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The heat must be making people forget how to drive in rotaries; yes, it's even worse than you think

There are places to be courteous and let someone in ahead of you, but a Boston rotary is not one of them. A really peeved roving UHub driver from Roslindale is worried somebody's going to get killed if people don't stop stopping in the middle of a rotary to let somebody else into the flow of traffic (reminder for outatownas: People already in a rotary have the right of way):

Several times in the past week there have been drivers (maybe the same small brown car a few times) who come to a complete stop as if to let drivers enter the rotary.

Someone needs to clue these people in that this is not NJ.

They almost caused terrible accidents at least 3 times in the past week.

I live in Roslindale, across the Parkway from Bellevue Hill, and I drive these parkways almost daily, and usually go safely around however many rotaries, waiting my turn to enter, etc.

I called our local precinct non-emergency number and the officer said I should call the state troopers because DCR. The officer was very polite and sympathetic, and said he would bring it to DCR’s attention. Maybe DCR can make bigger signs or something. I love our beautiful rotaries with their beautiful plantings, so I hate the idea of bigger signs, but this new person or persons are scaring me. Jeesh!



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Roslindale busybodies at it again.

It’s a public safety issue



Way too many drivers don't understand what 'yield' means. Getting a license to driver here is far easier than it should be.