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Dorchester man held Grindr hookup hostage until he paid his way out, DA charges

A Dorchester man was ordered held in lieu of $1,000 bail after his arraignment on kidnapping and unarmed-robbery charges related to a hookup he allegedly arranged via Grindr, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

According to the DA's office, Anthony Brimage, 28, connected with another man on the LGBTQ-focused app, and the man agreed to meet Brimage at his apartment on Neponset Avenue in Dorchester early on Friday:

Upon arrival, Brimage told the victim he needed to send him money if he wanted to have sex. The victim refused to send him any money and Brimage immediately cornered him and pinned him against the wall. The victim said Brimage became aggressive and yelled for the victim to send him $50 via Apple Pay. The victim ultimately sent $50 out of fear and began begging Brimage to let him leave.

Brimage then said "if you can send me $50, you must have money, so send me another $50." When the victim told him he did not have any more money, Brimage called his roommate into the bedroom. The victim sent another $50 via Apple Pay. The victim was ultimately allowed to leave. He refused to seek any medical treatment.

According to the DA's office, Boston police officers found the victim walking down Neponset Avenue shortly after 2 a.m. After hearing his story:

Officers went to speak to Brimage, who initially refused to open the door. Brimage told officers he and the victim had been communicating on Grindr for a few months and agreed to meet at his apartment. Brimage said after an hour, the victim randomly wanted to send him $50 for "weed and lunch." Brimage gave the victim his roommate's number to send the money due to not having his own Apple Pay account. Brimage said the victim wanted to engage in sexual intercourse since he sent him money but Brimage refused. The victim then sent him another $50 "just because" and they got into an argument which caused his roommate to check on them.

Officers then spoke to Brimage's roommate who said Brimage and the victim were together for about 25 minutes when he was called into the room to provide his cellphone number for Apple Pay transactions. The roommate then heard Brimage and the victim arguing and he advised the victim to leave. Once the victim left, Brimage began panicking and stated to him "I think he called the police."

The DA's office says officers confirmed two payments from the victim's phone, one at 1:49 a.m., the next at 1:57 a.m.

Brimage was arraigned Friday in Dorchester Municipal Court, the DA's office reports.

Innocent, etc.

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Seems like he makes a habit of it? The dates line up for this to be the same guy:


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He was also wanted on "an outstanding warrant out of Holyoke for shoplifting," so that would get him located a bit closer to Springfield (didn't include that in my post because, well, shoplifting).

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That's three strikes if it is.

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Why wouldn't he, you dumb (expletive)? Did you rob the guy because you thought his homosexuality wasn't open, and that it was a cudgel that you could use against him?

Good on the victim for being real. But next time, fella, meet the guy for a pint first.

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"meet the fella for a pint first" = blaming the victim. Hooking up happens; people shouldn't have to worry about violence.

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WILD take. Crime and violence suck. Particularly when someone is targeted due to their race, sexuality, gender, etc. unfortunately human history makes it pretty clear it’s here to stay.

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Not to get into stranger's cars. That applies to houses too.

I don't blame victims for sport.

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Ah yes, the ultimate test to determine if someone was going to hold you hostage later.

Some people wait until there alone with a woman before they get creepy.

"I know it's platonic, but I gotta try!"

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This is why meeting strangers off the internet and going to their house directly is such a bad idea these days. Too many crazies, too much that can happen.

I don't use Grindr as this guy did b/c I think its just plain old awful and the people there are even worse. But its amazing at how many guys on other apps get flustered that you want to meet them at the local Dunks for a vibe check before going back to do the nasty. Not that it matters too much, its a hook up, but I've lost people b/c I won't invite them directly over.

Sorry folks, after working at manhunt for many years in Customer Service and answering these calls (I was a supervisor) from irate customers who call and beg us to do something have ruined the desire to hook up. Our reply was always the same "Don't call us, call police. And if PD wants information, they can submit a subpoena" . As painful as it is not to help, we had to do this. I remember so many calls I took like this...

Like I said, this has been going on for a very long time and even back then. Here's a clip of when Manhunt was on America's Most Wanted for a missing persons case in 2005. (I managed to clip this when it aired). Sad that I don't think this person was ever found.

Workin there killed my ability for anon hook ups. Now I won't meet for that unless we can meet for coffee. Then again, ask me the last time I had any sort of action...

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A bad idea "these days?" It was always a bad idea.

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Your comment sounds high and mighty. If you reach your 60s or 70s, are still feeling lonely, because, well why? Because at that age today there is high probability that you grew up on a family where it was better to be dead than gay, or at least just disappear. Where you live with a hole in the soul that is a struggle to fill, even with therapy, 12 Step groups and any other claims to mental health, then by all means pontificate to the extreme.

I agree that anonymous hookups are the least desirable ways of igniting a long term relationship. But even today they are the most prominent way to ignite that fire. Better than bars where consuming alcohol leads to even worse. But today that remains one of the major ways of gay men meeting other gay men with the overt and explicit hope of finding the spark of "love."

Maybe someday that will change. Into what that changes is tbd.

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Save it for someone who cares because I don't.

Seriously.. "high and mighty", says someone who just gave someone they don't know in real life an armchair psychology 101 evaluation. This says far more about you than me.

Rule #1 of arguing online - Don't take things personal and Don't attack personal character.

You've done both. Now take your opinion and fold it four corners......

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I was not personal in my criticism of your comment. It is your comment and opinion i this public discussion that I disagree with. But you were not attacked.

I will offer some quotes that I believe are worth returing:

"Rule #1 of arguing online - Don't take things personal and Don't attack personal character."

Especially right after a statement that says, "This says far more about you than me."

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It dawned on me on the commute home who this was.

You seem to have some beef with me for reasons that I don't care to learn about. Regardless, you seem to want to come @ me so bad, every single time I post.

So you know what. Fine. You can "win" and feel the satisfaction of knowing you booted a 20 year veteran off this site for good.

Hey Uhubbers. I'm done. I refuse to come to a website where I will be stalked by some weirdo who has some unknown beef with me. This website isn't that important to me.

I see why alot of long term members have left or seldom post anymore. Who would want to stay for this?

See ya in the weeds folks.

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I enjoy your posts. This user certainly touched a nerve. I hope you return after you've settled down a bit.

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You gonna let some (expletive) who hides behind a handle bully you, Cybah? This is Boston. Tell him to (expletive).

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I was not personal in my criticism of your comment.

Wow. You call someone "babycakes" and then have the crust to pretend it didn't happen?

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I don't know what happened.

The alleged victim was able to leave, wasn't he?

Incidentally, breach of an illegal contract to provide sexual services is not a crime. One possibility.

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Grindr isn't a prostitution site and there was no contract to provide sexual services.

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You live in an innocent world.

And you know this guy was a victim, there was no long engagement and offers to be Sugar Daddy etc?

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I don't know what happened.

And to think, you could have stopped right there. Instead, you had to pull this out of your ass:

an illegal contract to provide sexual services

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Was able to leave... After being pinned against a wall and required to fork over $100... which is also called kidnapping.

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You'd think that after being embarrassed on other cases, people here would be less credulous about "victim" claims.

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... what many here think you should do with your transphobia and homophobia.

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He didn't say anything about there being an agreement to exchange money for sex. He said the first $50 was for "weed and lunch" and the second $50 was "just because." If it was all negotiated on Grindr -- a hookup or money for sex -- there would be a record of the conversation or negotiation, too.

The only claim about "money for sex" was made by the victim who said the perp demanded it but the victim refused. So there was never a contract to breach.

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But did they go to jail for this?

And yeah.. seems to be a re-occurring thing. People just do not learn. Time to let him rot longer in jail.

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You lost me at "LGBTQ+" app, lol.

While all are welcomed (it advertises itself as "the leading social network app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people") I think there's no harm describing it as an app, "for men who want to hook up with other men .. and others."

Sorry for co-opting the post.

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