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Two of our serial losers say they're running for president

Serial statewide and national election loser Jill Stein, whose sole electoral victories have been to get elected twice as one of 203 members of Town Meeting in Lexington, announced today she's going to give Harold Stassen another run for his money and fail to get elected president again.

Stein, who has also lost races for state representative, secretary of state and governor, joins fellow Massachusetts repeat loser Shiva Ayyadurai, who also claims to be running for president after losing races for senate and governor despite the fact that he was born in Mumbai, India, and with none of the Ted Cruz-like conditions of having American parents who just happened to be abroad at the time.

In June, Ayyadurai sued US Attorney General Merrick Garland seeking to have that ban declared unconstitutional, despite the fact that Article II of the Constitution requires a president to be a "natural-born citizen." He says the meaning of that phrase has never actually been defined in court and that the idea that a naturalized citizen like him can't run for president violates the equal-protection guarantee of the 14th Amendment.

However, his suit, which he filed himself in federal court in Washington, DC, has yet to go anywhere.

In July, Judge Tanya Chutkan (yes, the same judge overseeing the Jan. 6 case against the former president) told him that while it's his right to bring a lawsuit by himself, he needs to follow basic court rules, such as filing a copy of his complaint within 90 days with the people he's suing, in this case Garland and also the head of the DC elections board.

To date, the docket has no entries showing that he has done so.

Ayyadurai's complaint (2.8M PDF).
Judge's order (169k PDF).



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I just hope the pizzas make it to the right airport.

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Remember that Russia Today party that got Michael Flynn into all sorts of trouble and gave some of you ammunition for that whole "Russia collusion" delusion? Well, Dr. Jill Stein, who was a candidate for President at the time, was seated at the same table as Flynn at the function.

My issues with the Greens notwithstanding, Stein's flirtation with Moscow is disturbing.

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She was a Russian asset long before that dinner with Putin and long before it became fashionable in Republican circles. A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump and Putin.

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And just in case people forget.. her going to Moscow isn't fake, its fact. Here's a picture to prove it:


I really wish she would just go away. She's just doing this to split the vote.. again. I wonder if she's getting a new bathroom or kitchen from moscow in exchange for doing this nonsense again.

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She's just doing this to split the vote.. again.

Are you sure that's her intent? I don't really know anything beyond the superficial about her, so I'm wondering if she isn't just a narcissist and dense as a brick (like, um, Shiva).

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You might be right!

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just the ones that suit your existing views i guess. i suppose that’s all of us to a certain degree.

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They make me laugh, until I realize people actually believe them.

I’m guessing you trust your Stein loving gut over overwhelming evidence of her attending an event for Putin mouthpiece RT.

I’ve actually got a pretty good conspiracy theory on Russia and the 2016 election, but it makes the guy I voted for look good so it’s kind of self serving. The short is the Putin plays chess.

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let’s see if I am understanding you:

Stein is a Russian mole because she had dinner with Michael Flynn, who was central to the allegations against Trump re: Russian collusion, which btw there was no collusion to begin with and you can prove it.

got it.

mangled webs aside, I was referring to your stance on Louis DeJoy’s appointment but apparently everything is on the up and up with him because reasons lol

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If one wants Flynn locked up for going to the dinner, why was Stein's attendance fine.

As for the 2020 Election Conspiracy from the left, that the election went off without a hitch- discounting how the differing systems made counting weird- shows that conspiracies are funny until you realize that 3 years on people still take them seriously. DeJoy was appointed pre-pandemic, and his remit was to cut costs. Somehow the USPS handled the election. I mean, unless you think Trump actually won and the USPS was behind the "found" ballots.

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If one wants Flynn locked up for going to the dinner

That's not why Michael Flynn was locked up (and still would be if he hadn't been pardoned by the mob boss).

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The discovery process in the lawsuits when he sues her would be the stuff which would get passed down the generations like epic poems from the Indus Valley or some Irish bog from the 1st century BCE except much, much dumber.

I can't wait for the LaRouchites rumbling with the Greens. It would be the Iran Iraq war except with those nerds from your PoliSci classes who advocated for tax credits for the "inner city" over funding Head Start.

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And it seems we will never break the stranglehold the two party system has on the country . If you vote for A green candidate or The Libertarian candidate etc.you get scorn from straight party voters
Also, Shiva can ask Cenk Uygur to join his ticket of non eligible candidates.

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Unless the entire country switched to ranked choice voting (or runoffs), a two party system is preferable.

You want people elected with majority support. Having someone take office who only won 35% is even worse as it raises the chances of an unpopular extremists taking office. "Sending a message" voting is pointless when the people who take office have policies that are in total opposition to what you really want.

As for Stein, while environmental issues are my #1 concern, there's too much evidence of support they've gotten from Russia for me to ever consider, 3rd party problems aside.

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But if the two parties we have don't change soon....anything will be better.
The extreme wings of each party seems to set the agenda.

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Who’s in the extremist wing in the democratic party setting the agenda… Schumer? Biden? I wish more leftish people like AOC were “setting the agenda”, but that’s just not the case.

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The sound of one hand smacking its owner in the face? Or a bot being coy?

If you've got something to say, say it.

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Are you once again confused with who you’re responding to?

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I'm not confused and you have just demonstrated once more that you're an unimaginative troll.

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And therefore I’m wrong and a bot. That about sums up our conversation, correct?

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Will never be convinced an extreme exists on THEIR side.

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There are people on the far left advocating the government to take over entire industries, to keep all earnings beyond a certain amount, have the government provide rent-free housing to all those who want it, abolish the police as we know it, etc.

These people aren't winning elections. They can rarely get enough signatures to appear on the ballot. They don't consider themselves democrats.

On the right there are people advocating firing all or most federal workers, making Christianity the state religion, abolishing worker unions, disregarding elections when needed, expelling all non-citizens, eliminating all social spending, etc. Not only are these people winning elections, they are getting into the upper reaches of the federal government. They are OK with the republican label.

Big difference.

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But you said:

The extreme wings of each party seems to set the agenda.

So who in the "extreme wing" of the democratic party is setting an agenda? I'm curious what you think is extreme.

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The Democrats don't really have an extreme left caucus, closest we come is the Progressives. I would say even the Dems are acting a bit neo liberal right now in censuring Rashida Tlaib for her tweets.(I believe 22 Dems voted for censure)

But if we are talking about extremes, it is clearly the GQP, Freedom Caucus edition. If Matt Gaetz alone can force a new speaker, we are in deep doo doo.

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The extreme wings of each party seems to set the agenda.

I suppose at a superficial glance (meaning only reading the summarized soundbites of the James Carvilles of the world as reported by the New York Times), you might actually be foolish enough to think that's the case of the Democratic Party.

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Although I suppose to a Republican, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are on the extreme left.

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should consider trying to run for some elected position somewhere lower down the list than President? Do that for long enough to show that you actually know what you're doing and have some good ideas, and then work your way up the chain, maybe try and build an actual party base and supporters, etc, as opposed to just throwing yourself out there for a statewide or national position and then complaining about the two-party system when no one wants to vote for the person with no political experience?

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Too much like work.

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She has an impressive run of failing spectacularly at attempts to win lower offices.

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And it seems we will never break the stranglehold the two party system has on the country

With winner-take-all elections? Nope. With ranked choice voting? Very doable.

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Now that Magoo has been elected to the city council, Magoo is going to put aside Magoo’s presidential ambitions. Magoo.

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If only Adam would put aside Magoo.

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You’d register for a ‘free’ account

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In her announcement that she is running, Stein said both major parties are "bought and paid for".
Question- Who bought and paid for your trip to Russia to have dinner with the psychopathic murderer Putin?

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If you try long and hard enough, eventually you can win.

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She has no interest in winning. Her handlers want her to just siphon votes away from Biden.

Between her and CrazyKennedy... siphon enough votes away that either orange fck face wins again or it will be too close to call on election night.

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The BernieBros who somehow thought they'd buck the system by voting for Trump to punish Clinton.

Nice job, dipshits. You got a person who was the polar opposite of Sanders on absolutely everything. If you liked Bernie's goals, why support someone with the exact opposite stance? Just for yuks, right?

Same with Stein. It's the, "If I can't have iced cream, set the house on fire" mentality.

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I remember the conversations with the BernieBros about all of this. And they were so adamant about voting for him, they didn't care that TFG might actually win.

I like the idea of third parties, but in reality in the past few elections, they have done us no favors.

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I remember the conversations with the BernieBros about all of this.

Question for you: do you need two hands to count the number of such conversations? How about the number of "the BernieBros"?

I like the idea of third parties, but in reality in the past few elections, they have done us no favors.

There are structural reasons for this. It's a shame that people like you who tsk-tsk about the childish futility of third parties aren't doing anything to change this.

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...tsk-tsk about the childish futility of third parties aren't doing anything to change this.

Some of us tried very hard to get Question #2 (Ranked Choice Voting) passed in Massachusetts in 2020. That's the best solution to the "not enough choices" problem.

If the US had a coalition government, we wouldn't need two parties with primaries acting as a crude method of coalescing majority support.

I'd be all in favor of prohibiting political parties entirely so everyone runs as a independent. But that's even more far fetched than Jill Stein winning a majority.

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oh I think I found a BernieBro.

Question for you: do you need two hands to count the number of such conversations? How about the number of "the BernieBros"?

No I don't. I've been using an ACT! Database to keep track of all these folks, there's been so many I lost count, nor have enough fingers, toes, and other appendages to count on.

There are structural reasons for this. It's a shame that people like you who tsk-tsk about the childish futility of third parties aren't doing anything to change this.

So what am I supposed to do about it? Email Liz Warren? LOL

You really like poking the bear and arguing with people. Boy I wish I had this much free time at work during the day. (I am on the shtter replying rn, which is about the only time I can while at work these days)

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oh I think I found a BernieBro.

oh I think I found a simpleton incapable of understanding nuance. I held my nose and voted for Hillary, son. Much good that did.

So what am I supposed to do about it? Email Liz Warren? LOL

Get your self-righteous ass out there and work for RCV?

"Email Liz Warren", wow, that is next level dense.

You really like poking the bear and arguing with people.

I do? You're the one who went off on a tear about "BernieBros" who, by your own admission, could apparently fit into your luxury apartment and leave room for the Harvard Young Republicans. Look in the mirror for once, BRO.

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Good god, shut up.

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Now there's a witty comeback

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I've never seen any evidence that they existed outside of the feverishly angry minds of psychotic neoliberal Hillfans.

Please supply evidence - and note that an independent who voted third party or for Trump is not necessarily someone who would have otherwise voted for Clinton.

Statistics, please.

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an independent who voted third party or for Trump is not necessarily someone who would have otherwise voted for Clinton

This gets overlooked all the time. This isn't Australia; people aren't compelled to vote, and if they don't see what they want on the ballot, they're more likely to stay home than vote against -- with notable exceptions, and I don't credit the historical revisionists who say they knew all along exactly what Trump would do and how much he would get away with, and that therefore it should have been obvious to everyone that they absolutely had to get out there and vote for Clinton. I did it, but I have a different perspective from most of the electorate. And, honestly, I'm pretty sure a Clinton administration would have been a nightmare too -- a different kind of nightmare, but Trumpism was a perfect storm with many more factors and players than Donald Trump himself. Those would have been very much with us during a Clinton administration, but with a heightened awareness of the potential for the hellish coalition that supported Trump and a president that they had already trained people to hate.

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Her handlers want her to just siphon votes away from Biden.

Who are her handlers? I'd love to see the line drawn between her and whoever is supposedly pulling her strings. Personally, I think it's equally likely that she's a delusional patsy with a lot of staying power (but then, so is Trump).

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If you try long and hard enough

Try what hard enough and hard enough, exactly?

eventually you can win

And a meteor made of solid platinum may land on your lawn, but the smart money's betting against it.

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I know I did in the general election.

She might have been been better than Romney or Ms. Tattoo O'Brien.

To think we could have had Robert Reich as governor, but for Dem primary voters

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Why throw your vote away on a third party?

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Like the aforementioned 2002 governor's race, or the 2016 presidential race between the King of Chaos and the Queen of Warmongers?

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