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Hudson restaurant closed today due to threats over the Nazi re-enactors who had dinner there over the weekend

Kith and Kin in Hudson announced today:

After last night's news airings, our restaurant has been the target of increased harassment and threats.

Therefore, for the safety of our staff, we will unfortunately be closed today, Tuesday, October 15.

On Saturday, after a local museum held its annual reenactment of a European World War II battle, several participants, still dressed in costume - including two in German uniforms - went to the restaurant, where they had dinner reservations.

As word spread online - one patron posted that on seeing Nazis sit down to dinner, he walked out - the restaurant apologized and said it should have insisted on the "Germans" changing their uniforms.

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I read those threads in the previous post on this subject. What a bunch of sanctimonious twats! I guess it's the new home of Cancel Culture.

When you become the thing you object to being signified, like the Internet Tuff Guy who said he would punch them out in the previous thread.


Fed by Bluesky?

I know this might interfere with your enjoyment of your state of high dudgeon, but please, do reveal your source.

Are we under the impression that the threats came because the Nazi cosplayers were seated, and not because the restaurant apologized for seating them?

If they'd been in British, French, Italian, or even Soviet uniform, few people would have taken notice. But Wehrmacht uniforms with the eagle and swastika logo, almost everybody knows -- the bad guys wear them in every World War II movie.

The Chilean army today still parades with similar uniforms, including the iconic German Stahlhelm steel helmet, even goose-stepping to the very same marches the Germans played. There are no swastikas, but watching the Chileans, you'd be forgiven if you thought you were in Berlin in 1939.

In fairness to Chile, those are all traditions they adopted from the Prussians and Imperial Germany well before the Nazis came to power.

Brown Shirts have quietly taken over part of the city with little media coverage.



this is brand new information /s

Sent from berkleealum’s Jetta

Springtime for hudson.

Maybe we shouldn't throw that term around so much here.

If you believe in the concept (I don't) this incident would fit into the parameters which have been set.

Maybe we shouldn't throw that term around so much here.

Maybe "we" should be less dismissive of concepts that are beyond our grasp.

The sound of your ax grinding is really impossible not to notice.

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Nobody's calling two guys in Wehrmacht uniforms stochastic terrorism, because that's not what that phrase means.

A deranged presidential candidate using Nazi phraseology to demonize people who don't support him, knowing from experience that could lead to mass murder in a country full of high powered weaponry? That's what that phrase means.


I'm not talking about the reenactors as stochastic terrorism, of course, and you know that.

I'm talking about the framing of them- "at the end of Yom Kippur" and the sanctimonious critical publicity on Bluesky as "stochastic terrorism."



In which you assert that truthful or critical commentary on events is "stochastic terrorism" because it excites rando kooks to call in bomb threats.

We had commenters here threatening to punch the reenactors out - maybe they called in the threats.

Again, I don't believe in the concept, it's a propaganda term, but want to point out the hypocrisy.

the real victim of the rising undercurrent of fascism in the United States: the guy who is just asking questions

a moment of silence please


The proximity to the High Holidays gives me pause, but these are historical re-enactors and we are rational, we are strong. Heartache to heartache we stand.

Were there any survivors present? If so, I’m sure a family member from that table would say something and the Axis re-enactors would have very graciously turned their shirts, or blouses inside out.

Beware the dominant paradigm. That is to say, is this a matter of sensitivity, or intolerance and the desire to control others?


Also, there are actual swastikas being plastered in animus by bad actors around Harvard Square.

How does that happen? The whole thing seems like bait.

A true historical reenactment would understand context. Also, these costumes are expensive. It seems Suss that they would eat and drink without changing.


You're assuming that a survivor or their family member would be comfortable approaching a group of men in Nazi uniforms, and asking them to please take off their insignia.

Not everyone is comfortable asking men who walk into a restaurant in Nazi uniform "please take that off, it's upsetting to my Holocaust-survivor mother." Because not all of us believe that someone in that uniform is neither an actual Nazi, nor someone who thinks it's fun to "trigger" people by dressing up that way.

The restaurant staff felt the same way and would rather just hope they eat and leave quickly instead of confronting someone.

Telling someone they need to leave is a fraught conversation, especially if they are part of a group that might make a scene.

It's a sucky position to be in. I fault the actors, not the management of the establishment.

to cosplay it on weekends not be aware of the impact of wearing Nazi uniforms out in public, especially at a moment when the Gibbering Orange Baboon is echoing Nazi hate speech and racist tropes? Did you see the cult boat parade a few days ago flying Nazi flags?

Spare me the notion that the restaurant and other patrons are overreacting.

The restaurant suffers while the idiots who wore their outfits to the restaurant go on with their lives.

To be clear, the reenactors should not be facing threats. They definitely deserve criticism.