it off. How they would have known about his past behavior is, I'm sure, something that will come up in detail should the case get to trial.
You can't (successfully) sue
By anon
Fri, 10/13/2023 - 4:18pm
You can't (successfully) sue the cops for not doing their job. That's well established.
That, and there's plenty this woman could have done to avoid these situations if she found them stressful.
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