Needless to say, the bride to be and her fiancee are not real happy with the USPS, WCVB reports.
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Ad:Needless to say, the bride to be and her fiancee are not real happy with the USPS, WCVB reports.
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Anecdotally, I used to always
By _Sean
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 12:24am
Anecdotally, I used to always get mail from family & friends a few states away within 2-3 days until covid. Now it can take as long as 10 days. It's hard not to think the postal service is going backward, both in reliability & speed.
From October 2021
By WalkingTheDog
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 7:07am
It's part of the plan to cut costs at USPS.
"Cut costs"
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 11:07am
Meaning "disassemble automated sorting equipment ahead of a pandemic election".
Yeah. That.
An election 2020 conspiracy theory?
By Waquiot
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 3:17pm
It definitely happened
By fungwah
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 4:02pm
But I suppose as with a lot of things with the Trump administration, you could argue whether its malice or just plain incompetence.
Conspiracy, yes
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 8:41pm
Theory, no.
By Waquiot
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:04pm
The same article quoted the Trump appointed Postmaster General as saying they USPS had the resources to handle mail in voting.
Whatever happened in the end with the 2020 election?
By berkleealum
Sat, 11/04/2023 - 9:21am
the most generous reading of that statement is that it was in DeJoy’s interest to avoid even the appearance of impropriety given the scrutiny around his appointment in the first place.
they were too inept to carry out the plan, so no harm no foul? wtf?
Attempted election interference, what even is that?
By fungwah
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 8:24am
Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry?
Um, really?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 11/04/2023 - 4:03pm
The postmaster was in on the con, dear.
How much did you lose in crypto? Just asking ...
I stay away from crypto
By Waquiot
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 10:38pm
Just like all of the 2020 election conspiracies, I find it very, very sketch.
This level of incompetence begs the question
By Snoofy
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 7:26am
Maybe we have a copycat?
Not incompetence
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 11:08am
This isn't incompetence. This is deliberate fucking over of the USPS by Louis DeJoy.
Look up the sordid history - it started with Trump's attempt to steal the election and has also taken on a dimension of OMG BIG GOBERMUNT! that is hilarious considering how many red state spaces rely on it.
Hello …
By Ari O
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 8:25am
… Newman
Did she have any interaction with a postal employee?
By Whit
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 9:47am
Once, I had a package that got "lost" after an unpleasant interaction with the mentally ill guy at the counter.
I've had good luck with USPS
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:39am
I've found most of the workers at the counter to be pleasant and competent. In contrast, I've seen plenty of customers who are rude or otherwise difficult. Dealing with them would wear me thin.
It seems like the post office is woefully understaffed in this area. Until the pay and benefits make the jobs more attractive than anything else people can be doing, mail delivery will remain unreliable.
this reminds me
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 11:15am
Years ago, in Allston, we were having problems with our mail going missing, so I went to complain to the Allston post office.
The manager was angry and yelling at me and said, and I quote directly, "It's not the letter carrier's job to figure out which mail goes in which mailbox."
That's. Their. Entire. Job.
JFK Branch
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 11:51am
Speaking of very questionable postal employees, the one post office I have continuous trouble with is the JFK branch across the street from the Brooke Courthouse. It appears to operate as a rogue post office with it's own rules and no oversight. On several occasions when I was there the counter was left completely unattended for ten or more minutes at a time (I left after ten minutes) while the line of customers grew and grew. On other occasions I have experienced a ten minute wait while the woman who works there (her attitude is unbelievable) futzes at her window with no intention of helping anyone. When called on this she says "welcome to JFK" as if that is simply how they operate with impunity. Other times they have to go to the back and seemingly search all over the building for stamps. Who ever heard of a post office without stamps? Again I got the response "welcome to JFK".
Her First
By Spud
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 9:52am
Her first mistake was going to the Roslindale Post Office. I avoid that place after getting screamed at by the lady behind the counter who was angry about something and decided to take it out on the customers. I hope they are able to resolve this issue and figure out where her other 82 invitations went.
By JohnAKeith
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:23am
It's obvious she's lying. When has this happened in the 247 year history of the US Postal Service.
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:33am
What's more likely is that she has 82 "friends" who don't have the heart to tell the couple they don't want to attend the wedding so instead just said they never got the invitation.
My buddy the carrier
By Will LaTulippe
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:52am
Says he works 12-hour days because they're so short-staffed in Claremont, NH. Gold in those hills, folks.
By cybah
Sat, 11/04/2023 - 7:40pm
Claremont.. haha
Mont, not Mount
By Will LaTulippe
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 10:20am
But I like your thinking, Butt-Head.
haha no
By cybah
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 5:42pm
not that.
I am from Claremont, NH.
You might know the Fontaines, then
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 11/06/2023 - 10:04am
Scot is a longtime friend.
A Postal Service spokesperson
By Rob
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 11:24am
True, but...
She should ask her 85 friends if any of them has USPS Informed Delivery. You get email each day scanned images of some of the envelopes expected to be delivered that day or the next. If any does, they could look back at their emails from the week/ten days after she mailed the envelopes and see if they showed up in there.
It wouldn't necessarily establish anything conclusive, but it might establish how far they did get, and maybe establish a pattern for what did and didn't get delivered.
Informed Decrepitude
By Pissed-Off Post...
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 12:25pm
Mostly what USPS Informed Delivery does for me is raise my (already high) blood pressure when I see how many items got scanned by them (which means they must have arrived at a USPS sorting/scanning center) but somehow never got delivered to me at all. Despite my paying hundreds of dollars a year to them (rate skyrocketing every year) for a medium-sized PO Box, so they don't even have to deliver it to my door, only to the local Post Office. But they can't even manage that.
Does that still exist?
By perruptor
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 7:49pm
I used to have informed delivery, and it worked as advertised. Then, it just stopped. I assumed that deJoy ended it, as part of his plan to make the USPS useless. The guy owns stock in UPS and other competitors of the Post Office. Why is he still there?
Because hedging
By Will LaTulippe
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:11pm
If the government really wanted to not have private mail and parcel delivery, they wouldn't. He gets his government nut from things he can control; if things go south, he's set to make a few dollars as private entities pick up the slack.
Hate the game.
Informed Delivery
By Ron Newman
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 10:14pm
I get an email every day, unless there is no mail coming that day.
The spirit of postal dysfunction moves on
By Daan
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 12:51pm
In the mid-2000 teens the JP post office was the most complained about Federal agency in the area according to Rep. Lynch's office. I learned that when three change of address requests all failed to be put into effect. When mail was simply not delivered and when mail addressed to a different street kept coming back to my home, despite putting on the mail circles, stars and even words indicating the correct street.
It took complains to the Congressperson's office as well as the main complaint line to get whatever was at the root of this mess to finally be corrected.
82 pieces of mail lost deserves more than just a, "We don't know what happened" Alfred E. Newman, "What, you think I should do something about this?"
The US postal system is actually pretty darn good at managing an amazingly complex system. But when there is a big failure then it makes sense to borrow some folks from another PO to at least look around the Roslindale PO to see if the mail was dropped into some bin and effectively forgotten. This sounds crazy but it's no crazier than somehow 82 pieces of mail just disappearing.
Asking Congressperson's Lynch's office to get involved might help resolve the matter.
The issue here is outbound mail
By burzmali
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 6:58pm
It's easy to see how inbound mail might go missing, a single mail carrier handles hundreds of pieces of mail a day. Outbound though, that's tricky, it'd pretty much have to get lost between the drop off and the local sorting center.
Some DBCS sorting machines,
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 1:10pm
They're very large, complex machines, were disassembled because letter mail volume is dropping. There's still a lot of them in huge facilities like the GMF by Fort Point Channel behind South Station. There's also multiple other huge sorting machines, robots, etc. This facility handles daily a massive amount of mail, packages. It's a very sophisticated, complete operation.
I smell bullshit
By perruptor
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 5:57am
A lot of those machines were ordered dismantled as a part of deJoy's plan to deliberately slow down the mail. He abandoned the existing delivery-time goals, claiming that it would save money to deliver more slowly. The slowing has happened, but rates continue to go up. This was intended to make UPS and other private carriers, which deJoy owns stock in, to look better when compared to the Post Office. Beyond his fealty to Trump, he has a clear conflict of interest, and should never have been put in charge of the USPS. He's done real harm to a public institution that was the envy of the world. If that isn't a crime, it ought to be.
This is false
By cybah
Sun, 11/05/2023 - 5:52pm
I wish people would stop pushing this nonsense. Look I love a good Trump Evil Do'er like the rest of us. But DeJoy isn't it.
Many of the machines and mailboxes were already scheduled to be taken out long before he ever got there. It was apart of a larger program to streamline the service. He just kept with it.
In fact, Dejoy is making the post office BETTER. He's on board with reforms that the BIDEN administration wants (and this is why there's not been any discussion trying to get DeJoy to leave)
Further more as a conflict of interest.. maybe. But he's divested himself from his last company and really has no say.
Read that time link above, your opinion might change about him. At the end of the day he's a logistics guy who has real world experience that the post office might actual need. But since his name is associated with Trump.. people think overwise.
Look, not a huge fan of DeJoy but let's call a spade a spade when its rightfully due. This isn't it.
By perruptor
Mon, 11/06/2023 - 12:16am
Here's some falsehoods:
Many people, including Elzabeth Warren, are on record decrying the damage deJoy has done. I have seen a definite decline in service since his appointment, as have others.
Is that a joke? Since Trump left office, lots of people have been trying to get deJoy out. He's done no good, and a ton of harm. Get real.
You didn't read, did you?
By cybah
Mon, 11/06/2023 - 8:12am
Because its obvious that you did not. Read the articles I posted, because the questions you ask are answered above.
Please name names of people who have said this in the past year. And provide articles. People clamouring 2 years ago doesn't count. Try today. You won't find anyone.
I'm sorry my facts rain on your sht parade that everyone loves to do on DeJoy.
By lbb
Mon, 11/06/2023 - 2:29pm DeJoy your uncle or something?
Why would I?
By perruptor
Thu, 11/09/2023 - 6:58am
I don't rely on Time magazine or on the Business section of the Post for unbiased reporting on corporatist agents. My father subscribed to Time, and I read every issue for many years. They have not changed. Name any topic, and if there's a pro-business side to the story, that's what Time's bias will be toward. Same for most newspaper Business sections. DeJoy wants to privatize USPS, and he has a conflict of interest because of the delivery companies he owns stock in.
Why not? Because it's inconvenient for your defense of the guy? I reject your new goalposts. But just for the record, how about last month?
There are almost a million signatures on the petition.
There are some more names in this article from less than a year ago: More calls for postmaster general to be fired as USPS expands electric fleet
Here are some other recent criticisms of deJoy's management of the Post Office:
Mass. postal workers rally to protest cuts, warn of moves to privatize
Vermont’s congressional delegation urges top US postal officials to address statewide mail delays
This has nothing to do
By anon
Fri, 11/03/2023 - 3:07pm
with the master keys the Post Office always are claiming to be stolen.
The technical term is "direct
By anon
Sat, 11/04/2023 - 11:23am
The technical term is "direct to dumpster" mailing.
When it absolutely,
By anon
Sat, 11/04/2023 - 1:42pm
When it absolutely, positively doesn't need to get there.